Metallothionein and other cadmium-binding proteins - American

Apr 21, 1989 - The MT gene appears to be expressed veryearly in mammalian development as MT. mRNA has been detected in mouse endodermal yolk sacs...
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(hernial Research"·! JULY/AUGUST 1990 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 4

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1990 by the American Chemical Society

Perspective Metallothionein and Other Cadmium-Binding Proteins: Recent Developments Michael P. Waalkes* *-1 and Peter L. Goering1 Inorganic Carcinogenesis Section, Laboratory of Comparative Carcinogenesis, Division of Cancer Etiology, National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research Facility, Frederick, Maryland 21701, and Division of Life Sciences, Office of Science and Technology, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, 12709 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, Maryland 20857 Received


21, 1989

II. Metallothionein—Background and

I. Introduction Cadmium (Cd) is




extremely toxic element of

because environmental levels have risen

steadily with continued worldwide industrialization. This heavy metal can cause a remarkable diversity of toxic effects including carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, and endocrine and reproductive damage. Like most metals, Cd is not biotransformed, and hence biologic tolerance must therefore be of a different nature than breakdown into less toxic or more readily excreted products. In fact, most unbound metals are potentially toxic. However, the essentially of many metals, which are frequently available only in trace amounts, created the need for homeostatic mechanisms within biological systems to transport and store these metals in a nontoxic form. Such transport and storage moieties are frequently proteins. Although Cd is not essential for growth and development, at least in mammalian systems, it does, when presented to a biological system, follow the pathways of the essential elements zinc (Zn) and to a lesser extent copper (Cu). Hence Cd will be found in association with proteins whose functions are probably involved with essential trace element metabolism. Metallothionein (MT) is certainly the most well-known of such proteins and has essentially been used as the standard for which to compare other Cdbinding proteins. * *

Frederick Cancer Research Facility. Food and Drug Administration.

Physiological Roles


The protein most frequently associated with cadmium exposure is MT. Since it was first detected by Margoshes and Vallee in the late 1950s as a Cd-binding protein from equine renal cortex (1), MT has proven to be of interest to a variety of scientists including toxicologists, biochemists, physical chemists, nutritionists, physiologists, and more recently, molecular biologists. What follows is in part

distillation of an enormous amount of work on this remarkable protein, and the interested reader is referred to several valuable reviews for a more extensive treatment of this background material (2-6). MTs are a class of low molecular weight, metal-binding proteins found in a variety of prokaryotes and eukaryotes (2-4). As their name implies, MTs contain numerous cysteinyl thiol groups, a characteristic that allows for their high-affinity binding of several metals including Cd and Zn. Typically, some of the highest concentrations of MT are found in the liver of the mature animal after metal exposure (7, 8) or of perinatal animals (2, 5, 9,10). The pancreas and the kidney are also tissues that contain a high amount of MT following Zn or Cd exposure (7, 8). MT synthesis is highly inducible by metals, especially Cd and Zn (2-5, 7,8,11). MTs are also induced by other agents, such as hormones, pharmaceuticals, alcohols, cytokines, and other diverse chemical and physical treatments (12; see Table I). These include ethanol (13), acetaminophen (14), urethane (15), formaldehyde (16), estradiol (17), a

This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 1990 by the American Chemical Society


Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

Table I. Treatments That Induce Metallothionein Synthesis0 metals: Cd, Zn, Mg, Cu, etc.


alkylating agents azacytidine butyric acid carbon tetrachloride carrageenan

chloroform dextran bis(ethylhexyl)phthalate endotoxin estradiol ethanol ethionine 0

Modified from ref

Waalkes and Goering

Table II. Criteria for Classification

formaldehyde 2-propanol glucocorticoids catecholamines

interleukin I interferon food deprivation hypothermia infection inflammation X irradiation UV irradiation elevated oxygen tension


ethionine (78), and D-penicillamine (19), several of which act as cytotoxic hepatoxins. The biological half-lives of MTs generally range from 1 to 4 days depending on the type of metal bound (2,3,5). MTs have been characterized from a wide variety of mammalian and nonmammalian sources (2-5,20,21), including striped dolphin kidney (22), dogfish (23), rhesus monkey (24), and guinea pig (25) liver


The physiological function of MTs may be related to Zn and Cu homeostasis, and the highest tissue concentrations of these proteins occur during periods of high Zn demand such as the perinatal period (26) or during tissue regeneration such as after partial hepatectomy (27). It is thought that MT supplies Zn within rapidly growing tissues (2,26). Zn is an element essential for various aspects of cell division including DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis (26). MT levels are very high at birth in various tissues (2, 9,10, 26) and then decay rapidly during postpartum growth and development. The MT gene appears to be expressed very early in mammalian development as MT mRNA has been detected in mouse endodermal yolk sacs (28). Clough et al. (29) recently observed that MT levels in human fetal liver correlate well with Zn levels and gestational age, reinforcing the concept that MT functions physiologically as a Zn storage depot particularly during periods of rapid growth. Such a function may not apply, however, during rapid growth associated with malignancy, as it has been shown that relatively low MT levels occur in the malignant portions versus the surrounding areas of surgically resected human livers (30), although levels in normal liver were not determined. This may well depend on the tumor type, however, as elevated MT expression has been detected in several tumors of nonhepatic origin such as thyroid tumors (31), testicular embryonal carcinomas (32), and skin papillomas (33). MT is also elevated during regenerative proliferation induced after chronic exposure to the hepatotoxins and tumor promoters acetaminophen and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (34). Tumor promoters that induce cellular enlargement (barbiturates), and not cellular hyperplasia, do not elevate hepatic MT, indicating a relationship to the enhancement of cell turnover (34). Likewise, the tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) enhances MT mRNA expression (33). The role of MT in tumor cell pathobiology will require further definition. The potential role of MT as an active donor of Zn and Cu to other sites within the cell has recently been reviewed (20). In support of this hypothesis, various apoenzymes which require Zn and/or Cu as cofactors, such as carbonic anhydrase, alkaline phosphatase, and superoxide dismutase, have been reactivated in vitro after incubation with Zn- and Cu-thioneins (35-37). Recently, it has also been

as a


molecular weight 6000-7000 2. metal clusters with bridging thiolate ligands 3. high cysteine content (approximately 30%) 4. high metal content 5. high metal affinity 6. deficient in aromatic amino acids and histidine 7. optical properties characteristic of metal-thiolate bonds 8. highly ordered and conserved cysteine arrangement 9. inducible by various chemical and physical treatments including metals 10. typically polymorphic 1.


See refs 4, 20, and 102

for review.

shown that Zn-thionein in kidney activates aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, a Zn-requiring enzyme involved in heme biosynthesis, by donating Zn to the enzyme (38). It should be noted that such an effect has yet to be demonstrated utilizing an in vivo model. Further evidence suggesting that MT is not essential for direct metal donation to enzymes with subsequent activation includes the demonstration that cultured cells lacking MT function normally (39, 40). Further work on animal models (e.g., transgenic mice containing aberrant MT genes) may help to define the physiological function of this protein (41).

Another biological role for MT may involve a “detoxication” function for reactive intermediates. Thus, MT may constitute a cellular defense mechanism in the acute response to electrophilic agents such as free radicals and reactive metabolites. This capacity is most likely related to the high sulfhydryl content of MT which would provide a high degree of “neutralizing” nucleophilic equivalents (12). MT has been shown to be an effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals in vitro (42). Toxicity resulting from exposure to carbon tetrachloride or X irradiation, which is mediated by reactive metabolites and free radicals, respectively, is markedly reduced by preinduction of MT (43-45). It is also possible that MT may provide a source and storage depot for cysteine, especially during development (46). None of these functions directly relate to Cd detoxication, and the reader should refer to recent studies and reviews for more details of these possible functions of MT (46-48). It should be kept in mind that, despite the immense amount of research on MT, the exact function or functions of MT are not known. Further research is therefore required to determine the function of this remarkable protein. The following sections review what is known about the biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, and pathophysiology of MT as it applies to Cd metabolism.


Biochemistry of Metallothionein The characteristics of MT (Table II) have been extensively examined. The primary structure of MT is characterized by a high content of cysteine (one-third of the

total residues), serine, and glycine and is lacking in aromatic amino acids and histidine. The cysteines are arranged in a highly ordered manner; the 61-residue chain is interspersed with a series of C-X-C, C-X-X-C, and CX-X-X-C units (C cysteine; X = other amino acid). This confers the capacity to bind a high number of metal atoms (up to 7 in the case of Cd and Zn, 12 in the case of Cu) in two oligonuclear clusters (vide infra). There are no disulfide bridges, and all cysteinyl sulfurs directly participate in metal complexation. Generally, there are two major isoforms, referred to as MT 1 and 2, which can be resolved chromatographically and have closely related but distinct amino acid sequences (49). =

Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

Perspective Cluster A

1. Proposed structures of the four-metal and three-metal clusters of mammalian MTs based on 113Cd NMR data. Me = metal binding site; S = cysteine sulfhydryl group. (Adapted from


ref 104.)

MT is primarily an elongated, single-chain molecule with high degree of random structure. The main contribution to the secondary structure of MT arises almost exclusively from 8-turns, with some -helical and extended 8-sheet segments as determined by X-ray crystallography (50), 2D NMR (57), and Raman and infrared spectroscopy (52). Metal complexation imparts a conformational transition from predominantly random apometallothionein to MT, consisting primarily of 8-turns and random segments (52). All vertebrate MTs possess two highly organized domains, the amino-terminal domain, designated as 8, consisting of residues 1-30, and the carboxy-terminal domain, designated as a, consisting of residues 31-61 (53,54). A total of seven metal atoms are chelated into the a- and 8-domains to form cluster A and cluster B, respectively, each coordinated tetrahedrally to bridging and terminal cysteines (Figure 1). Cluster A consists of four divalent metal atoms coordinated by six terminal and five bridging cysteine thiolate ligands. Cluster B consists of three divalent metal atoms coordinated by six terminal and three bridging cysteine thiolate ligands (54, 55). Binding of various metals to each cluster is specific and is a function of known differences in binding affinity and selectivity of each domain. For example, a Cd,Zn-MT is invariably induced in tissues after Cd administration with a distribution of Cd ions in cluster A and Zn ions in cluster B (54). The basis for this model rests on data obtained by several methods, including 113Cd homonuclear NMR (54, 56), proteolysis followed by sequencing (53), and X-ray crystallography (50). Recently, the “rigid” cluster model for MT has taken on an exciting new perspective. Data from 2D U3Cd NMR and NMR studies, from extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies, and from perturbed angular correlation of -ray measurements indicate that the metal-thiolate clusters of MT possess a high degree of dynamic freedom (56-58). Thus, this model projects MT as interconverting between a number of isomers of similar thermodynamic stability, involving the continual breaking and re-forming of coordination bonds while maintaining the overall spatial organization of the molecule (56). These dynamic processes allow for intramolecular metal exchange primarily within cluster B (57, 58) and possibly intermolecular metal exchange between a


clusters of different MT molecules (58). While the overall structural organization of MT clusters in solution based on the above studies is in agreement with X-ray crystallography studies (50), differences revealed by the two methodologies with regard to the sequence-specific cysteine-metal binding have yet to be resolved (57). At present, it is highly likely that the dynamic nature of MT is related to the biological function of these proteins. This unique structure may facilitate intermolecular metal ion transfer between MTs and other metal-requiring proteins, including enzymes. The nature and order of metal binding to MT have been elucidated. Earlier data suggested that Cd binding to apothionein was a sequential two-step process with the four-metal cluster A formed prior to the three-metal cluster B and that the process was strictly cooperative, with binding of one metal enhancing the binding of others (59). However, while some cooperative metal binding is apparent, Cd binding to MT has also been shown to be a multistep process involving random and ordered events with no definitive data for cooperativity in metal binding to cluster B (60). On the basis of this evidence, cluster formation proceeds only after binding of more than 3 equiv of Cd. Other evidence that metal binding events occurring within the two domains are related stems from data in which it appears that the 8-domain (cluster B) is required to facilitate formation of the four-metal cluster A (67). A more detailed review of MT cluster formation can be found in ref 57.

IV. Molecular Biology of Metallothionein The molecular biology of the MT gene has received a great deal of attention (6, 41, 62). One of the most remarkable properties of MTs is the marked enhancement of their synthesis by exposure to metals, hormones, and other treatments (see Table I). Inducibility is regulated at the transcriptional level by various cis-acting DNA sequences located in the promoter region of MT genes (41, 62). Such sequences are responsible for MT induction by metals [metal regulatory elements (MREs)] and glucocorticoids [glucocorticoid regulatory elements (GREs)]. In addition, trans-acting DNA-binding proteins, which bind MT-inducing metals, are believed to facilitate metal interaction with the metal-regulatory elements to promote

MT gene transcription (41, 62). MT gene expression appears to be correlated with the methylation status of the DNA. Hypomethylating agents, such as 5-azacytidine, deoxyazacytidine, butyric acid, and dimethyl sulfoxide, cause enhanced synthesis of MT mRNA and protein (Figure 2) and confer tolerance to Cd (39,41, 63-66). In contrast, hypermethylation of the MT gene correlates well with susceptibility to Cd, both in vitro and in vivo. For example, the MT gene in mouse testes is relatively highly methylated (67), an observation that correlates well with the apparent deficiency of MT protein in testes (68) and with testicular susceptibility to the acute and chronic carcinogenic effects of Cd. Since expression of the MT gene is so readily induced

by exposure to metals, the use of MT fusion genes has found very promising applications in the field of genetic engineering. In these gene constructs, the MT promoter region is linked to a specific structural gene of interest which will allow for subsequent regulation of the gene product by exposing the system to metals. In particular, the development of transgenic mice that express a MTgrowth hormone fusion gene and show dramatic growth (2-fold compared to normal littermates) when fed Zn-en-


Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

Waalkes and Goering

to Cd or Zn the synthetic mechanisms for MT are induced, and thus newly synthesized protein provides the sequestrating capacity necessary to prevent, or substantially reduce, interactions of Cd with target molecules. That MT’s primary function is for detoxication of Cd would seem, however, quite dubious. For a protein to evolve specifically for protection from a metal that has only recently been concentrated within the biosphere through industrialization is improbable. Rather, it would seem a fortuitous occurrence that MT is capable of reducing Cd toxicity and is probably related to the chemical/ metabolic similarities of Zn and Cd.



Figure 2. Time course of MT induced by Cd in cultured TRL

1215 cells with (·) or without (O) previous exposure to 5-aza2'-deoxycytidine (AZA-CdR). Cells in log-phase growth were exposed to 4 µ AZA-CdR, and Cd (10 µ ) was added 48 h later. MT was measured at the times indicated after Cd addition. Data represent the mean ± SE of three separate determinations, and an asterisk indicates a significant difference from cells not treated with AZA-CdR. (Adapted from ref 64.)

riched diets (69) has potential utility in biomedical and agricultural areas. V. Quantitation of Metallothloneln

Of the available assays for MT quantitation several take advantage of the protein’s ability to avidly bind metals. Levels are measured indirectly by metal content after saturation with a metal of known high affinity such as Cd (7,8), mercury (11), or more recently, silver (70). Problems over- or underestimation by metal saturation assays have occurred, although the Cd-binding assay appears to be similar in precision and recovery of MT to assays that directly measure the protein moiety, such as radioimmunoassay (71). Metal saturation assays also have a potential problem of nonspecificity, although the use of silver, with its very high affinity for sulfhydryls, in part alleviates this difficulty (70). A recently developed system of discontinuous gradient polyacrylamide gel for quantitation of MT appears promising in its specificity although it would be, perhaps, cumbersome in routine use (72). Molecular biology techniques have been developed to determine MT mRNA (39,41) and are now widely used. The clinical use of MT determination by RIA in urine of Cd-exposed individuals has been recently addressed (73). Elevated levels of urinary MT appear to have potential as a biomarker indicative of Cd-induced renal damage (73) and may prove of value in diagnosis of chronic Cd toxicity in humans. Its value in prognostication of Cd-induced nephropathy has not been thoroughly defined.


VI. Metallothloneln and Cadmium Detoxification MT is thought to play a very important role in the biologic detoxication of Cd in many species, and tolerance occurs through high-affinity sequestration of the metal. Piscator (74) demonstrated that following Cd exposure the metal was predominantly associated with MT. Later it was shown that pretreatment with metals known to stimulate MT synthesis will prevent the toxicity of subsequent Cd exposure (75, 76). This includes pretreatment with Zn and Cd (75, 76). It is believed that after initial exposure

Toxicity of Cadmlum-Metallothloneln

Although the Cd-MT complex is relatively biologically inert when localized intracellularly, it becomes a potent nephrotoxin when it reaches the systemic circulation. Extracellular Cd-MT is available systemically either through release from liver after toxic insult or after gastrointestinal absorption, since the Cd-MT complex is absorbed at least partially intact (77). The Cd-MT complex is highly toxic to the kidney after tubular reabsorption (78, 79). Human Cd nephrotoxicity may be related to Cd-MT since this may be a major form of Cd in the diet. Smoking, another major source of human exposure to Cd, results in elevated renal Cd-MT (80) although its role in Cd-induced nephropathy in highly exposed individuals is not clearly

defined. Cd absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract or lungs is initially transported to the liver, where it induces the synthesis of MT. Continual exposure to Cd results in liver injury with leakage of Cd-thionein from damaged hepatocytes into the circulation (81). The metal-protein complex is transported to the kidney, filtered by the glomerulus, and subsequently reabsorbed by the proximal tubule cell (PTC) in a manner similar to other low molecular weight proteins (79, 81-84). The reabsorbed complex is rapidly degraded by the renal PTC lysosome system with release of Cd ion (82-84), which induces the synthesis of renal MT. This process continues until the capacity of the PTC to synthesize MT is exceeded and Cd can readily react with sensitive biological target systems. The most critical ligands in the PTC may include those that appear to play a role in the fusion of primary lysosomes with pinocytotic vesicles to yield mature secondary lysosomes. Cadmium selectively disrupts this fusion process, leading to loss of lysosomal proteolytic enzyme activity, development of tubular proteinuria, and calcuria (85,86) similar to what is observed in workers chronically exposed to cadmium (87). The molecular mechanism responsible for the perturbation of the renal PTC lysosome system may involve the activation of calmodulin by non-MT-bound Cd ion (88). Activation of calmodulin, the major calcium-binding receptor in eukaryotic cells, results in a biochemical cascade leading to disruption of cell cytoskeletal components. Fusion of primary lysosomes with pinocytotic vesicles is believed to be mediated by cytoskeletal components. Disruption of the fusion process would inhibit reabsorption of proteins by the PTC, resulting in tubular proteinuria. An alternative mechanism for Cd-MT nephrotoxicity may involve damage of the renal brush border membrane during pinocytosis of the metal-protein complex with secondary lysosomal disruption (78). This hypothesis is based on patterns of urinary enzyme excretion after CdMT injection which are indicative of early damage to the renal tubule brush border (89).

Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

Perspective Table III. Amino Acid Composition (Residues/Molecule) of Rat Hepatic Metallothionein and Testicular Metal-Binding Proteins testes liver amino acid Asp

Thr Ser

Glu Pro Gly Ala Val Vz-Cys

Met lie


Li 5.0 3.1 10.0 3.3 2.2 6.2 5.7 1.4 18.4 0.8 0.8

(5) (3) (10) (3) (2) (6) (6) (1) (18) (1) (1)

4.8 3.3 9.6 4.8 1.8 3.8 4.1 0.8 17.6 1.4

(5) (3) (10) (5) (2) (4) (4) (1) (18) (1) 1.3 (1)


T2 5.6 3.7 4.9 12.1 2.9

(6) (4) (5) (12) (3) 1.7 (2) 2.9 (3)

0.8 0.9 2.4 2.5

(1) (1) (2) (3)

5.1 5.3 3.4 11.3 2.5 1.7 3.7

(5) (5) (3) (11) (3) (2) (4)

0.6 0.8 3.0 2.4

(1) (1) (3) (2)

Tyr Phe

His Lys total residues minimum M,

1.3 (1)

8.0 (8) 64 6670

8.0 (8) 62 6510

10.0 (10) 53 5850

1.2 (1)

9.0 (9) 47 5600

Results are the analysis of proteins hydrolyzed with 6 N HC1 containing 0.1% phenol at 110 °C for 20 h. Half-cystine was determined as cysteic acid after performic acid oxidation and hydrolysis. Values in parentheses are the nearest whole numbers. Compositions are given relative to lysine content (93). °


Metallothionein Deficiency and Cadmium Toxicity A deficiency of MT appears to occur in several mammalian tissues that are highly susceptible to the toxic effects of Cd. In particular, rat, mouse, and monkey testes, rat ventral prostate, and hamster ovary are all known to be susceptible to either the acute and/or chronic carcinogenic effects of Cd (90, 91) and appear to be deficient in MT as assessed by biochemical analysis of the Cdbinding protein (68, 92-96). The Cd-binding protein available in these tissues is uninducible (68, 92, 95) and thus may not afford the detoxication capacity associated with the MT. These proteins also appear to have a much lower cysteine content (Table III), the amino acid thought to be responsible for the high binding affinity of Cd for MT. Since the MT system is thought to detoxicate Cd through inducible high-affinity binding, the lack of inducibility and the low levels of cysteine in these proteins may reduce affinity as well as capacity for Cd sequestration in target tissues. This may allow Cd greater access to specific molecular targets. In the case of Cd carcinogenesis, it is presumed that DNA is the molecular target, and in this respect, treatments that prevent Cd carcinogenesis in testes, such as Zn (97), reduce Cd interactions with testicular DNA (98).

IX. Nonmammalian Cadmium-Binding Proteins It is now evident that the family of Cd-binding proteins

is large and diverse, particularly when nonmammalian proteins are considered. While mammalian MTs serve as a basis for comparison, it is essential that each of the nonmammalian systems be evaluated individually without tacitly assuming that these metal-binding proteins share the physical, chemical, and functional properties of MT. Cd-binding proteins have been isolated in a number of nonmammalian and plant species as diverse as Pseudomonas, yeast, mushroom, scallop, whelk, oyster, algae, crab, rice, and rainbow trout (20,21). Many of these proteins possess properties that exclude their classification as MTs, such as differences in molecular weight, isoelectric points,


sulfhydryl and/or amino acid content, and metal-binding properties. Other Cd-binding macromolecules exist, such as the cysteine-rich polypeptides that accumulate high amounts of Cd in various plant cells and fungal organisms (99-101). The poly(7-glutamylcysteinyl)glycines function as the major metal ion detoxication mechanism in some plants, fungi, and unicellular organisms (99-101). Evolutionary relationships between MT and other Cdbinding proteins are potentially important in elucidating the functional roles of these proteins. Sequence data for a number of proteins reveal a high degree of homology with conservation of cytseine sequences. The evolution of these proteins may have involved addition of exons to the MT gene and/or substitution of amino acids (102). The comparative biological approach utilized in these studies (20, 21) provides a tool for evaluating the potential role of these molecules in permitting such organisms to bioaccumulate toxic metals, such as Cd, resulting in an eventual contamination of the food chain. Analysis of high-affinity metal-binding proteins may also be of potential value as biological indicators of metal pollution, particularly in the marine environment (103). Fundamental to studying Cd-binding proteins from various phyla is the understanding that basic physiology may influence metal-binding patterns of proteins to a much higher degree in nonmammalian organisms than in mammals. It has been shown that normal seasonal processes such as alterations in water pH, temperature, and salinity as well as reproductive and molting cycles strongly influence the molecular binding patterns of metals in nonmammalian organisms (20).

X. Future Directions

Although MT must be generally considered as one of the most prominent of the Cd-binding proteins, it is now evident that other important Cd-binding proteins do exist. Further research is required to determine the extent and variation of such proteins in both mammalian and nonmammalian systems. The apparent correlation between tissue-specific MT and deficiencies and susceptibility to various aspects of Cd toxicity, especially carcinogenicity deserves further study, and the role of the available nonMT proteins in such tissues should be assessed. Specific cell types within a tissue may also be found to be deficient in MT, which may help explain certain observations concerning cell specificity in Cd toxicity, such as its apparent propensity for endothelial damage in certain organs. The study of the chronic toxicity of Cd-protein complexes, especially those found in human diets, also merits research effort. This would include the toxicity of Cd-MT as well as non-MT Cd-binding protein complexes such as those found in edible invertebrates, vegetables, and grain products. While the physiological function of MT remains enigmatic, research must continue to focus on elucidating the biological roles of MT and other Cd-binding proteins.

References L. (1957) A cadmium protein from equine kidney cortex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 4813-4814. (2) Webb, M. (1979) The Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology of Cadmium, Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam. (3) Kagi, J. H. R., and Nordberg, M. (1979) Metallothionein. Experientia, Suppl. 34, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. (4) Kagi, J. H. R., and Kojima, Y. (1987) Metallothionein II. Experientia, Suppl. 52, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. (5) Foulkes, E. C. (1981) Biological roles of metallothionein, Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam. (6) Hamer, D. H., and Winge, D. R. (1989) Metal Ion Homeostasis. Molecular Biology and Chemistry, Alan R. Lies, New York. (1) Margoehes, M., and Vallee, B.


Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

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Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990

Winge, D. R, Reese, R. N., Mehra, R. K., Torbet, E. B., Hughes, A. K., and Dameron, C. T. (1989) Structural aspects of metal-Y-glutamyl peptides. In Metal Ion Homeostasis, Molecular Biology and Chemistry (Winge, D., and Hamer, D., Eds.) pp 301-311, Alan R. Lies, New York. (102) Vasak, M., and Armitage, I. (1986) Nomenclature and possible evolutionary pathways of metallothionein and related proteins. (101)

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