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struction (this Review, 8, 485), whereby stereoscopic negatives can be obtained which are ready for direct printing. The attach- ment consists in the ...
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Keview of Amevican Chemicai Research.

is filtered, dried, and fused one-half hour with sodium and potassium carbonates (2 : I ) over a Bunsen burner. After cooling, the mass is leached with water, the solution decanted through a filter, the residue treated with much dilute hydrochloric acid, and the resulting solution decanted through the same filter. T h e ignited filter and residue are treated together n-ith an excess of concentrated hydrofluoric acid. the excess of which is volatilized, the insoluble residue extracted with hot water, and then collected on a filter, ignited, and weighed as corundum. W, F.HILLEBRAND. A New Device for Stereoscopic Photomicrography.


FREDERICK E. IVES.J . Fmnk. Inst., 154, 3g1.-The device described consists in an attachment to a camera of special construction (this Review, 8, 485), whereby stereoscopic negatives can be obtained which are ready for direct printing. T h e attachment consists in the addition of three equilateral prisms mounted in a small box fastened to the front of the camera below the camera objective. Of these three prisms one, the smallest, is placed, base down, at the eye-point of the microscope ocular and serves to divide the rays. T h e other two larger prisms serve to project the divided rays upon the sensitive plate thus producing two stereoscopic images. In order to obtain an exactly divided field the prism box is capable of lateral motion. Amplifications of X I O to x 1 2 0 with ordinary objectives and eye-pieces are best made with color sensitive plates and a yellow screen ; while with Zeiss 16 mm. apochromatic objectives and compensating eyepieces, ordinary plates may be used without color screens. E. 11. CHAMOT. The Action of Carbon Dioxide upon the Borates of Barium. BY L. C. JONES. Ant. J . Sa'.,[4], 14,49-j6.-The work of Morse and Burton and of Morse and Horn on the determination of boric acid is criticized in the light of results previously published by the author. It is concluded that carbon dioxide decomposes barium metaborate in either water or alcoholic solution and that the boric acid liberated may in part escape during the evaporation and subsequent heating. T h e method of Morse, Burton and Horn is said to give unreliable results. H. X. MCCOY. METALLURGICAL CHEMISTRY. Technical Education. BY R. H. RICHARDS. Age of Steel: September 6, ~goz.-Some advice on the preparation of young men for the foundry business. T h e modern foundries cannot afford to ignore the chemistry of their processes, nor metallography, nor pyrometric measurements, T h e technically educated stu-

Metallurgica 2 Chemistry.


dent, while he may not have dealt with the exact problems which come u p in the foundry, has had a training in the direction of developing in him breadth of view, quickness of perception, mental alertcess and adaptability, and the works which gets the right sort of man with a technical training will find great advantage in it. His familiarity with the literature saves time by find-' ing out what others have done, and he is able therein to find suggestions for new work totally inaccessible to the uneducated man, J. W. RICHARDS. Metallic Conduction and the Constitution of Alloys. J. A. MATHEWS. Elec. World and Eng. , Oct. 4, 1902.-Reviews Barrett's results, which showed that a relation exists between the increase of electrical resistance of a metal by alloying with small amounts of another metal, and the atomic weight of the metal added. Also Benedick's results, in which the resistance of steel was figured out, in micro-ohms per centimeter cubed, as 7.6 26.8 C, where C represented the percentage of carbon and all other foreign elements calculated as equivalent quantities of carbon. T h e writer urges that the question of solubility of one metal in the other seems to control or affect metallic conduction in alloys, and there exists an atomic relation between the effect of different dissolved substances upon the conductivity of the principal metal or solvent. Alloys, in many of their propJ. W. RICHARDS. erties, resemble liquid solutions. Upon the Structure of Iletals and Binary Alloys. BY W. CAMPBELL.1. Frank. Inst., July, August, September, 1902.This long, well-illustrated paper, deals with first the structure of metals and alloys in general, then the crystalline structure of metals ; the effects of strain and heat-treatment are illustrated, and finally the various groups of binary alloys set forth, and the constitution of several representative examples studied in detail, the parallel between their cooling curves and microstructure being brought out in detail. T h e subject of practical metallography is discussed under the heads of ( I ) Preparation of the alloy or metal; ( 2 ) Preparation of the surface, cutting and polishing ; ( 3 ) Etching the prepared surface, development of microstructure ; (4) microscopical examination , mounting the specimen, microscope and accessories ; ( 5 ) Microphotography. T h e details given under these headings alone, in this paper, constitute a very fair treatise on metallography. T h e crystalline structure of metals is dealt with at length, with fine photographs of the structure of cadmium, aluminum, silver and bismuth. T h e effects of strain are described in numerous cases, but reference is made for illustrations to Dr. Mathew's preceding paper before the Franklin Institute. Alloys are first considered under the caption of solutions of one metal in another, with interesting information as to the



Review of Amevicaii ChemicaC Research.

separation of mixtures into their components in which each metal contains some of the other dissolved in it. T h e binary alloys are considered according to Charpy's classification, viz., Class I . in which the metals form neither definite compounds nor isomorphous mixtures, or those in which the excess of either metal crystallizes out it1 a eutectic which is a mechanical mixture of the two metals. To this class beloiig the alloys Sn-211,Sn-Pb, Sn-Bi, P b - S b , Pb-Ag, Zn-Al, Cu-Ag, Cu-Xu. Class 11, those which form two eutectic mixtures, in between which will be found a definite combination ; to this class belong Cu-Sb, S n - S i , Sb--41. Class 111, contain those mhicli form isomorphous mixtures and in which, therefore, 110 eutectic exists ; this class coiitaiiis Bi-Sb, and Ag-Au alloys. Extensive discussions and diagrams are given of the alloys of Sn-Zn. Pb-Sn, Ph-Sb, Sn-Bi, Zn-X1, Ag-Pb, Sb-Cu, Sn-Ni, XI-Sb, Xg-Sn, Ag-Sb. Sn-SI),S n - P , Sn-As, Cu-Sn. J , T%'. R I C H A R D S . Open Cut Rining on the Mesabi Ore Range. E~Z'F. Mi7~. f., September 6 , ~goz.--Two striking illustrations of two important mines, the Mahoning and the Mountaiti, showing w r y clearly the method of working these unique deposits. T h e former is operated by concentric cuts, making a circular pit n mile in diameter by 150 feet deep, arid with IOO feet of ore still beiieath. T h e latter is operated by straight open cuts. T h e steam shovels load a jO-to11 car in four minutes, and over 6,000,ooo toils of ore have been taken from this otle mine. J. W.RICHARDS. Effect of Variations in the Constituents of Cast Iron. BY W. G. SCOTT.Age of Steel, September G and 13, 1902 (Paper read before Am. Sec. Intern. ASSOC.for Testing Materials) .Silicon, from I to 4 per cent. is a softener ; below I per cent. the iron is hard and chills, these qualities increasing, the lower the inch chill, silicon. I n general, I per cent. silicon will give 0.70 per cent. 'I, inch chill, 0. j per cent. 5 / 8 inch, 0.40 per cent. I inch, 0.30 per cent. I ' / ~inches. Silicon decreases shrinkage ; every 0 . 2 0 per cent. increase of silicon corresponds to about 0.01 inch per foot decrease in shrinkage. Transverse strength increases up to 1.4 per cent. silicon, and then decreases ; tensile strength increases up to 1.9 or z per cent. silicon, and above that decreases. SZL@~ increases Y, 0.03 to 0.05 per cent. ou every remelting. I t hardens iron, 0.01 per cent., offsetting the softening effect of about 0.15 per cent. silicon. I t increases the strength up to 0.15 per cent. in low phosphorus irons, and to 0.095 per cent. in medium phosphorus iron, every 0.01 per cent. of sulphur, within those limits, increasing the tensile strength 50 pounds. Sulphur increases shrinkage and chill, every 0.03 per cent. sulphur cor',+

Metallurgical Chemistry.


responding to 0.01inch per foot increase in shrinkage ; it gives rise to blow-holes, and its influence is largely counteracted by manganese. With manganese 0 . 3 0 per cent. sulphur should not exceed 0 . ~ 6 5; with manganese 0.60 per cent., sulphur may be 0.095.

Phosphorus lowers the melting-point, imparts fluidity, decreases shrinkage, weakens the iron and makes it cold short. One point (0.01per cent.) of phosphorus is about equal to three points of silicon in decreasing shrinkage. T h e higher the combined carbon the lower the phosphorus should be ; for ordinary gray iron the limit of safety is 0.70 per cent.; for thin, soft castings, up to 1.00 or 1 . 2 5 per cent. may be allowed : in chill castings, it should be under 0.30 per cent. iWaTzganese, above a certain point, hardens iron, increases shrinkage and chill, whitens the iron ; within certain limits it softens iron and decreases shrinkage and chill, from its effect in neutralizing the sulphur. I n remeIting, 0.1to 0.3 per cent. of manganese is lost. T h e strength of the iron increases up to 1.00 per cent. manganese ; normal gray iron castings contain 0.40 per cent . Carbon, is normally present as one-seventh graphitic and sixsevenths combined. Graphitic carbon opens the grain, reduces shrinkage and chill, and softens the i r o n ; combined carbon hardens the iron, increases shrinkage and chill, imparts stiffness, closes the grain, increases the strength. Slow cooling favors the formation of graphitic carbon, as also the presence of much silicon and aluminum ; fast cooling, much sulphur or manganese and low silicon favor the combination of the carbon. T h e writer concludes by the following summary : To raise the strength : Reduce the graphite, phosphorus or silicon, or increase manganese or combined carbon. To reduce shrinkage : Increase graphitic carbon, phosphorus or silicon, or reduce the sulphur. T o prevent blow-holes: Reduce sulphur or increase manganese. To prevent Kish : Reduce graphite by increasing the amount of scrap used, or raise the manganese. J. W. RICHARDS. Cupola Linings. BY W. J. MAY. Age of Steel, September 1902 (From Mech. W o r l d ) ,-If arch bricks are not to be had, the bricks used should be cut or rubbed i n t o shape. T h e cracks should be filled with finely-ground moistened fire-clay, the joints being as thin as possible. Ganister may be used for the zone of greatest heat, facing off the bricks. T h e tuyere openings should be cast-iron blocks projecting half an inch beyond the face of the lining ; the cold blast keeps them from melt20,

Review of Americaii Chemicai Research


ing. A cast-iron ring is desirable on top of the lining, to prevent undue wear on the edges of the bricks by the charges thrown in. A t least a week should be allowed for drying, then a coke or wood fire started. J. W. RICHARDS. The Thermit ” Process for Producing Castings. Age of Steel, September 2 7 , 1902.-The Goldschmidt process of producing melted iron for welding purposes is used to produce melted iron for castings. The ordinary sand mould is used for sniall castings, dried thoroughly and the surface paiuted well with graphite and water. A channel is provided outside the mould, in loose sand, for the slag and any superfluous iron to run into. Defects in castings are filled by placing an extemporized mould around the spot and pouring on the melted iron. Pieces can thus be melted on to castiugs or forgings. T h e mixture for producing the melt is thermit powder with scrap iron, placed in a refractory crucible with a small tap-hole in the bottom, covered liy a wrought-iron punching and some dry sand on this-the whole J . \V. RICHARDS. standing above the mould. $6

The Metallurgy of Titanium. BY AUGUSTEJ . ROSSI. J . FrazK. I&. , 154, z41--261.-There are many immense deposits of titaniferous iron ores which are not worked owing to a belief that their nietallurgy offers great difficulties. T h e author shows this belief to be erroneous. Ores containing as much as 30 to 35 per cent. of titanic acid are easily worked. T h e slag, composed of titanates of calcium, magnesium and aluminum, flows quite readily. T h e iron obtained is of good quality and contains but a fraction of one per cent. of titanium, this element not being reduced by carbon at the temperature of the blast-furllace. Ferrotitanium, made in the electric furnace, added to common pig hiproves its quality, not only on account of the beneficial effect conferred by the small amount of titanium left in the iron but because the former, like manganese, acts as a powerful deoxidizer. I t may also, by combining with nitrogen, remove nitrides. H. N. MCCOY. Developments in the Electrometallurgy of Iron and Steel. BY M. RUTHENBURG. T r a m . A m . Elec. Chem. Sac., Vol. 11, 1go2.-The writer’s proposition is to take magnetic concentrates and to frit them together into hard lumps by incipient fusion in an electric furnace, instead of briquetting. It is stated that 500 kilowatt hours will treat a ton of ore. If the ore is niixed with carbon it is reduced in the operation, and the resulting sponge can be used in open-hearth furnaces or welded to a muck bar. T h e cost is about $3.00 per ton of ore, for power alone, which puts it5 competition with briquetting out of question, but leaves

Me f aCCurgicaC Chemistry.


a better possibility of use in reduction by carbon to the metallic J. W. RICHARDS. state. The Crofton Smelter, Vancouver Island. BY W. M. BREWER. Eng. Min. I., September 6, 1906.-An illustrated description of t h e Northwestern Smelting and Refining Company’s new smelter, the first on Vancouver. I t is situated on the edge of deep water, with large unloading docks and ore-bins, and a sampling plant with a capacity of 1,000 tons daily. T h e furnace building contains a water-jacketed smelter with a capacity of 350 tons daily, a Garretson fnrnace of equal capacity, and a cupola for remelting matte. T h e Garretson is a new type of furnace, which will smelt with only 3 per cent of fuel and carry on converting also in the same operation. T h e converter building contains two vessels, having a capacity of IOO tons of matte daily. These are commanded by a so-ton traveling electric crane. T h e assay office is t h e largest and most commodious in the West. Slag from the furnaces is granulated in water. T h e writer predicts a large business for the plant. J. W. RICHARDS.


Zinc Ore in Kentucky. Eng. Min. September 13, 1902.Since May, 1901, the Old Jim Mine, near Marion, in Crittenden County, is reported to have shipped 4?150 tons of calamine, from workings near the surface. Blende with fluorspar has been found in two other mines. This district is attracting considerable attention. A good process for mechanically separating the blendes from fluorspar is needed. J . W. RICHARDS. The Sudbury Nickel nines. BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. 2 0 , 1902.-The Mond Nickel Company has opened up the Victoria Mine, in Denison, very systematically t o a depth of over 500 feet in a massive body of good ore ; they a r e also running three other mines, from one of which 60 tons of ore is being shipped daily. T h e Lake Superior Power Company has receritly erected a smelting plant a t the Gertrude Mine, where about 30,000 tons of ore are in the roast heaps, and one matte furnace has been running some weeks. Two other furnaces are being added, which will make the capacity 400 tons daily. This company i j opening a new mine a t Blue Lake, on the east end of the North Range, which is curiously situated in the crater of a small extinct volcano. Diamond drill tests have shown IOO,OOOtons of unusually high-grade ore within 136 feet of the J. W. RICHARDS. surface.

Eng. Min. I., September

The Cinnabar Deposits of the Big Bend Province, Texas. BY R. T. HILL. Eng. Min. I., September 6, ~goz.--This district is rapidly increasing its product, and in the author’s opinion may become one of our most important mercury producers. The


Review of American Chemical Research.

locality is less than eight square miles iir area, in the southwest corner of Brewster county, about ten miles from the Rio Grande. T h e deposits occur upon the surface of narrow upthrown fault blocks of a large riff, and the mineralization is of a Mexican type, i. e., the ore is in irregular bodies or pockets which are the r e s d t of replacement in a favorable matrix along lines of fissure which are so irregular and inconspicuous as to easily escape the miner's eye. Very high-grade ore, running 40 to 78 per cent., has been found in large pockets, the chief gangue being calcite ; some native mercury is also found. T h e cinnabar is sometimes presetit in the country rock along the veins, but is invisible to the eye until the rock is crushed. T h e development of the district is proceeding as rapidly as circumstances will permit. T h e output in 1900 was 1 , 7 j oflasks, and in 1901, 3,400 flasks, each of 76 pounds. There are two Io-ton Scott furnaces at work, and one J. W.RICHARDS. 50-ton. The Terlingua Quicksilver Deposits, Brewster County. The Urzi-Jersity of Texas Mineral' Survey, Bull. No. 4 , October, 1902, 74 pp.-Chapters 1-1'1, by B. F. HILL,treat of location, general conditions and history ; geology and topography ; deposits ; mining and reduction ; occurrence of ores-future possibilities ; companies operating. Chapter VII, by W M .B. PHILLIPS, deals with the occurrence, production, prices, etc., of quicksilver. I n this chapter appear three analyses of Brewster County coals, one, a lignite, from Cub Spring, the others, more bituminous, from the Kimble Pits and Chisos Pe'n. Numerous photographs, sections, and a map of the niining district accompany the report. A topographic map will follow. W ,F. HILLEBRAND. Report of the Bureau of Mines [Ontario], 1902. 309 pp. BY the contents of this eleventh report may be mentioned the following papers with more of less of a chemical bearing, several carr) ing aiialyses or petrographical descriptions : Statistics f o r rpor, pp. 9-60 ; The Miizeral I?zdustries of Sazlte Ste. Marie, pp. 91-100, by A. B. W'illinott ; Arsenic in Ontario, pp. 101-122, by J. Walter Wells; Zron Raiiges of Northw e s t e m Ontario, pp. I 28-1 5 I , by A. P. Coleman; The Micl@icofen Zroii 'Region, pp. 152-185, by A. P. Coleman and A. B. Willmott ; The Eastern Ontario Gold Belt, pp. 186-207, by Willet G. Miller ; Syczifes neay Port Coldwell, pp. 208-213, by A. P. Coleman (see abstract in this Review, 24. 450). W. F. HILLEBXAND. Use of Aluminum for Foundry Patterns. BY H. TUTTLE. Al. World, September, ~goa.-Aluminum patterns are very much lighter than soft-metal patterns ; they loosen more easily in t h e

THOS. W. GmsoN,-Aniong

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sand, are stiffer and do not easily bend. They do not warp or shrink a t all, like wood patterns, and are unaffected by dryness or moisture. I n making them, they are cast in sand, as dry as will mould well, and the metal poured as cold as possible. T h e gate and sprue should be large, and gated a t the heaviest part. T h e moulds should be rammed soft, and well vented. Aluminum nails can be used to stiffen projecting parts of the mould. Sandpaper wheels are used for finishing the surfaces. Such patterns have been in continual use in some foundries for six years, and a r e still as good as new, having become slightly discolored but smoother. J , W. RICHARDS. Process of Purifying Alumina. Al. WorZd, September, 1902. Account of an electric-furnace process recently patented by C. M. Hall, whereby the alumina to be purified is mixed with sufficient reducing material to reduce its impurities to the metallic state, and the mass given a preliminary heating to incipient fusion, in an electric furnace, whereby the oxide impurities are reduced to the metallic state, arid the resulting carbon monoxide is driven off. T h e mass thus prepared is next melted completely, in another operation, and purified alumina and metallic alloy of the impurities obtained. T h e object of the preliminary treatment is particularly to get rid of the gases produced by the reduction, so that they are not evolved in the final process where fusion takes place, and where their evolution would tend to project parts of the charge from the J . W. RICHARDS. furnace. Cathodic Reduction. BY A. T. WEIGHTMAN. Trans. A m . Elec. Chem. Sor., Vol. 11, 1902.-A discussion of the reduction of sulphides of lead, copper, nickel, and silver, to the metallic state, when used as cathodes in dilute sulphuric acid. Antimonial lead was used as anode. T h e gases coming off were analyzed for H,S, H and 0, and thus the course of the reduction followed. Lead sulphide, as galena in small pieces, gives off, a t starting, pure hydrogen, but H,S soon makes its appearance and increases to a maximum of 87 per cent. in an hour. With 4.8 amperes to 2 7 grams galena, as much as 94.6 per cent. of H,S was in the gases. Reduction was practically complete in three hours. With Cu,S, the proportion of H,S started off a t once a t a maxinium of 57.6 per cent., and thenceforth decreased. With Ag,S, the proportion of H,S started off at 92 per cent., rose to 98.4 per cent., and stayed there twenty minutes, giving perfect reduction in sixty minutes, using 7 amperes to 1 5 grams of SUIphide. With NiS the reduction did not start for over five minutes, using 6 amperes to 1 5 grams of sulphide, set in at fifteen minutes with only 2.4 per cent. of H,S in the gases, and gradually increased to a maximum of 32 per cent. in fifty minutes. T h e


Review of American Chemical Research.

discussion of the why of these reactions is interesting, hlr. C. J. Reed propounding the most plausible explanation, that the current divided between the sulphide and the plate on which i t rested, in proportion to their conductivities, and that whenever the sulphide acted as a cathode it was necessarily decomposed. J. W. RICHARDS. The Electrolytic Dissolution of Soluble iletallic Anodes. BY W. McA. JOHNSON. Trans. Am.E k . Chem. Soc., T'ol. 11, 1902. -The writer advances the very plausible theory that the nonattack of certain constituents is not so much due to their essential insolubility in the acids generated at the anodes, but is more largely due to the fact that the particles of alloy are so much poorer conductors than the pure metal in which they are disseminated, that the current is more or less shunted around them, dissolving therefore the pure metallic background faster, and allowing the alloy to drop cotnparatir-ely unattacked into the slimes. Several illustrations are described, and the writer seems to have opened up a new and very satisfactory explanation of some of the J . V', RICHARDS. phenomena of electrolytic refining. The Formation of Metallic Dust from Cathodes. BY F. HABER. T ~ a n s .Am. E'lec. C-hein. S o c . , Vol. 11, 1902.-If lead or tin are used as cathodes in alkaline solutions, there i s formed a dense gray cloud of metallic dust, which results in all probability from the preliminary alloying of the alkaline metal with the lead or tin and the subsequent deco~npositionof the alloy by the water present, forming caustic alkali aiid liberating the metal as dust. Some dust is also formed with lead and bismuth cathodes in acid solutions, aud is theu probably due to t h e formation of a hydride which is rapidly deconiposed 1)y the water. J. W. RICHARDS.

ORGANIC CHEnISTRY. Camphoric Acid (Eleventh Paper). Confirmation of Bredt's Formula ; Some Derivatives of Inactive Camphoric Acid. BY WILLIAM A. NOYESA N D AUSTINM. PATTERSON.Am. Chem. I., 27,425-433. -Xoyes has already shown (Am. Chem.]., 23, 130) that, by carrying dihydro-,&campholytic acid through a certain series of reactions, 2,3,3-trimetiiylcyclopentanonemay be obtained. I t is now shown that similar treatment of the corresponding dihydro-a-canipholytic acid produces a different ketone, which is probably 2,2,3-trimethylcyclopentanone,the oxime of which crystallizes from ligroin in plates melting at 104~.T h e a- and p campholytic acids are, therefore, probably structural