ign., 5.56 ; total, 98.97 ; from which its mineral composition is computed to be : Olivine, 44.97 ; ser- pentine, 33.12; magnetite, 1.39; edenite, 19...
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MefallurgicaI Chemistry.


3q.63 ; CaO, 1.89 ; ign., 5.56 ; total, 98.97 ; from which its mineral composition is computed to b e : Olivine, 44.97 ; serpentine, 33.12 ; magnetite, 1.39 ; edenite, 19.60; total, 99.08. T h e edenite is original, and not secondary, as Turner concluded from his observations elsewhere on the belt. T h e white dyke rock (sp. gr. 2.633) is composed almost wholly of oligoclase and corundum in about the proportion 84 : 16. T h e composition of the feldspar as ascertained by J. Newfield is : S O , , 61.36 ; A1,0,, 22.97 ; CaO, 5.38 ; Na,O, 8.08 ; H,O, 1.72 ; total, 99.51. T h e corundurii crystals range in length from a few millimeters to over 5 cm. Plumasite may be defined as a rock resulting from the consolidation of a magma having the composition of a medium acid plagioclase with an excess of alumina." W. F. HILLEBRAND.

Annual Report of the Minister of Mines [British Columbia] for 1901. 1236+xviii pp.-Scattered through the series of reports making up this volume are occasional analyses of coals, ores, and waters. W. F. HILLEBRAND.


Precious Stones in 1902. Eng. Min. March 7 , 1903 (from Bull. U. S.Geol. SUYV.).BY G. F. KuNz.-'l'his year has seen the.finding of a new locality for sapphires in Montana, the developing of old beryl localities in Mitchell County, N. C., and a t Grafton, N. H. , the opening of an amethyst mine in South Carolina and of two in Virginia, the discovery of a new deposit of rubellite near Banner, Cal., the further development of chrysophrase in Tulare Co., Cal., and the discovery of a new locality in Buncombe Co., N. C., the increase of turquoise production in Arizona and discovery of that gem in two localities in Alabama. T h e total value was $318,300, the principal items being sapphire, ,$I 15,000; turquoise, $130,000 ; tourmaline, $15,000; quartz, $12,000 ; chrysoprase, $io,ooo ; silicified wood, $7,000. J. W. RICHARDS. IlETALLUROICAL CHEIlISTRY. The Hearst Ilemorial Mining Building, University of California. BY S. B. CHRISTY. Eng. Min. J., March 2 1 , 1go3.-A detailed description of the building devoted exclusively to mining and metallurgy ; apparently one of the largest, finest and bestequipped laboratories of the kind in the world. T h e large provision for practical work, roasting, smelting, machinery, etc. , suggests rather the manual training school and commercial testing laboratory, than a university laboratory ; but facilities for instruction and research are not lacking, and the combination is probably that best adapted to the needs of such a rapidly developJ . W. RICHARDS. ing country. Protecting Furnaces with Carborundum. 1~001i and Mach.


Review of American Chemzcal Research.

World, March 2 1 , 1go3.-A thin layer of carborundum applied to the surface of an ordinary, refractory, furnace lining protects it from all ordinary corrosion. T h e fine powder is made into a paste with water-glass or a similar binding substance and applied by a brush, either to the bricks before putting into the furnace or after the furnace is built. A layer 2 mm. thick is stated to be sufficient to withstand any temperature produced by combustion in ordinary J. W. RICHARDS. furnaces, The Smelting of iron Ores and the Production of Steel in the Electric Furnace. BY >I. RUTHENBURG.Electrochemical Indz~stvy,February, 1go3.-Rossi, a t Niagara Falls, claims to be able to produce one ton of iron by using 4,Sooelectric horsepower hours; DeLaval, in Sweden, callsfor 3,500, Stassano claims to have done it with 3,000. A recording wattmeter is the only proper instrument for determining these quantities satisfactorily. T h e writer claims to have done it with joo horse-power hours, requiring the burning of 1,000 pounds of soft coal. T h e ore is mixed with enough carbon to reduce i t , and passed between two rolls, which it bridges over electrically, receiving a current of 700 amperes at j o volts pressure. This frits it together, and it falls into a soaking pit, highly heated and minus most of its oxygen. In the soaking box the reduction completes itself, ‘and the reduced material is melted down in an open-hearth furnace. Two photographs are shoxn. J. TIT. RICHARDS.

Production of Bessemer Steel in 1902. IYOUAge, March 1 2 , 1903 (from Bztll. Am. Ivoit a n d Steel Assoaatioiz).--The output in the United States was 9,306,471 gross tons. This was all from ordinary acid converters, excepting two Roberts-Bessemer plants, five Tropenas plants and one Bookxalter converter,-all these running on small castings. Of the total output, 2,876,293 gross tons, or 30 per cent., were rolled into rails. J. TT‘. RICHARDS. [lelting Steel with Cast Iron. BY R. P. CUSSISGHA~I.ZYOO~Z Age, March 19, 1903. (Read before the Xew Englaiid Foundrymen’s Association.)-Melting a certain percentage of soft steel with cast iron is a simple, safe, and sure means of increasing tensile strength in the castings. For a heat of 4000 pounds, it is recommended to use 25 per cent. of steel. X high percentage of steel increases shrinkage and demands purer pig iron, For thin castings, only a small percentage can be used; inore is permissible in heavy castings, which have a self-annealing power as they slowly cool. I t is better to use pig iroii high i n manganese and silicon than to add much ferronianganese or ferrosilicon in the ladle, since the latter often does not get thoroiighly niixed with the metal. ,Analyses and tests of the so-called senii-steel” produced, however, do not show any variation either i n composition or properties from good quality cast iron. J . W. RICHARDS. I‘

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Effect of Titanium on Steel. BY A. T.ROSSI. Eng. Min. J., March 7, 1903. (Paper read before A m . Inst. Mining Eng.)I n crucible steels containing 1.25 to 2 per cent. carbon, 0.10 per per cent. titanium has a marked effect, and 0.89 to 1.01 per cent. a considerable effect in increasing ductility, as shown by increase of elastic limit, elongation and contraction of area. T h e use of titanium in open-hearth and Bessemer steel is recommended as not only deoxidizing the metal but also as combining with and removing nitrogen. J. W. RICHARDS.


The Use of Carbide of Silicon. Eng. Mia. March 28, 1903 (from Cleveland lron Trade Review) .--Silicon carbide or carborundum is being employed to some extent as a substitute for ferrosilicon in casting steel. T h e use of cold ferrosilicon in the ladle chills the metal too much ; melting it, or putting it into the metal in the furnace, cause excessive loss of silicon. The carborundum containing 62 per cent. of silicon is added cold to the ladle during tapping ; its freedom from sulphur and phosphorus is one advantage, and it has been used to some extent in crucible steel. T h e facts that the material is light, floats on top of the steel, and that considerable loss of silicon thus results, while more time is necessary to get the silicon incorporated into the metal, are not mentioned in the article. J. W. RICHARDS. Specifications for Iron and Steel Structures. Iron and Mach. WorLd, March 28, 1903. (Report of a committee of the Am. R. R. Engineering and Mainteuance of Way Ass'n.).-The committee recommends that a single grade of rolled steel be used for all structural purposes, with tensile strength 60,000 pounds, minimum elongation 2 2 per cent., bending 180' flat without fracture, and with sulphur below 0.05, and phosphorus below 0.04 in basic steel and 0.08 in acid steel. For rivet steel, the tensile strength must be 50,000 pounds, elongation not specified, phosphorus not over 0.04 in acid steel, other requirements same as for structural steel. For steel castings, tensile strength not less than 65,000 pounds, elongation at least 18 per cent., should bend cold goo without fracture, sulphur should be less than 0.05, phosphorus less than 0.05 in basic steel and 0.08 in acid steel. All steelcastings must be annealed. A large number of other details are included in this excellent report. J. W. RICHARDS. The Copper Deposits of Bisbee, Ariz. BY F. I,. RANSOME (PreLiminaryReporf of U. S. GeoZ. Sur.) .-The ores worked by the Copper Queen Company up to 1893 were oxidized, consisting of malachite, azurite, cuprite and native copper. Oxide ores are still abundant in soft, earthy masses associated with limonite and kaolin, but have been replaced in greater part by sulphide ore, pyrite mixed with chalcopyrite and some bornite. Arsenical and antimonial compounds of copper are absent. T h e ores are tvpical replacement deposits in limestone. T h e oxide and sulphide


Review 4f American Chemical Research.

ores are matted together in shaft furnaces, and the matte further treated by Bessenierizing. For over twenty years the Copper Queen Mine has produced over 16,000,000 pounds of copper annually. T h e article describes at length the geology of the region. J . 11‘. RICHARDS.

Copper Matte Blast-Furnace Practice. BY TV. R. \-AN LIEW. E7tg. Miit. J., March 2 1 , 1go3.--X discussion of the width of furnace relative to tonnage obtained. The true standard to conipare the workings of different types of furnaces is the tonnage smelted per square foot of hearth area at the tuyeres. T h e narrowest furnaces are 35 inches across at the tuyeres, the widest 56 inches ; the length is immaterial. T h e narrower furnaces smelt more per square foot of hearth area, and economize power for blast pressure. A 56-inch furnace smelted 6 toils daily per square foot of hearth area, a ++-inch,7 tons ; a 42-iiich, 8.7tons ; a 35-inc11, between I O and I I tons. I t is therefore more economical to increase the length of a furnace, to get greater output, tliaii to increase its width above 35 to 40 inches. J . W. RICHARDS.

Progress in Electrolytic Copper Refining in 1902. BY T. ULKE. Ezg. M h . I., March 14, 1go3.--The United States produces electrolytic copper at the rate of 764 tons per day, or 2 76,860 tons per year, valued at $ 7 2 , j03,600! which is 86. j per cent. o i the world’s production. A11 Lake Superior copper contains silver, and a considerable proportion is being refined ; it is only a question of time for it all to be. Current densities as high as 4s amperes per square foot are being used, which heat the electrolyte aliriost to boiling. Heavier anodes are now used than formerly, up to 400 pounds, reducing the percentage weight of scrap from I 5 to 7 . T h e American Smelting and Refining Conipany is introducing at its Perth Amboy plant the 0. Hoffnian method of regenerating the foul solutions by the use of roasted copper matte. T h e writer discusses favorably Johnson’s explanation of the refilling action, as given in Tm?zs. Ani.Elecfvoclieniicnl Soc., VoZ.ZZ, and gives tables of the size and output of all the refineries in America and Europe. J. I[-. RICHARDS. The Trail Smelter, British Columbia. Eng. Afi?z. J . , brarch 28, 1go3.-The capacity is 1,300 tons of lead and copper ores per day. It is operated by electrical power sent thirty miles. Only custom ores are worked. T h e copper-gold ores are low in copper. They are crushed, sampled, and roasted, if necessary, in heaps of 3,000 tons each. All transferring and hauling is done by I O H. P. electric locomotives. Three large copper smelters have a capacity of 300 tons e a c h ; the first matte contains I O to 1 2 per cent, of copper. I t is granulated and roasted in O’Harra furnaces, briquetted and re-smelted to matte running 50 to j j per cent. copper, which is shipped to the Cnited States. T h e lead ores are principally sulphides rich in silver. They are crushed, sampled,

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roasted in hand roasters or Bruckner cylinders, and smelted. T h e bullion is refined electrolytically by the Bett's process, which has been operating successfully since May, 1902. A new refinery with an output of 30 to 40 tons daily is being designed. (See these Abstracts, January, 1903.) J. m7. RICHARDS.

Treatment of Slimes. Eng. Min. I., March 28, ~gog.-Mr. Addition has installed a t the Confidence Mine, Tuolumne Co., Cal., tanks with conical bottoms, for treating the slimes. T h e ore contains about 60 per cent. of slimes, half of which can be treated with the sands, by cyaniding, while the other half must be treated separately. T h e slimes tanks are 2 0 feet in diameter, sides g feet deep, and with bottoms sloping a t 50'. As soon as full, lime is scattered over the charge, the whole settled seven hours, and the liquor decanted. A valve is then opened in the bottom of the conical floor, and the slimes run into agitators, which are 12 feet in diameter, 8 feet on the sides, with bottoms sloping 45'. Cyanide solution is run in simultaneously, and two centrifugal pumps keep up the agitation for twelve hours. T h e pumps suck in at the surface and discharge at the bottom. T o discharge, one pump is shut off, while the other pumps from the bottom of the tank into a filter press, holding48 frames, 30 inches square by 2 inches thick. It requires thirty minutes to fill the press, thirty minutes to wash the cakes and one hour to discharge. T h e filling pressure reaches 78 pounds per inch. Washing continues until the solution shows only onehalf pound potassium cyanide per ton. T h e gold is precipitated by zinc shavings. The sands treated are extracted to 85 per cent., the slimes 94 per cent.; the total cost of treatment per ton is go to 95 cents. J. W. RICHARDS. Electrolytic Refining of Gold. BY D. K. TUTTLE.Electrockemical Industry, January, 1go3.-The only process that is reduced to practice 'is Wohlwill's (U. s. Patents 626,863 and 625, 864). T h e feature patented is the electrolyte, which is a solution of gold chloride containing free hydrochloric acid. If the solution contains little or no free acid, chlorine is evolved at the anode and no gold is dissolved ; as free acid is added, less chlorine escapes, and when a large amount is present the electrochemical equivalent of gold is dissolved. Additions of gold chloride are made from time to time equivalent to the copper, platinum, etc., which are dissolved but not deposited. T h e operation continues until the solution is highly charged with impurities. At the Philadelphia Mint a 5 H. P. dynamo furnishes the current ; seven cells are run in series, each containing 12 anodes and 13 cathodes in multiple, the former 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, I ' / ~ inch thick ; the cathodes are equal-sized, gold sheets 0.01inch thick. T h e electrodes are I . j inches apart, temperature 50' to 55' C. T h e solution contains 30 grams of gold per liter, as trichloride.


Review of American Chemical Research.

T h e cells are white Berlin porcelain, I j by 11 by 8 inches. T h e electrolyte is mechanically circulated. Voltage required 4’i2 to j volts for a set of seven baths, sending through IOO amperes. This refines j,ooo ounces per meek, with I horse-power electric current. When the electrolyte is saturated with impurities, the gold in it is precipitated by sulphur dioxide, then the platinum left is separated as ammoniuni double chloride, lastly the copper is recovered by running over iron scrap. Silver falls to the bottom as slimes, if in small amount; if over 5 per cent. is present it forms an insoluble crust on the aiiode, which must be removed mechanically. Klondike gold contains 77.6 to 83.4 per cent. gold and 16. I to 21.9 per cent. silver, and can only be treated by this process by alloying it with pure gold. Gold bars 99.98 per cent. pure are made, of a quality niaking the finest leaf. J. 15’. RICHARDS.

Electrolytic Refining of Silver and Gold. BY T. ULKG. Mz’zes a d Miizerals, March, 1go3.-The first in the United States was a plant at the Pennsylvania Lead Co.’s works near Pittsburg, erected in 1886, and since dismantled. I t s daily capacity was 30,000 to 40~000ounces of dor6 bullion. X similar refinery was built later near St. Louis, but is not now in operation. I n 1895 the Guggenheini plant at Maurer, N. J. (iiowpart of the Perth Amboy plant of the American Smelting and Refining Co.), was built. I n 1897 the Balbach Smelting and Refining Co. at Newark, N. J . , erected a refinery ; and in 189s the Globe plant of the American Smelting and Refining Co. was started. T h e latter was not operated in 1902. The Philadelphia Mint has a small plant, started i n 1902. For the principal details the writer refers to articles in Yols. 11, IT’, IT, and 1‘111 of I ‘ The Mineral Industry,” and adds to this the following record of improvements : Tlium’s apparatus has the electrodes inclined, and movable horizontally so as to adjust their distance from eachother. The silver is deposited on the lower inclined plate, and scraped therefrom without stopping the operation. T h e anode slimes are caught on an inclined diaphragm and collected in a trough at its lower end. Balbach’s apparatus has no moving parts, but consists of a shallow tank lined with silver, silver-plated copper, or carbon, which lining serves as cathode, and anode cells dipped into the solution, covering the larger part of the tank. T h e anode cases have filtercloth bottoms to catch the slimes. T h e tank bottom slopes up to one side, to allow the silver crystals to be raked out. T h e anode cases are easily lifted out, if necessary. T h e plant consists of a 7 2 kilowatt dynamo, delivering a t present 1100 amperes a t 34 volts. This runs go stoneware cells, depositing in them 30,000 Troy ounces of silver per twenty-four hours. The cells are in groups of I O , the g groups being in series and each group of I O i n parallel, taking 4 volts. T h e cathode lining is composed of carbon plates 1 2 inches square by a half inch thick. T h e anodes are g j o

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to 980 fine, and carry some copper ; the electrolyte is silver nitrate; free acid is added daily and a part of the solution removed for purification. T h e Perth Amboy plant contains 1 2 0 tanks, is run by two 62 kilowatt generators, and can turn out Troy ounces of silver daily, a t full capacity. J. W. RICHARDS.

History and Present Development of Electrolytic Nickel Refining. BY T. ULKE. Electrochemical Zndusfry, February, 1903. --A description of Vivian’s electrolytic nickel-copper separating process, and works, a t Swansea, Wales, the Papenburg nickelcopper refinery, in Germany, and the following American plants: Balbach’s, at Newark, N. J . , erected in 1894, the pioneer American plant. T h e writer confesses ignorance of the exact process used, and guesses at a method which is possibly used. T h e Cleveland Nickel Refinery, operated by the Canadian Copper Co., began to produce, in 1902,at the rate of eight to fifteen tons per month, using Browne’s process. Anodes of copper-nickel alloy are used in hot copper-nickel chloride solution, the nickel accumulating in the solution as copper is deposited. T h e solution is regenerated by passing through a tower filled with matte or alloy, in contact with the chlorine evolved from the electrolytic tanks. When the nickel accumulates to a certain degree, the copper remaining is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide, the iron by ammonia, and the hot nickel chloride solution ’electrolyzed with carbon anodes. Larger works are being erected at Copper Cliff, Ontario. T h e Hamilton refinery, in Ontario, contained forty depositing tanks, and was started in 1900 to treat Sudbury ore by the Hoepfner process, but was remodeled to use the Frasch process. T h e plant is at present closed down. T h e Consolidated Lake Superior Co. propose erecting a copper-nickel refinery at Sault Ste. Marie, and plans have been prepared for a plant to produce daily 7 j tons of copper and 7. j tons of nickel. I t is doubtful when this plant will be erected. J. W. RICHARDS. The Present fletallurgy of Aluminum. BY J. W. RICHARDS. Electrochemical Industry, January, 1903.- A history of the Hall and Heroult processes, and a discussion of the electrolytic principks involved. T h e writer shows that alumina dissolves in melted aluminum sodium fluoride to form a solution, that passing the electric current through the solution sets free aluminum at one pole and oxygen at the other, and argues therefrom that this is the primary effect of the passage of the current. T h e heats af combustion show that of the three compounds present in the bath, sodium fluoride has affinities corresponding to 4.7 volts, aluminum fluoride to 4 volts, alumina to 2.8 volts, which latter is reduced to 2 . 2 volts by the union of the oxygen with the carbon used as anode. I t follows that the setting free of aluminum and oxygen should theoretically be the primary effect of passing a cur-


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rent, and the burden of proof lies on any one who mould maintain that this action is secondary. J. W. RICHARDS.

Some Laboratory Observations on Aluminum. Bs C. F. BURGESSA N D C. HAMBUECHES. Electrochemical h d u s t r y , January, 1go3.-The authors discuss the difficulty of soldering aluminum, and recommend as a flux potassium fluoride dissolved in acetone, resin added and zinc chloride sufficient to harden the mixture. On exposure to air this forms a paste, which can be applied as a flux. T h e thin coat of oxide on the metal also renders electro-deposition of other metals upon it difficult, i. e. i t is difficult to make the coating adhere. T h e authors h a r e succeeded in overcoming this, and have obtained deposits adhering as well as on other metals, but do not state their methods. Used itself as a cathode, it is corroded continuously ; as an anode it forms a thick, insulating coating which allows the current to pass in the reverse direction but not from the plate to the solution. This cuts off the reverse current, and makes it possible to get a direct current from an alternating current. If two aluminum plates are placed in a sodium-potassium tartrate solution, and an alternating current of 50 volts is applied, a distinct phosphorescence, caused by minute arcs, is seen at the anode, in the dark ; higher voltages cause a brilliant sparkling effect. As a generator of electric current in batteries, it is as cheap as zinc, hut it does not behave well, owing to the partly-insulating compounds formed on its surface. Mr. Mott has made determinations of single potential values of aluminum (against a normal calomel electrode assumed as -0.56 volt), showing values from 0.01 volt with potassium fluoride to I . 137 volts with sodium hydroxide. T h e conclusion is that ammonium fluoride would be the best battery fluid in which to immerse the aluminum, giving a cell of the Laclanchk type having a potential of z volts T h e physical condition of the metal makes considerable diffeience in the potentials given. J. If'. RICHARDS. Aluminum as a Reducing Agent in Metallurgy. BY. G. P. SCHOLL.Electrochemical Ivzdusf?y, January, I 903. ,In illustrated account of the Goldschmidt process and it5 various applications. J. IT.RICHARDS. The Alloying of Metals as a Factor in Electroplating. BY L. KAHLENBERG. Electrochemical 1nd7~stry, January, 1903. When one metal is deposited electrolytically upon another, the process of alloying always goes on to a greater or less extent. T h e alloying power of the deposited metal with the coated metal is a factor determining the strength with which the deposit adheres and the length of time the plated article will wear and resist corrosion. This alloying force is chemical in character, and is the tendency of the metals to dissolve in each other. T h e alloying of alkaline metals with a mercury cathode is already famil~

Metallurgical Chemistry.


iar; but a thin plating of gold on lead forms an alloy a t the junction, just as really, and the gold will gradually soak entirely into the lead a t room temperatures. T h e mechanical character of the alloy formed is of importance ; if it is, or becomes, brittle or crystalline, it will easily chip off. Yet alloying is necessary for the adherence of a deposit, and therefore the electroplater must study the subject carefully so as to plate those metals or alloys upon each other which possess sufficient affinity for adhering well, but which diffuse very slowly into each other at room temperatures. J. W. RICHARDS. The Physical Character of fletal Deposits. BY C. F. BURGESS A N D C. HAMBUECHEN. Electrochemical Industry, February, 1903. -Metals are almost invariably deposited in crystals, the appearance and character of the growth being determined largely by the size and shape of the crystals and their manner of aggregation. They may appear from spongy to coarse crystalline. T h e study of these forms is practically important, not so much as showing how they may be cultivated, but rather how they may be suppressed. Photographs of zinc, copper, iron, and lead ' ' trees " are shown. The deposits vary much with the kind of solution used, and also with the additions made to them. Aluminum sulphate added to a zinc sulphate solution, carbon disulphide to a silver bath, gelatine to a nickel-plating solution, improve the deposits. Probably, the viscosity and surface-tension of the solution have some relation to the quality of deposit, and are influenced by the additions. T h e character of the deposit is also influenced by previously boiling the solution, or by whether the solution is made by dissolving the metal in acid or its salt in water. This points to dissolved gases influencing the nature of the deposit. T h e continuity and adherence of the deposit are very important in plating. T h e ability of the deposit to alloy with the metal underneath has some influence in the adhesion, but does not explain all cases, for copper deposited on copper adheres very strongly. I n the latter case, the ordinary forces of cohesion come into play. Roughened surfaces are wetted easier by solutions than polished ones, and, therefore, receive more uniform deposits. Some solutions wet a given surface better than others, and various additions influence this wetting power. Aluminum in an aqueous solution of copper chloride receives a loosely-adherent coating of copper; in an alcoholic solution, a more firmly-adherent coat. Cohesion and smoothness always decrease as the deposit becomes thicker. Zinc gets moss-like growths. Jron roughens and gets grooves or furrows, caused by ascending columns of strong and dilute solutions. Small particles in suspension cause pitting ; gas bubbles cause blisters. Nickel peels off, owing to strains in the coating, after passing a certain thickness. Several fine photographs illustrate these cases. J. W. RICHARDS. Notes on Physical Characteristics of Electrodeposited


Review of America78 Chemical Research.

IletalS. BY W. McA. JOHNSOK. E'lecfroc/lemica(I?zdz~sf~~, February, rgo3.-With a high electrode voltage, we are apt to get good, solid, adherent deposits. By the term electrode z'oltage is not meant the voltage across the terminals, but the voltage of the cathode against a standard electrode a s measured by a potentiometer. This quantity is more important, as determining the character of the deposit, than terminal voltage or any other measurement which can be taken. for it gives the relative force pulling the cathions out of the solution. A double salt in solution, with a coniplex ion, causes a high electrode potential to be necessary; also furnishes the catholyte with a good supply of cathions, and therefore furnishes good deposits. A cloudy precipitate or suspended particles of any kind injure the deposit. I n most cases the electric conductivity of such particles settling on the cathode is less than the normal deposit, shunting the current around the particle and building up current and material around i t until it grows into a mound and covers up the particle, making warts. A hydrogen bubble causes like trouble. Frequent filtering is necessary to remove such suspended particles. Hot solutions are not to be recommended, since they favor the formation of basicsalts. Fine deposits can be obtained froni cold nickel solutions with low current densities. Electrodeposited nickel curls up because of molecular strain, proved by the fact that electrodeposited nickel is A- towards cast nickel by 0 . 0 5 to 0 . 2 j volt, which is due to the potential energy of an elastic bodv uiider strain. If it is annealed, it loses its strain and its overvoltage. J. IT.RICHARDS. The Abuse of Electroplating. BY H. I,.HAAS. E'le~trod~e~izical Industry, February, 1903. -The author advocates niakiiig all plating solutions as simple as possible, as it is then easier to find where the trouble is if anything goes wrong. X plater should know ( I ) what his solution is made of, ( 2 ) what changes the solution undergoes, (3) what chemicals he is adding to it, and their purity, (4) the purity of his anodes, ( j ) the voltage and amperage being employed, (6) the resistance of his solution, electrodes and connections, ( 7 ) the best distance to use between anode and cathode, (8) the amount of metal dissolved in a given time from his anodes, and ( 9 ) the amount of metal deposited in a given time on his cathodes. With silver and gold in cyanide solutions, very small anodes will keep up the strength of the solution; with nickel, large anodes, corrugated and one-third larger than the cathodes, keep up the strength of the bath and overcome many RICHARDS. . difficulties. J . \IT Table of Electrochemical Equivalents and Their Derivatives. BY C. HERING. EZectrochemical Imfustry, January, I 903 .-A carefully calculated table, from the most reliable data obtainable, giving for fifty of t h e most common elements, the milligrams depos-

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ited per coulomb, grams per ampere hour, pounds per 1,000 ampere hours, and several reciprocals and derivatives of these. They are given for each of the separate valencies which an element may show, or for the changes of valency it may undergo. A list of the elements with their practical valencies, compiled by J. W. Richards, accompanies the table. By practical valency is meant the apparent valency of an element in a compound irrespective of any theory as to structural formula or double linkings ; e. g.,Pb, tetravalent in PbO, ; C, univalent in C,H,. This idea is an application to electrolysis of 0. C. Johnson'stheory of and - bonds. T h e illustrative examples given are numerous and well chosen, and will interest any chemist having to make electrochemical calculations. J. W. RICHARDS.


ORGANIC CHEnISTRY. On Sodium Phenyl and the Action of Sodium on Ketones. BY S. F. ACREE. , A m . Chem. J., 29, 585-60g.-Sodium phenyl was prepared from mercury phenyl and sodium, and found to react with alkyl, aryl and acyl halides, with ketones and other reagents, giving practically the same products as are formed when these substances are treated in ether solution with brombenzene and sodium, from which it is concluded that in thosereactions where brombenzene and sodium are used (Fittig's, Frey's, KekulC's, Wurtz's reactions), sodium phenyl is the intermediate product. EXPERIMENTAL. Preparation of Sodium Phenyl.-Mercury phenyl was dissolved in dry benzene or ligri'on and treated with fine sodium wire. Sodium amalgam collects on the bottom of the flask, while sodium phenyl remains suspended in the solution as a light brown powder. Sodium phenyl is rapidly decomposed by moisture and soon takes fire when exposed to the air on filter-paper. Sodium phenyl reacts with ethyl bromide or ethyl iodide to give ethylbenzene, and small amounts of benzene and ethylene ; with isoamyl iodide, it gives isoamylbenzene, isoamylene and benzene ; with benzyl chloride, diphenylmethane and stilbene ; with brombenzene, diphenyl and a resinous liquid (not identified) ; with benzophenone, a nearly quantitative yield of triphenylcarbinol ; with benzoyl chlooride, triphenylcarbinol and a little benzoic acid ; with b e n d , phenylbenzoin, triphenylcarbinol and benzoic acid , and the same products are obtained by the action of brombenzene and sodium upon benzil. Phenylbenzoin, (C,H,), C ( O H ) CO C,H,, is insoluble in water, readily soluble in ether, alcohol or hot ligroin, crystallizing from the latter in radiating needles, m. p. 87'. It is decomposed into benzhydrol and benzoic acid b y the action of methyl alcoholic potash. A blood-red color is produced when its solution in concentrated sulphuric acid is warmed, indicating dissociation into diphenylmethylene and other products. Heated for three hours at 240' in a stream of oxygen, in a long tube, it gave tetraphenylethylene, benzoic acid and benzo-