Metallurgical thermochemistry - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Book and Media Review. Previous Article · Next Article · Table of Contents. Metallurgical thermochemistry. William F. Kieffer. J. Chem. Educ. , 1959, ...
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B O O K REVIEWS The tent essentinlly contains eookhook directions. In many places it is too hricf, and clarity has been sacrificed. One ensmple of eonriseness is the frequent statement "Deduct a blank." The eolorime& ric procedures contain poor or no directions for the preparat,ion of calibration curves. One examplc of inconsistent directions appears on page 86: "Turn down the flame somewhat and move the flask to bhe edge of the hot plate." Perhap8 the author refers to a gas hurner hot plate which is rarely used in modern laboratories. This hook will serve an an aid to the analysis of nonferrous materials, although it is helieved that many of the procedures will present difficulty to the routine operator. JAMESM.PAPPENHAGEN Kenyon College Garnbiar. Ohio

Metallurgical Thermochemistry

0. Kubasehewski, Senior Principal Srientific offieel. a t the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex and E. LL. Euans, Senior Scientific Officer a t the Chemical Research Laboratory, Teddington. 3rd. ed. Pergzman Press, Inc., New Yolk, 1958. xiv 426 pp. Many figs. and tahles. 14.5 X 22.5 em. $10.


Research and process m~tallmgists know the v d n e of an up-to-date edition of this standard work. It $so helongs on the 1ihrsr.y shelves consulted hy physical ohemistry ~tudents. No professor who has ~trllggledto m&e a sound phenomenological baais for thermodynamics seem real to students can afford to overlook this prolific source of interesting examples taken from practical thermodynamics. Having worked such problems, students are hound to appreciate how ten minutes with a slide rule and free energy tables can save thousands of hours of costly trisland-error experimentation.

W. F.K.

Nouveau Traid d e Chimie Mine'rale Volume 12 Edited hy Paul Pascal, Honorary Professor, Sorbonno. Mxsson et Cir, Paris, 1958. xaxix 692 pp. 95 figs. 17.5 X 26 cm. Paper bound, 6000 fr. Clot,h hound, 7000 fr.


A departure from the original plan of Pascal's new treatise is noted in this volume. Volume 11 was to have included the material on arsenic, antimony, h i s mnth, vanadium, niohium, tantalum, and protoactini~imhut the edit,or has decided to publish the data in t,wo volumes instead of one. For this reason, Volume 12 contains vanadium, niohium, tantalum, and protoactinium instead of the elements (Continued on page A t 7 f i )



Journol of Chemical Education