Metals in bioenvironmental systems

tunately, however, there has been a lag in applying these more sophisticat- ed methods to the routine measure- ment of environmental pollutants. This ...
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This Syringe wss designed tosdvemepmdbending plungers. U you've been having that problem. this Haminm 800 Sninge is ywr awwer. It has a song meta stem which travels thmughme handle and ads as a sturd) guide fw me smaja plunge. .Thestemmreadscntomeounga,M i z i n g iand heiping to peventth$plurwhmbirm kisreaItyawdaWktohard convenient to use a syringe with a inywrhardarddlwisywtoh thesyringewiVlwtlhe heatotyaur k d y affeding the Samps. ThefiangeinthehandlecMtainsa fridionring thatgivespu an adjustable drag on me sternplunger, pro~re%WT&agsinsthighpessure.

These syringes are essentially me tried and true Haminon 700 Series Syringes. with accuraledeiiverylo+l%. We%eiust added the handle lo make mem more cmvenient and versatile.

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a,you dm't have to throw the whole Syringe away Just repiace me Sytinge The glass barrel threads inta the handle to give yw a solid ennech. lrseesyto make TheSytingeMhahardkeltcanas in5ul ard lOuicapacW(801N For more information and iiteralure on our 800 Series Syn-,wiietoJdmN~, Hamm co.,Po. Box 1o030, Reno. Nevada 89510.