Metalwash MACHINERY CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 17, 2012 - C&EN's Year in Chemistry. Research of the year C&EN's most popular stories of the year Molecules of the year Science that delighted...
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on Applications of X-Ray Analysis held in August I960 at the University of Denver, appear in Volume 4 of Adnances in X-Ray Analysis. Volumes 1 to 3 of Advances in X-Ray Analysis contain the proceedings of the 1957, 1958, and 1959 conferences (See page 71 A, Dec. 1960). This continuing series provides a valuable reference both to the researcher engaged in x-ray analysis and to the beginner who needs to develop competence quickly. Volume 4 contains discussions of theory and new instrumentation, com­ bined with data on important applica­ tions. Papers dealing with crystal structure are correlated with new tech­ niques for trace analysis of minerals. Other topics of interest include electron probe research and x-ray microscopy in geological morphology as well as phase transformation in refractory alloys, and in studies at cryogenic and at extremely high temperatures.

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Suggestions en How to Organize, Prosont, and Illustrate a Technical Paper. 18 pages. American Chemi­ cal Society, 1165 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. 1961. $1.00. (Bulk rate of 50 cents on otder for 10 or more copies) The best ways to organize and de­ liver a scientific paper and the best methods of planning and preparing slides to illustrate such a paper are set forth in this new ACS booklet. An earlier edition was called "Hints to Authors." Much of the work done by a Com­ mittee on Improvement of Papers of the Division of Petroleum Chemistry has been incorporated in the publica­ tion. While intended to assist those who prepare papers for presentation at ACS meetings, the suggestions are gen­ erally applicable for most scientific and technical meetings. There are several appendexes con­ taining comments on oral delivery, production, and use of visual aids, ACS meeting regulations, and selected ref­ erences. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 19S8. Seepages. $8.60. Oas Chro­ matography Abstracts 1959. 164

pages. $8.60. C. E. H. Knapman, editor. C. O. Scott, assistant editor. Butterworth, Inc., 7236 Wisconsin Ave., Washington H, D. C. I960.


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These are the first two volumes of a projected annual series. These ab­ stracts are published under the auspices of the Gas Chromatography Discussion Group of the Institute of Petroleum.