methane-oxygen flame structure. iv. chemical kinetic considerations

Jan 4, 2016 - Received July $1, 1960. Experimental .... VI generally are of about equal importance in detcr- mining Gi over ... data manipulation and ...
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April, 1961





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METHANE-OXYGEN FLAME STRUCTURE. IV. CHEMICAL KINETIC CONSIDERATIONS BY A. A. WESTENBERG AND R. M. FRISTROM Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University,Silver Spring, Maryland Received July $1, 1960

Experimental data on temperature, composition and aerodynamic profiles in the reaction zone of oxygen-diluted methane flames (premixed, flat and laminar) a t pressures of 1/10 and 1/20 atm. which have been given in previous papers of this series are discussed in terms of the chemical kinetics of the flame reactions. It is shown that the profiles of net reaction rates for the stable species as determined from the data are internally consistent, and that the data at the two pressures indicate the predominance of bimolecular processes. The results of an exhaustive study of the possible elementary reactions which might occur are given, and a reaction mechanism proposed which accounts most simply for the observations. It is shown conclusively that the primary mechanism of C& disa pearance cannot be by direct 0 2 attack (as in low temperature studies), but must be mainly by reaction with OH (and possibfy 0). The appearance of COZis attributed solely to the CO OH -+ Cot f H reaction, and by combining the present data with those of other workers a reasonable value for the rate constant is obtained. It is then possible to compute a profile of OH radical concentration, which exhibits a moderate non-equilibrium maximum in the fast reaction zone. The OH profile also enables a reasonable estimate of the rate constant for the reaction CH4 OH 6 CH3 HzO to be made. Finally, the question of over-all kinetics for the CO reaction is discussed. It is shown that, if the :assumption is made that the OH concentration near the hot boundary is determined by its equilibrium with 0 2 , HzO and 0, an over-all expression for the appearance rate of COZcan be written which leads to significant agreement between the present work and that of several other authors.




Introduction Previous (referred to as I, I1 and 111) in this series have reported various aspects of the study of laminar flame structure in a premixed methane-oxygen system. Paper I described the experimental techniques used, and presented a set of data on profiles of temperature, composition and aerodynamics measured in a flat flame at one-tenth atm. pressure and of initial composition (mole fractions) XCH, = 0.078, X o , = 0.914. Paper I1 covered the application of molecular transport properties to t’hese data and examined them in terms of conservation of matter and energy. Paper I11 contained the data and similar analysis for a flame of the same mixture burning at a pressure of one-twentieth a,tm. In the present paper, the structure data for both flames are considered from the point of view of chemical kinetics. Determination of Net Reaction Rates.-The original experimental data consisted of a set of profiles of temperature T , mass average gas velocity v, and mole fraction Xi of all the chemical species (excluding free radicals and atoms) as functions of the distance x through the flame zone. Aft’er appropriate correction for molecular diffusion (ie., determining profiles of diffusion velocity V i for each species) the flux variables G i defined by i(:

= fi(v

+ Vi)/v


were computed2 (fi is mass fraction of species i). Gi represents the fraction of the total mass flux a t any point in the flame due to species i. It may then be shown4 that the equation of continuit’y for species i can be written in terms of G i as .Ki (pv/Mi)(dGi/dz) (2) where p is densit,y, Mi is molecular weight, and Ki is the net rat,e of appearance (positive) or disappearance (negat.ive) of i per unit volume per unit (1) R.M. Fristrom. C. Grunfelder and S. Favin, J . P h y s . Chem.. 64, 1386 (1960). (2) A. A. Westenberg and R. hf. Fristrom, ibid., 64, 1393 (1960). (3) R. M. Fristrom, C. Grunfelder and S. Frtvin, ibid., 66, 587 (1961). (4) J. 0. Hirschfelder, C. F. Curtiss and R . B. Bird, “The iVIo1ecuIar Theory of Gases and Liquids,” John Wiley and Sons, New York, N. Y., 1931, p. 748.

time due to chemical reaction. In the usual c.g.s. units, Ki has dimensions of moles em.+ sec.-I. A profile of this rate variable was computed for each species by numerically differentiating the G, curve and using the appropriate profiles of p and v. (The product pv is not constant in a real flat flame because of lateral expansion of stream-tubes.2) These rate profiles for both the 1/10 and 1/20 atm. flames are given in Figs. 1 and 2 . These Ki profiles are interesting in a qualitative sense. It will be noted that the flames can be divided conveniently into three zones. The first, extending from the screen ( z = 0) to about z = 0.2 em. and x = 0.3 cm. in the two flames, respectively, is a region where all changes in composition and temperature are due simply to molecular transport processes. I n neither flame is there any appreciable chemical reaction until a temperature of about 1300°K. is reached. Then the second zone, in the approximate ranges x = 0.2-0.3 cm. and z = 0.30.6 em. of Figs. 1 and 2, is the region where the fast reactions occur. The CHI disappears with the formation of most of the HzO and H2. Finally, the third zone, where CO is converted slowly to COz, extends out to the hot boundary. It should be kept in mind that the determination of the Vi requires a differentiation of the experimental composition profile, so that obtaining the rate variables K i really involves a double differentiation of the experimental data. This is an obvious source of error in a study of this kind. Since the gas velocity 21 and the diffusion velocity VI generally are of about equal importance in detcrmining Gi over most of the flame zone, the quantity dGi/dz does not bring in a direct double differentiation of the composition profiles. (At some points the V i are greater than v, however.) Still, the process might be expected to reduce the precision of the composition profiles (estimated to he several per cent.) by a factor of four or so. This, of course, is a source of error resulting purely from data manipulation and has nothing to do with other experimental errors. The latter have been discussed.‘ There are certain procedures which may be used



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Applying this condition to carbon gives Kco =

- KCH,- Kc01 - KH,CO


if the contributions of carbon-containing free radicals are assumed to be negligible. Similarly, for hydrogen we have K R ~= O

- 2Kcm - KE, - KH~CO


Since the diffusion velocity for 02-and hence the Go, and Ko,-m-as not determined independently, a rate balance for oxygen was not carried out. Figures 3 and 4 show the comparison of the quantities on either side of eq. 4 for both flames, while Figs. y -41 , I I 5 and 6 show similar comparisons according to eq. 5. 0.2 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 2 (cm). In general, the two curves in each case are qualitatively similar, and in fairly good quantitative Fig. 1.-Net reaction rates of major species in CH,-0, flame at 1/10 atm. pressure. KCOand K Cactually ~ extend agreement-especially in the region beyond the fast to E = 0.85 cm. (KH~CO too small to be shown.) reaction zone for the carbon case where the slow conversion of CO to COZ is the only reaction of TEMPERATURE 1400 1600 1700 1800 1850 1900 1930 importance. These checks for the one-twentieth 2.0 atm. flame are somewhat better than for the one0 tenth atm. flame, as might be expected since the CI 1.5 work is easier a t lo-n;er pressure. Discrepancies unI doubtedly are the result of neglect of radical conyg tributions as well as experimental errors. -Ln 1.0 Reaction Mechanism.-Before discussing details z of the mechanism, some significant clues as to the ?i 0.5 nature of the flame kinetics may be obtained by W 2 comparing the structural data a t the two presLL z o sures. It can be shown theoretically6 that, if all 0 the reactions involved in a flame are of order a, k0 all distances should scale proportional to P--Or/*, $ -0.5 LL where P is pressure. Thus if most of the important 5 reactions are second order, as seems likely, the -1.0 1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 distance coordinate should be proportional to P-I. 2 (cml. In the present case, the two flames were studied a t Fig. 2.-Net reaction rates of major species in CHd-02 pressures differing by a factor of tlvo, so that a ~ extend given profile in the 1/10 atm. flame should be flame a t 1/20 atm. pressure. Kco and K C Oactually o small to be shown.) to z = 1.7 om. ( K a ~ c too compared with its counterpart in the 1/20 atm. flame plotted with its distance coordinate halved. Such a comparison is shown in Fig. 7 for the two temperature profiles, and in Fig. 8 for the concentration profiles of one of the species, XH~O. The circled points are the direct experimental data for the 1/10 atm. flame and the triangles are the 1/20 atm. data plotted against 2/2. (The latter were translated downstream = 0.04 cm. after halving to show the congruence better.) Thc similarity of the curves in each case is striking, and this provides support for the postulate of the flame reactions being sredominantlv second order ( L e . , bimolecular), I I I 1 - , 0I 2 03 04 05 06 07 Additional proof of this point is provided by z (cm) cornparing the rate profiles at the tiGo pressures. Fig. 3.-Comparison of Kco with combined rate ( - K C H-~ Consider the case of K H ~ I~ f we . assume that the Kcm - KHPCO) in 1/10 atm. flame. net rate of water formation a t any point is by way of to check the rates derived in this way. These bimolecular steps, we can write make use of the requirement that matter be conKnto = ( P / R T ) 2 kJ(XIXk)J (6) served in the flame reactions. This fact was in3 voked in paper I1 to check the composition profiles and the data analysis, and it is also useful in check- where k~ is the rate constant of the J t h reaction ing the manipulations necessary to obtain K,. iiivolved in HzO formation (or destruction-negadenotes the mole fraction If ni is the number of atoms of a particular element tiye k ~ ) ,and (xixk)J in a molecule of species i, conservation of matter product of whatever species enter into the J t h ( 5 ) See work cited in ref. 4, p 705. requires that I


' ;







April, 1961

-0 - 5-



c 2


Fig. 4.-Comparison








0.8 I .0 I .2 Z (cm). of Kco with combined rate ( -KCHI - K c o ~- K H ~ C in O )1/20 atm. flame.


I .4

reaction. It is apparent from this equation that, IO in comparing flames a t different pressures, if the temperature and mole fraction profiles are congruent when plotted on the proper distance scales, 0 then the rate profiles should be congruent keeping in mind that Ki a P 2 . Figure 9 shows K H ~treated O d 0 in this way. Solid curves A and B are the rate -X profiles for the 1/10 and 1/20 atm. flames plotted 6 against x and 4 2 , respectively. The dashed curve C is curve B with its ordinate multiplied by four to n E account for the pressure effect on K H ~ o .The com0 parisons for other Ki profiles show similar con2 4 ; gruence when plotted on a P 2 basis. The mechanism of reaction in the mcthaneY oxygen system has been investigated many times 2 by different techniques and under varying conditions. Many of these results and speculations have been summarized by Lewis and von Elbe,6 Seme~ o vand , ~ others. Most of this work was done a t 9 considerably lower temperatures than in the 3 flames considered here, and under conditions where nall effects were likely to be of importance. Re- Fig. 5.-Comparison of KHSOwith combined rate ( - 2 K C E l cently, Fenimore and Jones* have reported some - K H -~ Kasco) in 1/10 atm. flame. results of structure studies of flames containing CH4 and 0 2 (among others) which have points of Methane Disappearance.similarity to the present work. We have proCH, 02 +CHa HOI ceeded, first, by examining anew all the likely elementary bimolecular reactions involving simple This is a reaction commonly postulated in the low species which might occur in the flames under temperature oxidation of methane.’ However, in consideration. These have then been boiled down the present case it may be shown easily that such a to the simplest set which seems to “explain” most direct oxygen attack cannot be of importance in the of the observations. disappearance of methane. The above reaction is endothermic by about 55 kcal./mole. Using this ( 6 ) B. Levis and C:. yon Elbe. “Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases,” Academic Press, Spa York, N. Y., 1951, Chap. I V . as the minimum possible activation energy (a value (7) N. N. Semenov, “Some Problems in Chemical Kinetics and Rewhich has been confirmed by shock tube experiactivity,” Princeton Lnirersity Press, Princeton, N. J., 1958, Vol. 11, mentss), and a, maximum collision theory frequency Chap. XII.







( 8 ) C. P. Fenimore and G. W. Jones, J . Phys. Chem., 63,1834(1959).


(9) G . B. Skinner and R. Ruehrwein, ibid., 65, 1736 (1959).



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This was not the case in the propane-air flame previous studied.12


CH,+O+CH,+OH 1.5 t

X -P I 0




E 0

-a# a








z (cml. of KHZO with combined rate ( - 2 K . o ~ ~

Fig. 6.-Comparison

There is less known about this reaction than the others. It is probable that the activation energy is low and similar to that of the foregoing reactions (Steacie'l quotes one estimate of E = 8). The 0 concentration a t the hot boundary is approximately half that of OH for both flames, so it would appear that this reaction should be included. Intermediate Formation.-The stable intermediates included here are CO, Hz and H&O. The latter two are present a t such low concentrationsnowhere greater than about 0.3 mole %-that it is hardly necessary to account for them quantitatively, and it is possible that they may partially represent radical recombination products. But it is of interest to see how they might enter into the general scheme of things. A likely possibility is the step frequently invoked"' wherein a peroxide is formed

- K H -~ K H ~ CinO )1/20 atm. flame.

factor of lo', ~ 1 . mmole-' .~ sec.-l, the disappearance rate of CH, would be K C H=~


1014e-55000/RT [CH,] [OZ]

where [CHI] denotes the methane concentration in mole cm.-3, etc. The actual data from the 1/10 atm. flame a t the point where T = 1600"K., for example, give a value of KCH, when this equation is used, while the experimental value of KCH,a t this point is 2.7 X Thus the maximum possible rate predicted on the basis of this reaction is too low by a factor of the order of lo-, compared to the experimental rate, so the direct reaction of CH, and O2 cannot be important in this flame. Since the direct reaction would presumably be one of the major sources of any HOz in the flame, its elimination also provides a strong reason for not considering this radical in the flame mechanism. CH4

+ OH --+CH, + HzO

This reaction is exothermic by 17.5 kcal./mole and has an estimated'O activation energy E = 8.5. It is the likely main reaction in CHI disappearance under these flame conditions, as will be discussed more fully later. CH4

+ H +CHI + Hz

Energetically this step is feasible, since it is slightly exothermic and has E = 6-13 depending on the steric factor assumption.'' It seems likely, however, that in view of the large excess of 02 present the H concentration would be very low compared to that of OH (the calculated mole fraction ratios XOH/XH in the h a 1 burned gas are about 70 and 60 for the 1/10 atm. and 1/20 atm. flames, respectively), so that this reaction can be neglected as far as CH, disappearance is concerned. Further support for this neglect is the fact that very low Hz concentrations were observed in these flames. (10) L. I. Avramenko and R. V. Lorentso, Dokladg Akad. Nauk U S S R , 67, 867 (1949). (11) E. W. R . Steacie, "Atomic and Free Radical Reactions," Vol. 11, Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, N. Y., 1954.



0 2 --f


with essentially zero activation energy and a frequency factor of about lo1' cm.3 mole-' sec.-l. This could then be followed by HICOO +H2CO

+ OH

Semenov' suggests that the second step actually involves isomerization (to H2COOH) and then decomposition. Such an isomerization probably involves a fairly large activation energy, but since it is a unimolecular process its over-all rate will always be much faster than a bimolecular process such as is involved in the peroxide formation. However, if the C-0-0 bond angle is about go", as is normal for such compounds, the terminal 0 atom would lie close to an H atom and isomerization might be unnecessary. In any case, the above two steps can be combined into one effective reaction CHI

+ 02 +HzCO + OH

with E = 0 and k = 10.'' The low value of 12 implies a steric factor of about loF3,which is not unreasonable in this case. No other plausible mechanism of HzCO formation is apparent to us.





+ CO + M

where hl. is any particle. This reaction is thermally neutral but seems improbable on steric grounds. H,CO

+ &I--+


+H +M

This reaction is so endothermic (= 78 kcal./ mole) as to be dismissed easily from consideration. HiCO

+ OH



+ H20

This is frequently postulated in hydrocarbon and formaldehyde oxidation mechanisms and seems plausible. It is exothermic by 40 kcal./mole and undoubtedly ha?, crery low activation energy. Since so little HzCO accumulates in the flame, this reaction must proceed fsst enough to remove HzCO as soon as it is formed. The HCO formed above may then react by way of (12) R. 35. Fristiorn and 4. A. Westenberg, Combustzon and Flame, 1, 217 (1957).


April, 1961





I600 n'

Y 0 Y



3 I-

a a

w a 800 2 w I-






I .o


0.6 Z (cm).

Fig. 7.-Plol~

showing congruence of the flame temperature profiles a t t v o different pressures: 0, data for 1/10 atm. flame; 0 , data for 1/20 atm. flame plotted against z / 2 .

+ OH +CO + HzO, or + >I--+ H + CO + M, or + +COz + 011


0 2

The second of these reactions is fairly endothermic (26 kcal./mole) and must make only a minor contribution. The third is sterically improbable and does not allow for the production of CO in the flame. Pnwmably the first reaction accounts for the main rate of CO formation. I n the presence of 0 atoms, it seems plausible to consider 0

+ HzCO +CO + HzO

as a likely step in the removal of formaldehyde. However, since the 0 atoms presumably would be in their normal triplet state "(p> while the other three participants in the reaction would be in singlet states, this violation of the spin conservation rules13 should rule the reaction out as being much too slow. It also Eeems rather unlikely on steric grounds. Carbon Monoxide Disappearance.-Certainly the most likely (and most commonly postulated) step is CO

+ OH +COz + H

The two estimates of the rate constant which have been made are in fair agreement (Avramenko and Lorentso14: k = 3 x 10l2e-7000/RT,Fenimore and (13) K. J. Laidler, "Chemical Kinetics," MoGraw-Hdl Book Co., New York, N.Y.,1950 p. 386. (14) L. I. Avramenku and R. V. Lorentso, Zhur. Fzz. Khzm., 24,207 (1950).

Jones'j: h- = 2 X 1013 e-loOOo/RT). The rate constant for the reverse reaction consistent with these and the equilibrium constant is nearly comparable in the temperature range (1500-2000") of interest, but in viev of the probable low concentration of H atoms it is felt that the reverse reaction is of minor importance. This point is amplified later. M CO 0 +COz M For all species in ground electronic states, this reaction can be eliminated because it violates spin conservation. Also, it has been shown that the main reaction steps must be bimolecular.




+ 02





This reaction is all right from the electron spin viewpoint, and also probably from the energetic viewpoint, since it is exothermic by 8 kcal./molealthough we are unaware of any estimates of actual activation energy. The main point is that if this reaction contributes appreciably it is hard to explain the pronounced catalytic effects of H,O or Hz (Le., OH) on the reaction or why dry CO-02 mixtures are stable up to moderately high temperatures, although a t flame temperatures there may be some direct 0 2 attack. (30-02 mixtures which are really dry have exceedingly low burning velocities or cannot be ignited a t a11.I6 It seems quite unlikely, (15) C. P. Fenimore and G. W. Jones, J . Phys. Chem., 62, 1578


(16) R. A. Wires, L. A. Watermeier and R. A. Strehlow, ibid., 68, 989 (1959).


Vel. 65

out bringing in three-body reactions or the many complex or unlikely intermediate species so often suggested in kinetic studies a t l o m r temperatures. The radical HO2 has not been postulated because, as stated previously, its formation by direct reaction of 0 2 with CH4 is definitely not quantitatively significant in this case, and because the only other feasible source of HOz, i.e., by three-body combination with H atom via H 0 2 M + HO2 M, would be much too slow a t these pressures compared with the two-body process H + 0 2 --t OH 0 The latter reaction has been estimated by Fenimore and Jones'? to have a rate constant of 5 X loi4 e-laoGo/RT, It is a chain branching step which presumably is a major contributor to removing H from the system. With regard to H02, it may be noted also that a search for it by mass spectromet>ric analysis in a CH4-02 diffusion flame was unsuccessful. Several other reactions ought to be mentioned.











Z (cm).

Fig. &-Plot showing congruence of the HzO concentration profiles a t two d8erent pressures: 0, data for 1/10 atm. flame; A, data for 1/20 atm. flame plotted against z/3.

+ HzO +OH + Hz

This reaction has been estimated* to have a rate constant of 10'5 e-Zsooo/RT. It may partly account for the appearance of H2 in the system while the reverse reaction contributes to H2 removal. 0

+ HP+OH + H

This presumably contributes to H2 removal. The reaction to form H20 directly would be a spin vioIation. Hz + 02 --+ OH Of1 This is quite improbable, energetically and sterically.



+ HzO + O H

+ OH

This is endothermic by about 18 kcal./mole and would seem to be rather unimportant. The reverse reaction is the most likely mechanism for OH removal. 0 HzO --+ Hz 02 This reaction is about thermally neutral, and we are unaware of any data on it otherwise. It does not seem very probable sterically.





0.30 Z (cm).



Fig. 9.-Plot showing congruence of the Kazo profiles a t two different pressures: A, data for 1/10 atm. flame; B, data for 1/20 atm. flame plotted agalnst 4 2 ; C, data for 1/20 atm. flame plotted against z / 2 and multiplied by 4.

therefore, that this reactioii needs to be included. Miscellaneous Reactions.-The reactions discussed in the foregoing sections iiiclude those which might account for the disappearance or appearance of the main stable species found in the flames with-


+ 0 + M +02 + M

The most important recombination reaction is probably that of 0 atoms. Three-body recombinations of H and OH also could provide chain termination, but these both involve H atoms which are low in concentration in this flame. Summarizing the discussion of the possibilities, and after eliminating the impossible or improbdble steps, the simplest set of reactions which accounts for the main features of the flame chemistry is

(17) C. P. Feniinore and G. \V. Jones, ibid.. 63, 1154 (1059). (18) S. N. Foner and R. I,. Hudson, J . Chem. Phiis., 21, 1374 (1953).

April, 1961




+ --+ HzCO + OH Formaldehyde formation and disappearance. (IV) H&O + OH --+ HCO + Hz0 Carbon monoxide (V) €IC0 + OH CO + HzO disappearance. ks Carbon dioxide (VI) CO + OH: +COz + H formation. kl (VI1) + HzO OH + Hz Hydrogen formation and disappearance. its (VIII) 0 + Hz -+OH + H ko (1x1 OH + OH. +H20 + 0 (111) CI1,


0 2


k6 --f

- 1


(X) H + 0 2 - + O H + O kii

(XI) O + O + M + O e + M

The chemistry of the oxygen-diluted flame is different and somewhat simpler than its fuel-rich or stoichiometric counterparts. It would seem that the principal reason for this difference is that the concentration of oxygen in fhe reaction zone (as opposed to the inlet concentration) determines whether the radicals OH and 0 or H predominate in the initial reaction with fuel. I n fuel-rich or even stoichiometric flames it is the H atom which predominates, because the effect of diffusion is to reduce drastically the oxygen concentration in the reaction zone-md hence that of OH and 0 also. Thus these flames are characterized by relatively high intermediate concentrations12of H2 formed by reactions like VII or by direct reaction of H atom with the hydrocarbon. I n any CH4-02 flame, however, the initial attack of OH, 0 or H on the CH, molecule leaves a CHDradical which must then react (more or less, depending on the O2 concentration) with O2 via reaction 111. The 02 disappearance in flames containing considerable H atom concentration, i e., those not oxygen-diluted, must undoubtedly be attributed also to reaction X, and in some cases this may be the major mechanism as advocated by Fenimore and Jones.6 It is difficult to see how reaction I11 could be excluded entirely, however, and still account plausibly for the appearance of HzCO and CO. Since all of the steps in the proposed reaction scheme involve free radicals, this brings up the question of chain initiation, branching and breaking reactions, and what we believe is an important distinction between flames and reacting systems which are homogeneous over relatively much longer distances. It is clear that the source of radicals in the fast reaction zone of a flame cannot be simply by diffusion froin the burned equilibrium gas a t the hot boundary since, as is brought out later, the evidence from this work and that of many other investigators is that the radical concentration in this zone goes through a maximum. The cause of this non-equilibrium maximum must be the reaction itself. In a flame there are no surfaces for radical recombination, so that the only mechanism (other than slow three-body radical recombinations) for opposing the chain reactions and thus limiting the chemical rate processes is the loss of radicals from the fast reaction zone by dif-


fusion upstream and downstream from the radical maximum. The net result is that a relatively high non-equilibrium concentration of radicals may be maintained in this zone. Since the fast bimolecular reactions have the effect of merely exchanging unpaired electrons between radicals, it has been pointed out by Sugden and c o - w ~ r k e r sthat ~ ~ the attainment of final equilibrium values must be by way of three-body radical recombinations such as XI. On the other hand, chain initiating steps need not be important in flame kinetics because high radical concentrations already exist and are communicated to the incoming gas by diffusion. Interpretation of the Data in Terms of the Mechanism.-Since most of the chemical activity in these flames has been attributed to the OH radical, it is natural to examine first the consequences of this assumption. The concentration of H atoms is kept very low (final burned gas mole by the excess of 0 2 and HzO via fraction XH = reactions X and VII. Oxygen atom activity is largely confined to probable participation in CH4 disappearance oia I1 and provides a mechanism for equilibration of the system via XI. It will be noted that in the postulated mechanism the only step involving CO2 is VI. If we accept this postulate and consider both fomard and reverse directions of VI, we can write Kco,

ksICO1 [OH]

- k-e[COsl


or using the equilibrium constantz0relation K6 = k6/k- 6 KC02



where N is the total molar density a t any point in the flame. It is clear that eventually the reverse reaction term must become equal in magnitude to the forward term since equilibrium is approached a t the hot boundary. In the earlier stages of the CO afterburning region, of course, the reverse reaction will be of less importance. At any rate, it is possible to estimate k g by assuming that near the hot boundary the mole fractions XOHand XH are close to the computed equilibrium values as given in Table I. This would seem to be a reasonable assumption. The experimental Kco, data may then be used in eq. 7, together with the experimental data on Xco and Xco, and the k n o m equilibrium constant Ka, to compute ka near the hot boundary. In this way the data from the flames a t both pressures give a value of k6 = 9 X 10" cmn3 mole-' sec.-l a t T = 1950°K. As mentioned previously, there have been two published experimental estimates of kg expressed in the simple Arrhenius form A exp(--/ET). Avramenko and Lorentso's expression14 k,5 = 3 X 1012 exp(-70001 RT) (obtained by a flow technique at considerably lower temperatures) gives ka = 5 X 10" a t 1950'K. while that of Fenimore and Jones,I6 = 2 X l O I 3 exp(-lOOOO/RT), (obtained by a flame study a t temperatures comparable to ours) gives k6 = 1.5 X 1012 at 1950°K. Considering the variety of techniques employed this degree of agreement may be (19) E. M. Bulewicz, C. G. James and T. M. Sugden, Proc. Roll. SOC.(London), AaSQ,89 (1956). (20) The equilibrium constant symbol such as Ks should not be CODfused with the K , used for net reaction rates.



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cally.lg The general conclusions of these studies have been that although radical concentrations (H and OH) may show a maximum two or three orders of magnitude above equilibrium values in the nearly burned gas of rich hydrogen flames and several times greater than equilibrium in lean hydrogen flames, in hydrocarbon flames values only slightly above equilibrium are reported. (The latter conclusion supports our use of the equilibrium XOH in computing k6.) I n the present case, ( X 0 H ) m a x occurs a t z = 0.3 cm. where the temperature is 1750°K. The ratio of (XOH),,,~~ to the equilibrium value at this temperature is about 10. This maximum lies near the fast reaction region and would not be in the region studied by the optical I techniques quoted above. In the slow reaction 02 03 04 05 06 2 (em), region the XOH values are closer to equiFig. 10.-Profile of OH radical concentration in 1/10 atm. librium, in agreement with these studies. flame obiained from the COz formation rate profile by fitting The disappearance of CH4 in the flame has been to the equilibrium concentration of OH a t the hot boundary. attributed to OH radicals and/or 0 atoms via reactions I and 11. Which of these-if either oneconsidered reasonably satisfactory. It was not is more important is not possible to state for sure possible to obtain an independent value of Eg from at this time. In view of the fact that the final this work. Using Avramenko and Lorentso's equilibrium XOHis more than twice X O (see Table value E6 = 7 kcal./mole and our value of k6 a t I), and that there are more sources of OH than 0 195OoK., the expression for ks obtained was in the proposed mechanism, it seems likely that I would be more important. (Presumably I1 could k6 5 x 1012e-7000/RT (8) not occur without I, since I1 generates OH, but the TABLEI converse is not true.) If lye neglect reaction I1 CALCULATED FINAL(HOT BOUNDARY) EQUILIBRIUM GAS for the moment, the XOHprofile obtained from the COz production rate may be used to obtain a rate COMPOSITION; T, 2000°K. -Mole fractionsconstant for I. Thus



1/10 atm.

1/20 atm.


0.15473 .om22 .75273

0.15349 .07918 .75612 .OW56 .00023 .00060 .00042 .00018 .00626 .00285 ,00011

coz 0 2 co HZ Nz NO Ar

OH 0 H

.00040 ,00016

.00060 .00042 ,00340 .00528 .00201 .00007

Kcn4 =

-~ I W X C H ~ X O H


and solving for kl, using XOHprofiles individually fitted a t the hot boundary of each flame, we obtain from the 1/10 atm. flame (cm.3 mole-' sec.-l) ki(1650-1790"K.) = 3

X lOI3

and from the 1/20 atm. flame k1(1660-1840"K.) = 1 x 10'3

Over the temperature range in the flame where both K C Hand ~ XOHdata were available, kl was independent of temperature. The only available Once ks was determined in this way, it was pos- estimate of E1 is about 8.5 kcal./mole (quoted in sibIe to estimate a profile of XOH. In order to do ref. 7 ) . Froni 1650 to 1810'K. the factor expthis using eq. 7, the reverse reaction term must be (-8500/RT) varies only from 0.08 to 0.10, which neglected. This is justifiable, as pointed out be- is well within the scatter of the k1 values determined, fore, in a region far enough upstream of the hot so that such a small temperature dependence R O U I ~ boundary. Indeed, in the region used for the fit- be undetectable. The point really is that an averis entirely reasonable. ting procedure to get k6 a t 1950°K. which was de- age k1 value of about 2 X scribed, the reverse term, Le., the second term in Taken a t face value, this would imply a steric brackets in eq. 7, was only about 1/10 as large as factor about 10 times larger than that for reaction the forward term, so that its neglect upstream of VI (the activation energies are probably roughly this would certainly be warranted. A profile of equal). This may be sensible in view of the spheriXOHfor the 1/10 atm. flame computed in this way cal symmetry of the CH, molecule. If part of the is shown in Fig. 10. It will be noted that XOHis measured CH, disappearance rate is due to 0 atoms, nearly constant in the latter (hotter) part of the however, the estimate of kl obtained by assuming flame where the main reaction is the conversion of it is all due to OH reaction would be too high, GO to COZ, but rises to a maximum in the region which would tend to overestimate the steric factor where the fast reactions occur. This general be- of reaction I. havior of unstable intermediates in flames has been (21) C. P. Fenimore and G. W. Jones, J. Phys. Chem., 62, 693 noted by several authors. Experimentally, radical (1958). W. E. Kaskan, Combustion and Flame, 2 , 229, 286 (1958); concentrations in the nearly burned gas regions of (b)( 2A.2 )G.(a)Gaydon and H. G. Wolfhard, Proc. B o g . Sac. (London), 8194, flames have been measured with an isotope labeling 169 (1948). technique,21spectroscopically, 2 2 ~ 2 3and photometri(23) T. Grewer and H. G. Wagner, Z. phgaik. Cliem., 20, 371 (1959).

April, 1961




It should be noted that Fenimore and Jones8 rule out reaction I as an important reaction in methane flames on the basis of indirect arguments involving the relative rates of HzO and C 0 2 formation in near-stoichiometric CH4-Hz-02-Ar flames. Since (as far as we can tell) they made no actual measurements of H20 concentration, we do not regard their argument as very convincing. Over-all Kinetics.-It is interesting to examine data from flame studies of this kind in terms of socalled over-all kinetics, and a comparison with the results of other workers may be of some significance. A general picturez4of what must be happening as a complex reacting mixture such as exists in the afterburning regions of a flame approaches its final equilibrium state has emerged principally from the work of Bulewicz, James and Sugdenlg and Kaskan.21b25 They have shown that a mechanism which includes only reactions such as (in this case) VI through IX cannot lead to final equilibration of an arbitrary mixture of the radicals and molecules present in the flame gases. These bimolecular steps, which simply exchange unpaired electrons amongst the various species, would be expected to lead eventually to a state where certain relations between the splxies concentrations would be the same as at equilibrium, but where actual concentrations might be higher or lower than for complete equilibrium. Kaskanz5has pointed out that, for the mixture under consideration here, the quantity


quite possible that VI1 may be equilibrated, but if so, VI cannot be. Previous e v i d e n ~ e ' ~ 0 ~ 1 indicates that VI1 may be equilibrated in such flames as these. The lack of equilibration of VI was commented on earlier in the present paper, of course, when only the forward reaction was used to estimate a profile of XOH. TABLE 11 TESTOF ATTAINMEKT OF THE WATERGAS EQUILIBRIUM IN THE AFTERBURNING REGION

1/10 atm. flame z, cm.





0.30 .38 .45

1748 1852 1940


1988 2000

0.266 ,240 .233 ,224 .215



0.011 .013 .021 .041 .ll .24

0.56 .66 .82 1 .o 1.5 2.1

1853 1893 1931 1957 1988 1990




1/20 atm. flame 0.013 0.240 .016 .233 .027 ,225 .043 ,220 .089 .215 .19


,054 ,090 .18 .52 =1

0.054 ,069 .12 .20 .41 .89

If we assume, then, that reaction T'I is not equilibrated in the afterburning zone of these cannot change with time if only reactions VI-IX are flames, the question arises as to whether or not considered. In order to reach final equilibrium the disappearance rate of CO can be related to the some other reactions-presumably three-body re- concentrations of other major species in any reasoncombinations--must be included. This appears able way. It seems evident that, as pointed out to be a perfectly valid argument. It says nothing, before, the eventual equilibration of the excess however, about the chemical kinetic rates of the radicals present in the flame must be by way of recombination reactions, such as the reaction XI individual species in the afterburning region. K a ~ k a nhas ~ ~presented evidence from spectro- which we have postulated as being most important scopic measurenients in various lean flames that in our case. Simultaneously, it appears reasonreactions VI, VII, VI11 and X reach a state of able that the CO is being converted to COz via V I , equilibration very quickly beyond the fast reaction with the reverse reaction becoming important in (luminous) zone. If we assume equilibration of the later stages as the concentration of CO deVI and VII, this implies that the water gas equi- creases and COz increases. In rigorous detail, librium must be satisfied. This is something that these processes of radical decay and CO conversion are coupled, of course. However, in a case such CO Ha0 COz Hz as this where 02 and HzO are present in large excess is subject t o experimental test in our flames since compared to CO, the radical concentrations are all of the above four species were directly meas- probably not much out of equilibrium, so that it is ured. If we define the water gas equilibrium perhaps useful and instructive to approximate the situation by regarding the CO as immersed in constant as a bath composed of 02,H20,OH and 0 a t equilibrium. This amounts to a steady-state treatment we can compare the measured ratio Q W g = ( [ C 0 2 ] . of OH and 0. From the equilibrated reactions and XI one can derive an expression for XOH [Hz]/ [CO][HZO])mem with ITwvgto determine the IX of the form extent of deviation from equilibrium. This comparison is shown in Table 11. It is clear that the mater gas equilibrium definitely is not attained until the hot boundary is reached, so that the equil- where the equilibrium constants Kg and Kll are in ibration of both reactions VI and VI1 is not borne partial pressure units, i.e. out by these data. Since the region of the flame covered in Table I1 is one where both [H,O] and [H,] have attained essentially constant values, it is The presence of small amounts of GO mill not (24) The authors are indebted to the referees of this paper for helpful appreciably alter the values of X o x computed discussion and Heveral constructive suggestions about this matter. from (11). ( 2 5 ) W. E. Kaskan, (Combustton and Flame, 8 , 49 (1959). [OH]

+ 2101 + 3[Hl + 2[CO] + 2[HzI





T-ol. 65




This work This work Friedman and CyphersZ7 Friedman and Nugent2* Fenimore and Joneszs

Flame system

CH4-O9 at 0.1 atm. ( X o , = 0.75, XH*O= 0.15, T = 1950'K.) CH4-O2a t 0.05 atni. ( X o , = 0.76, XH*O= 0.15, T = 1950'K.) CaHg-air at 0.06 atm. ( X o , = 0.0115, XH*O = 0.084, T = 1600'K.) CO-Oz at 0.04 atm. ( X o , = 0.77, X H ~ = O 0.033, T = 1780'K.) CzHs-air at 1 atm. ( X o , = 0 052, X::,o = 0.061, T = 1885OK.)

We may now use eq. 7 with the reverse reaction (second) term neglected-an approximation which should certainly be good in the initial stages of the CO disappearance as previously noted. Substituting eq. 11 for XOHin (7) gives Kco,


ksN*xco(XHzo)'/p(Xon)'/' = ks[Co] [HzOl'~~[Oz] '14 Kg'/aKl~'/~P'/~ K91/tK111/d( R T)'/4-(12)

which is an over-all kinetic relation for the initial rate of C02 formation from CO reacting in a shifting equilibrium mixture of 0 2 , H20, 0 and OH. The "over-all rate constant" for this case would be given by k = k,/K,'/~Kn'l~(RT)'l~


in units of (cm.3 m ~ l e - ' ) ~ Jsee.-'. ~ The equilibrium constants Ks and Kll are known functions of temperature, of course-approximately of the form In K a (l/T). Since k6 is of the same form, an Arrhenius plot of In k us. 1/T with k evaluated according to eq. 13 should be linear (the T'Id factor is unimportant) with a slope giving an "overall activation energy." This procedure, using eq. 8 for k6,gave the result Kcon = 3


1013e-4mO'RT[CO] [H20I1/2[02l1/4 (14)

It should be emphasized that this expression would not be expected to be a reasonable approximation under conditions (such as in flames rich in H2) where high excess OF1 concentrations are found or where the reaction has proceeded long enough so that the reverse reaction of VI should be included. Both of these conditions have been noted by K a ~ k a n . 2 ~But where small amounts of CO are present with excesses of O2 and H20 it should be valid. In this connection it is noteworthy that the concentration dependences of the GO conversion rate given by eq. 14 are exactly the same as those found empirically by T