METHANOL and how to make more of it - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 6, 2010 - METHANOL and how to make more of it. Chem. Eng. News , 1967, 45 (41), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v045n041.obc. Publication Dat...
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Methanol is in short supply. Producers need more capacity. BASF has one solution to this problem—make more methanol from existing production facilities with this catalyst.

BASF CATALYST S 5-10 REDUCED Offering the following characteristics:




Highest Activity—for maximum methanol output.

Highest Selectivity—for greater percentage of high purity methanol.

M Greatest Hardness—for longer, trouble-free operation. M Pre-reduced—for easier, safer and more efficient use •

Warehoused in the U.S.—for your convenience and immediate delivery.

BASF Catalyst S 5-10 Red. provides greater output of high purity methanol than any other available today. You get greater value with this catalyst because it lasts longer, its physical properties are maintained at a high level for a longer time period. This product is the result of approximately 50-years of active experience in the field of methanol synthesis by BASF. Experience gained by BASF through these years in producing improved catalysts and catalytic processes is available to all customers. Masses of computerized commercial data to predict performance is available. And, of course, highly qualified technical service stands ready in the U.S. to assist in solving your operating problems. Please write or phone for specific proposals on how BASF Catalyst S 5-10 Red. can work for you.

METHANOL BASF and how to make more of it

In the U. S.: BASF Colors & Chemicals, Inc. 866 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 212 688-4200

In Canada: BASF Canada Ltd., P.O. Box 430, Station St. Laurent, Montreal 9, Quebec, 514 731-7481 Subsidiaries of Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Federal Republic of Germany (Also available throughout the world from local BASF distributors.)