Methanol from hiomass
By Victor D. Phillips and Patrick K. Takahashi Methanol has been identified hy most experts as the fuel of choice to replace gasoline and diesel fuel because it c a t s less than other alternative fuels (when it is produced from natural gas); it is an oxygenated fuel, which bums cleaner; it has a higher octane rating, which enhances engine performance; and it is safer (methanol fires are extinguishable with water) (I, 2). Methanol is currently manufactured worldwide by the conversion of synthe sis gas (“syngas”) derived from natural gas, refmery off-gas, petroleum, or coal. However, research scientists at the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) have identified methanol from biomass as the most cost-effective, near-term, indigenous, and renewable liquid fuel alternative to replace gasoline and diesel fuel for ground transportation. It is manufactured by partial oxidation of biomass feedstocks into syngas, followed by catalytic conversion into methanol. Views are insightful commentaries on timely enuironmental to ics, represent an author’s opinion, and o not necessarily represent a position of the society or editors. Contrasring views are inuited.
Environ. SCi.TeChnOi., Voi. 24, N0.8, I990
Hawaii is uniquely suited to be an international showcase for the develop ment, production, and utilization of methanol from biomass for several reasons. Hawaii has no indigenous fossil fuels, and thus needs an alternative fuel. The environmental conditions for high yields of biomass feedstocks are ideal. A wealth of experience and expertise exists in the Hawaiian agricultural industry and university community to develop the required technology. Gaseous and liquid fuels such as methane, methanol, and ethanol manufactured locally from biomass feedstocks are the most viable alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuels for transportation in Hawaii. Short driving distances on the islands allow for convenient refueling at nearby methanol fueling stations (3). The Hawaii Integrated Biofuels R e search Program is an integrated research and development effort which combines biomass production research to evaluate the potential of several b i e mass resources, including woody crops such as eucalyptus and leucaena and herbaceous crops like sugarcane and napiergrass; analyses of feedstock handling and processing; and thermochemical conversion to a biofuel product, methanol from biomass (4). The goal of this program is to provide
a technological and economic data base for use by private industry to manufacture liquid fuels commercially from Hawaiian-grown biomass feedstocks for transportation. The results are directly applicable in the American territories throughout the Pacific Basin and Caribbean and in many parts of the United States and the world. The tasks of the program are organized into two research components: biomass production and feedstock preparation, and biomass conversion. The first component focuses on identifying the tree and grass species that grow fastest and yield the h i e s t biomass energy. These crops are matched with suitable and available sites. This research will improve biomass yields through plant breeding techniques and will develop cost-efficient hiomas plantation management strategies and leastcost feedstock harvesting, processing, and transport systems. The information from this research will be integrated in yield and economic models for manufacturing methanol. The second research component in hiomass conversion emphasizes the analysis and testing of several thermochemical processes, such as pyrolysis, oxygen and steam gasification, and solvolysis, used in the conversion of biomass feed-
0 1990 American Chemical Society
i Patrick Takahashi
L-BA-F‘ (5). In the fall of 1988 the American Forestry Association adopted as the motto for its tree-planting promotion “Global ReLeaf.” Not only do biofuels help reverse the greenhouse effect, they can be produced in virtually every state and nation and are the only renewable energy resource readily available in convenient liquid form. For example, by taking advantage of its ideal conditions for plant growth, Hawaii can harvest sufficient fastgrowing trees and grasses on leu than 5% of its land area to provide all of the state’s liquid fuel as methanol from biomass for ground transportation (6). Renewable energy technologies offer flexible, affordable, locally available, and sustainable alternatives to fossil and nuclear fuels and ultimately enhance. our democratic values and individual freedom (7). The human race is at a crossroads, but the direction to take is clear. Continued use of fossil and nuclear fuels may lead us to an irreparable ece nomic and environmental breakdown. Biofuels will enable us to drive more responsibly on the highway of life toward a bright future.
References Phillips, V . D. et al. Appl. Energy 1990, 35. 167-75. (2) Browns S.H. et al. Solar Today 1989, July August 18 19 26 (3) Philips, V.’D.-In’Pr&xdings o/ rhe Third Paciflc Basin Bio/uels Workshop: Hawaii Natural Energy Institute: Waianae. Oahu, HI, March, 1989, pp. 32(I)
stocks to gaseous and liquid fuels, especially methanol. During more than a decade of biofu42. els research conducted at HNEI, an Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. “Haemerging attribute of biomass energy is (4) waii lntegrated Biofuels Research Proits ability to increase economic and engram-Phase 1 Final Report;” US. Department of Energy/Solar Energy Revironmental security both locally-by search Institute Subcontract No. XK-8eliminating the export of over $1 hillion 18000-1; 1989. annually from Hawaii‘s economy for ( 5 ) Phillips, V. D.; Mackcnzie. F. T.; Takahashi, P. K. Testimony before U. S. imported oil for transportation fuelsHouse of Representatives Subcommittees and globally by replacing gasoline and on Natural Resources, Agricultural Rediesel fuel with biofuels (especially search. and Environment, and Science, methanol from biomass). The use of biSpace, and Technology; Joint Hearing on Technologies for Remediating Global omass energy can reduce. atmospheric Warming; June 29, 1988. Washington, carbon dioxide from the transportation DC. sector, help reverse the greenhouse ef- (6) Phillips, V. D.;Neill, D. R.; Takahashi, P. K. Presented at VI11 International fect, and avoid oil spills. Symposium on Alcohol Fuels; Tokyo, JaThe overall energy in C02 equivapan, November. 1988. lents for the biomass conversion process (7) Phillips, V . D.;Takahashi. P. K. Emiron. Sei. Techno/. 1989, 23. 10-13. is not yet available. A total fuel cycle auditing of the energy in versus energy out (and subsequent conversion to C02 Victor D. Phillips is the manager of units) for methanol from biomass has bioresources and environmental renot been made. We are in the process of search at HNEI of the University of developing methodologies for incorpo- Hawaii at Mama (Honolulu).He has a rating externalities into the real or Ph.D. in ecology from the University of ‘‘green’’ economic costs for energy Colorado. products and services. During testimony presented before a Patrick K . Takahashi is director of congressional hearing in June 1988 on HNEI and vice president for developthe role of renewable energy technolo- ment of the Pacijc International Cengies in helping remediate the green- ter for High Technology Research. He house effect, Phillips said, “I spell relief has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from global greenhouse warming R-E- from Stanford University.
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Envimn. Scl.Teohnol.,Vol.24, No. 8. IS30 1137