Method for Determination of Dissolved Oxygen - Analytical Chemistry

Water Analysis. S. K. Love and L. L. Thatcher. Analytical Chemistry 1957 29 (4), 722-734. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links. Cover Image ...
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V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 1 1 , N O V E M B E R 1 9 5 4 S , provides the desired measure of the ferrous iron content of the impure titanous solution, each miiiiliter cont,aining S J X 55.8 mg. of ferrous iron. CORRECTION FOR IRON CONTENT AZiD CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE KORMALITY O F TITANOUS SOLUTION

.Ytns defined above is the effective normality of the impure titanous solution Lvhen employed in a ferrous-titanous procedure such as the nitroglycerin determination ( 1 ) . It is readily calculated by subtracting N , from the uncorrected normality of the impure titanous solution found bj- the direct titration :igainPt potassium dichromate with sodium diphenyl 1)riizidinc. sulfon:tte as indicator.



;Vu - S J = 0.2222 - 0.0033



This example is illustrative of a solution that contains an appreciable amount of iron. Generally the corrections for solutions prepared from titanium hydride are negligible. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This paper is published v i t h the permission of FY. B. AIc1,ean. technical director, U. P.S a v a l Ordnance Test Station. LITERATURE CITED

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