Methods in Enzymology. Volume IV. Special Techniques for the

Special Techniques for the Enzymologist. Henry Tauber. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1958, 80 (5), pp 1267–1268. DOI: 10.1021/ja01538a071. Publication Date: M...
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obvious familiarity a t first hand with all the major contributions t o thermodynamic thought. Part of it stems from his manner of presentation. He clearly is never content t o accept the work of others without thinking through in his own way the entire question under consideration, and in the end he never hesitates to present his own view without apology. The third edition of the book differs from the first two mainly in that a final short chapter on Onsager’s Reciprocal Relations has been added, and in that the material on solutions has been reorganized. The discussion of Cnsager’s Relations is restricted t o isothermal systems and illustrated mainly by application to electrokinetic effects. In the iirst of the chapters on solutions, a quantity called the excess molar Gibbs function is introduced and discussed. Discussions of mixtures whose fugacitiesf are related t o mole fraction x by R T In f l = x& has been made more general by treatment of w as a function of temperature and preijsure. The organization and scope of the book can probably best be illustrated by citing the chapter headings in order: Introduction and Fundamental Principles; Digression on Statistical Thermodynamics; Some Relations of General Validity; Systems of a Single Component; Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Mixtures; Solutions, Especially Dilute Solutions; Systems of Chemically Reacting Species; Solutions of Electrolytes; Electrochemical Systems; Gravitational Field; Electrostatic Systems; Magnetic Systems; Radiation; and Onsager’s Reciprocal Relations. The book is PHARMACOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY clearly and attractively printed and is nearly free from SCHOOL OF MEDICINE typographical errors. WILLIAMF. NEUMAN UNIVERSITYOF ROCHESTER Professor Guggenheim’s book is, as its subtitle s-bates, an ROCHESTER, S E W YORK advanced treatise and would not be suitable for the usual introductory chemical thermodynamics course. The work should serve, however, as an excellent reference book for the Thermodynamics. An Advanced Treatment for Chemists serious student who desires t o acquire depth and perspective. and Physicists. Third Edition. By E. A. GUGGBNHEIM, Any chemist who plans to work in the field of tf.ermodyM.A., Sc.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the namics should read the book with attention. University of Reading. Interscience Publishers, Inc., UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 250 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, h*.Y., 1957. xxii DIVISIONOF MINERALTECHNOLOGY ALAX W. SEARCY 476 pp. 16 X 23 cm. Price, $9.75. BERKELEY4, CALIFORNIA Thermodynamics can be approached from two widely different points of view. T h e first point of view, t h a t typically used in instruction in American Chemistry Departments, conceives thermodynamics to be a means of explaining some Methods in Enzymology. Volume IV. Special Techniques for the Enzymologist. Edited by SIDNEY P. very interesting physical phenomena. The other point of COLOWICKand NATHAN0. KAPLAN,McCol1r.m-Pratt view, that typified by this book, conceives thermodynamics Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, more as an end in itself, a kind of mathematical game in Maryland. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, which the object is to derive as many equations as possible 979 pp. 1Fi X 23.5 Xew York 3, N. Y. 1957. xii from as limited a set of postulates as possible-the quantitacm. Price, $24.00. tive answers that may be derivable from these equations are treated as of secondary interest. The phenomenal progress which enzyme chemistry has Professor Guggenheim’s objective is a clean cut exposition made in recent years may be ascribed to the development of of the mathematical principles and relationships in the field refined techniques and the application of modern equipment. of thermodynamics, and he is interested in the physical This volume deals with such special techniques which have phenomena mainly in that they provide a test for his equa- been employed in enzyme studies. The followi tions. Usually he loses interest as soon as the final equa- of the subject matter will illustrate the nature of thi tion is presented and goes on t o a new subject to him more In Section I physical methods for characteri exciting than exploring the physical implications of the equa- proteins include: electrophoresis; paper electrophoresis; tion. As one of many examples of this attitude may be ultracentrifugation, diffusion and viscometry; infrared cited the last section of the chapter on Solutions of Electro- spectrophotometry; X-ray diffraction; light-scattering lytes. X set of equations is derived from which may be ob- measurements; flow birefringence; fluorescence tei tairied the concentration of a base in a solution relative to solubility criterion; and essential groups in enzymc the concentration in the surface layer. The equations are In Section I1 there are techniques used in metabolic not applied to any specific examples. N o comment is made studies: assay of respiratory enzymes; artificial electron about whether or not the equations have ever been applied acceptors; perfusion techniques used in soil metabolism; or even about whether the data suggest that a lower or the Hill reaction; nitrogen-fixation; certain micromethods higher relative concentration of base is to be expected in used in enzyme assays; histochemical methods, and electhe suriace. tron microscopy. The value of the book lies in the excellence of its preseiitaIn Section I11 the following techniques for isotope studies tion of thermodynamic theory. The book is not mathe- are described: measurement; synthesis and degradation matically difficult. Development of each step of an argu- of isotopically labeled carbohydrates and carbohydrate ment from the preceding step is very carefully presented so intermediates; isotopic carbon patterns in bacterial ferthat the reader should have no more difficulty with the mentations; experiments with the tricarbox:ylic acid mathematics than with that in more elementary texts in cycle; purines and pyrimidines; biosynthesis of protoporthermodynamics. The two long chapters, 1 and 3 , consti- phyrin; amino acids and proteins (synthesis, iso1:ttion and tute in fact an exceptionally clear summary of the funda- degradation); labeled steroids; methyl groups (biosynthesis mental principles of thermodynamics and of the matheand transfer); labeled sulfur; labeled fatty acids; labeled matical relationships used in analysis of thermodynamic compounds in phospholipid metabolism; labeled coeiiproblems. zymes; and 1’3l-labeled compounds. Professor Guggenheim’s presentation of thermodynamic The authors of these contributions are prominc.nt repretheory leaves the reader with an impression of tremendous sentatives of their respective fields. Because most of these dutllority. Part of this sense of mthority stems from his procedures have appeared widely-scattered in a large num-

with the usefulness of the thermodynamic approach (if such exist), and the physical chemist unfamiliar with the more biochemical applications of his science. It is this third category for whom the book is most useful. Obviously, a book this size could not present a thorough development of the fundamentals of physical chemistry and a thorough coverage of the biochemical applications. The sections dealing with fundamental physical chemistry are foreshortened and “telescoped.” This leads t o statements which, without proper qualification and explanation, are not strictly true. For example, here are a few: “the activity coefficient varies between the limits 0 and 1” and “ions are found to have minimal values off . . . of the order of 0.5,” p . 83; “activity coefficients are the same in sohtions of the same ionic strength,” p. 87; (from DebyeHiickel equation) “7” is termed “average” ionic radius p. 88, etc. For these reasons, the reader should have his physical chemistry well in hand before starting this book. Despite this major shortcoming (it would require a monumental volume to give adequate coverage), the book serves a useful purpose. The style is easy to read though verbose in spots, the examples are well chosen, and the book provides a handy summary for a large specialized field in which such summaries are few. As a text, the book would require supplemental reading. It is best suited as a desk copy providing a quick review or a springboard to more detailed, comprehensive literature.




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ber of source materials it was definitely worthwhile for the editors to include these specific procedures in the present final volume of this series. The make-up and editing of this volume are excellent. There is an extensive bibliography, and an author and subject index. The four volumes, while not truly comprehensive, are a major contributio~~ to enzymology. VENEREAL DISEASEEXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY COMMUNICABLE DISEASECENTER U. S. PUBLIC HEALTHSERVICE HENRY ’rAUUER SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH ~JXIVERSITY OF NORTHCAROLISA CHAPELHILL, NORTHCAROLINA

BOOKS RECEIVED January 10, 1958-February 10, 1958 PAUL BECHER. “Emulsions: Theory and Practice.” ACS Monograph No. 135. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, Sew York 22, Ti.Y. 1957. 382 pp. $12.50. JOHN T. EDSALLA N D JET:RIES WYMAN.“Biophgsicdl Chemistry.” l‘olume I. Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, and the Biological Significance of the Properties of Matter.” Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w York3, E.Y. 1958. 699pp. 814.00. J. C. FISHER,W.G. JOHNSTOS,R. THOYSON A X D T. VREELAKD, JR.. Editors. “Dislocations and Mechanical Properties of Crystals.” An International Conference held a t Lake Placid, September 6-8, 1950. Sponsored by Air Force Ofice of Scientific Research, Air Research and Development Command, and the General Electric Research Laboratory. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N. Y 1957. 634 pp. $15.00. S. D. HAMANN.“Physico-Chemical Effects of Pressure.” Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y. 1957. 246 pp. $8.50. BRUNOJIRGENSONS. “Organic Colloids.” D. \’in S o s trand Company, Tnc., 126 Alexander Street, Princeton, S e w Jersey. 1958. 655 pp. $16.75. JOSEPHJ. KATZAXD GLENNT. SEABORG.“The Chemistry of the Actinide Elements.” John Wiley and Sons,Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, S. Y. 1957. 508 pp. $14.00. J. A. KITCHENER. “Ion-Exchaqgc Resins.” illethuen’s Monographs on Chemical Subjects John Wlley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avetiue, Kew York 16, N. Y. 1957. 109 pp. $2.00. JACQUES MEUYIER. “Gaz6ificdtion et Ovydation des Combustibles. Bases Thkorique et R6dlisatioiis Induitrielles de la Conversion Ouydante.” Masson et Cie, 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, VIO, France. 1958 550 pp. BrochC, 4.500 fr.; Cartonne toile, 5.200 fr.

EUGES MULLER, Editor. “Methoden der Organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl).” Vierte, Vollig Neu Gestaltete Auflage. Unter Besonderer Mitwirkung von 0. BAYER, H. hlEER1VEIN ASD K . ZIEGLER. Band I/1. “Allgemeiiie Laboratoriumspraxis.” Georg Thieme Verlag, (14a) Stuttgart, Herdweg 63, Germany. 1958. 1048 pp. D M 198.-(Subskriptionspreis D M 178.20). I~ILLIA F.M NEUMANASD MARGARET 1%’. KEUMAN. “The Chemical Dvnnmics of Bone Mineral.” The University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. 1958. 209 pp. $5.00. PAULPASCAL. “Nouveau Trait6 de Chirnie MinCrale.” i‘olume 111. “Group Ja: Rubidiurn-Cesium-Frarlciunl. Groupe I b : Ghkralit6s-Cuivre-Argent-Or.” Masson et Cie, 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VIa, France. 1957. 838 pp. BrochC, 6.000 fr.; Cartonne toile, 6.900 fr. A. B. PXPPARD. “Elemcn ts of Classical Thermodynamics for Advanced Students of Physics.” Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, Sew York 22, N. Y. 1957. 165 pp. $4.75 (cloth); $2.75 (paper). E. H. KODD, Edited by. “Chemistry of Carbon Conipounds.” Volume I\’. Part A. “Heterocyclic Compounds.” D. Van Xostrand Company, Inc.. 126 Alexander Street, Princeton, New Jersey. 1957. 808 pp.



BERCH. “Surface Active Agents and Detergents.” l:olume 11. Interscience Publishers, Ixic., 250 Fifth Avenue, Sew York 1, N.Y. 1958. 833 pp. $17.50. DAVID SHEMIX,Editor-in-Chief. “Biochemical Preparations.” Volume 5. John Wiley and Sons, I ~ i c . ,440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, S. Y . 1957. 115 pp. $4.75. THE LATESIR JOHNSIMOSSEN A N D l V . C . J. Ross. “Tlie Terpenes.” Volume V. “The Tritcrpciies and their Derivatives. Hydroxy Acids, Hydroxy Lactoues, Hydrosyaldehydo Acids, Hydroxykcto Acids and the Stereochemistry of the Triterpenes.” Camhridge University Press, 32 East 67th Street, Sew York 2’2, iT. Y. 1%:. 662 pp. $15.50. ’A’. &I. SMIT, Edited by. “Purity Control by Thcrinal Analysis.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Purity Control by Thermal Analysis, Amsterdam, 1957. Sponsored by the I.U.P.A.C. and organized by the Conimittee on Physico-Chemical Data and Standards. 11. Van Xostrand Company, Inc., 126 Alexander Street, Princeton, Sciv Jersey. 1957. 182 pp. 94.75. A. J. C. ~ V I L S O N , General Editor. h’. C. BAENZICER (Metals), J. IVYART (Inorganic Compounds), and J. ~IOXTEA ROBERTSON TII (Organic Compounds), Section Editors. “Structurc Reports for 1951.” Volume 15. N. V. A. Oosthoek’s Uitgevers Mij., Domstraat 1-3, Ctrecht, Holland. 1957. 588 pp. $29.00. R 11’. G 11’1 CKOIPF. “Crystal Structures Suppleme1lt I11 Intersclence Publishers, Inc., 230 Flfth Aveilue, S e w Yurk 1, S. Y. 195s. 556 pp. $20 00 J o r ~ H. s S o e A Y D HEURYJ KOCH,JR., Edited by “Trace Analysis.” Papcis Presented a t a Symposium on Trace Analysis Held a t the S e w York Acarlern). of hledicine, New York, N.Y., Sovemher 2, 3, 4, 1935 John Wile?. and Sons, Inc , 440 Fourth Avenue, Xew York 16, K. Y 1957. A72 pp. $12.00. ’I