Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis. Second ... - ACS Publications

Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis. Second Edition. 1000 pages. American. Public Health Association, 1015 18th. St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 197...
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zation of water management, as mandated by the British Water Act of 1973, holds.

S K S Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis. Second Edition. 1000 pages. American Public Health Association, 1015 18th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1977. $45 (add 50$ for postage/handling), hard cover. This is a very comprehensive book which tells “how to do it” for many different types of pollutants one may find in the air. It describes techniques and precautions, state-of-the-art, and gives detailed methodology for chemical and biological sampling/analysis of air in the workplace, as well as elsewhere. Some 130 accurate, reproducible sampling/analysis methods are offered. Fate of Pollutants in the Air and Water Environments. I. H . Suffet, Ed. xx 484 pages, Part 1; xx 442 pages, Part 2. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Thira Ave., New York, N Y 10016. 1977. $24, Part 1; $23.95, Part 2, both hard cover. Part 1 goes into the mechanism of interaction between environments and mathematical modeling, and the physical fate of pollutants. Part 2 takes a close look at the chemical and biological fate of pollutants in the environment. Both parts contain papers on these subjects, given by noted experts in their fields.



Environmental Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. Eric C. Barrett, Leonard F. Curtis, Eds. vi 314 pages. Crane, Russak & Co., Inc., 347 Madison Ave., New York, N Y 10017. 1977. $32.50, hard cover. This volume discusses policymaking aspects of remote sensing on the national and international levels, as well as legal implications. It also covers making the best use of data from existing systems, as well as establishment/testing of remote-sensing systems. Oceanographic, air/space, and ground-based remote sensing are discussed.


Handbook of Solid Waste Management. David Gordon Wilson, Ed. x 752 pages. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 450 West 33rd St., New York, N Y 10001. 1977. $39.50, hard cover. What are properties of solid waste? How is it handled, processed, and disposed of? This book gives a compre-



Environmental Science & Technology

Air Pollution and Human Health. Lester B. Lave, Eugene P. Seskin. 388 pages. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, M D 21218. 1977. $22.95, cloth. Litter may be an affront, but it is not hensive answer to these and other questions; looks at health/injury haz- normally a severe threat to human ards; composting, uses in agriculture health. Air pollution, by contrast, can and forestry, and many other aspects. be a most serious threat. This volume Waste generation rates are discussed, traces relationships between air polas are resource recovery and quality lution in certain metropolitan areas, specification for recycled materials. and death rates, and justifies its conclusions through careful statistical Environmental Effects of Complex analysis. It also tells how controls on River Development. Gilbert F. White. air pollution sources can help to reduce xi 172 pages. Westview Press, 1898 death rates. Flatiron Court, Boulder, C O 80301. 1977. $14, hard cover. Development of river basins pre- Toxic and Hazardous Industrial sents many interesting, complicated, Chemicals Safety Manual. 580 pages. and varied problems. Here is a dis- Lab Safety Supply Co., P.O. Box cussion of these problems and possible 1363, Janesville, WI 53545. 1977. $75, approaches toward solutions, as pre- hard cover. This book covers over 700 chemisented by U S . , African, Canadian, and Soviet experts. They discuss cli- cals’ toxicity and hazard data. It dismate, water supply, and many other cusses acute/chronic symptoms of exposure, cancer potential, fires, exrelated topics. plosions, OSHA and EPA regulations, Metal Toxicity in Mammals. Vol. 1. T. and many other related topics. It also 238 provides handling and disposal proceD. Luckey, B. Venugopal. x pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 dures, and practical safety considerWest 17th St., New York, N Y 10011. ations. 1977. $21 S O , hard cover. This book provides an under- The Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from standing of the chemical toxicity of Copper Reverberatory Furnace Gas metals, metalloids, and their inorganic with the Ammonia Double-Alkali compounds. It discusses these sub- Process. 138 pages. Smelter Control stances with respect to mammalian Research Association, Inc., Sixth nutrition, physiology, and toxicology, Floor, 666 Fifth Ave., New York, N Y as well as detoxification. Safety stan- 10019. 1977. $15. dards are proposed, and carcinogeThis report describes an SO2 renicity and teratogenicity are exam- moval system which, unlike other ined. double-alkali systems, uses limestone for regeneration of the spent scrubbing Solar Heating and Cooling: Recent liquor. It gives a full description of the Advances. J . K. Paul. x 484 pages. process by which plugging/scaling are Noyes Data Corp., Mill Rd., at Grand minimal. SO2 removal was comparaAve., Park Ridge, N J 07656. 1977. ble to that of conventional ammonia $48, hard cover. scrubbing systems. Flat-plate collectors-focusing collectors-hot water-coolingheating-the latest advances and Introduction to Appropriate Technolpatents are provided in this book. ogy. R. J. Congdon, Ed. 224 pages. Coatings and storage systems are also Rodale Press, Organic Park, Emmaus, covered, as are theoretical aspects and PA 18049. 1977. $6.95. Appropriate technology involves practical applications. small-scale, people-oriented technolRegionalization of Water Manage- ogy, cottage industries, nonpolluting ment. Daniel A. Okun. xiii 377 transportation, and the like. This book pages. Applied Science Publishers explains how both developed and deLtd., Ripple Rd., Barking, Essex, En- veloping countries can introduce such technologies to all sectors of society. gland. 1977. $36, hard cover. This book looks at water manage- Among its topics are “pedal power”, ment in England and Wales, and dis- water technologies, intermediate cusses the promise that the regionali- chemical technology, energy in rural





areas, and much other practical information.

The Economics of Cadmium. Third Edition. 236 pages. Roskill Information Services, Ltd., 14 Great College St., London S W l P 3RZ, England. 1977. $225. The Cadmium Conference held in San Francisco, CA, last February ( E S & T , April 1977, p 336) showed a deep interest in the metal. Now comes a work that discusses many facets of the cadmium scene-economic, environmental, production, end-uses, production, and prices. The demand/ supply and other patterns in the U.S., Japan, and other countries are presented. Energy for Development: Third World Energy Options. Denis Hayes. 43 pages. Worldwatch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1977. $2, paper. It could be that the Third World may get the "jump" on the U S . and Europe in making a transition to solar (and other renewable) sources of power. Third World countries are well-endowed with sun, green plants, and wind and water power. Some countries have indeed made vigorous efforts in this direction ( E S &T, September 1977, p 848). Here is a detailed explanation about how all that may be-and, in fact, is-coming about. Lead in the Environment. National Science Foundation. 272 pages. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D C 20402. 1977. $4. Here is a report concerned with the occurrence, transport, distribution, and possible environmental effects of lead. It is a product of the Research Applied to National Needs program. Introduction to Appropriate Technology: Toward a Simpler Lifestyle. R. J. Congdon, Ed. xviii 204 pages. Rodale Press Inc., Organic Park, Emmaus, PA 18049. 1977. $6.95, paper. Choices of water technologies; ways of obtaining useful substances from nature; renewable energy supplies. These are all useful in developed, as well as developing nations, and are described as "people-oriented." These techniques have been listed and discussed in this book by experts who have worked with the Intermediate Technology Development Group -in London, and are experienced in developing countries.


Water and Waste-Water Technology: SI Version. Mark J . Hammer. viii t 504 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N Y 10016. 1977. $15.50, hard cover. This is a text in the field of municipal water supply and wastewater disposal. Emphasis is on art and practice, and chemistry, biology, hydrology, and hydraulics are among the many basic subjects covered. Advanced treatment, water reuse, and land disposal techniques are also discussed at length. Coal Desulfurization: Chemical and Physical Methods. Thomas D. Wheelock, Ed. xi 332 pages. American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D C 20036. 1977. $25, hard cover. It is imperative that coal use not breach environmental pollution control standards. One way to assure this is to remove sulfur from coal before using it. This volume discusses, in depth, the latest sulfur removal techniques, and is based on the symposium of the Division of Fuel Chemistry at the 173rd Meeting of the ACS at New Orleans, LA, last March.

Your second best guide t o the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments


ERT Workshop on the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. J . E. Mahoney et al. 10 parts viii pages and appendix. ERT, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742. 1977, updated 1978. $70, loose-leaf binder. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 (CAAA, 1977) are quite complex, but complex or not, there must be compliance, OT penalties will be mandatory. What are one's duties, responsibilities, and rights under CAAA, 1977? This workshop book offers a comprehensive, yet uncomplicated discussion, and goes over permits, new source, modeling, enforcement, and all other aspects of the new law. The appendix contains a copy of the Act.


Viruses and Trace Contaminants in Water and Wastewater. Jack A. Borchardt et al. xiv 249 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. 1977. $29.50, hard cover. There are many such contaminants in water and wastewater, and also certain theories and practices for setting regulatory standards concerning those impurities. Both wastewater and drinking water are covered in this book, vis-a-vis these contaminants and standards. It grew out of a conference on the subject, held in January 1977 at the University of Michigan.


The best guides wrote the book ERT experts reco nized t h i s new law makes complex new $ h a n d s on industry so t h e w r o t e this guidebook f o r a series of w o r i s h o p s presented t o industry leaders nationwide This book presents t h e business and technical strategies you need t o m e e t t h e requirements f o r stationary sources The guidebook gives you immediate, detailed reference on t h e subjects of g r e a t e s t concern t o you Pre-construction perm i t s Nonattainment and P S D lead time f o r monitoring and modeling, N e w Source Performance Standards and fuels manaaement and more DIUS t h e amended law itgelf, Well organized. excellent," "will be invaluable, worthwhile f o r review and reference"-that's how Workshop a t t e n dees responded t o t h e book, probably because it was w r i t t e n by t h e experts who worked on t h e amendments three years and analyzed every version of t h e law f o r impacts on industry-utilities, pa er and petroleum. gead t h e guidebook. If you're still stumped, and you need more details t o help you w i t h your specific p r o j e c t or roblem, call t h e best guides: Dr: James RA ahoney, Michael Deland. E s q . , Dr Robe r t Dunlap, D r Alan Eschenroeder, Dr Brian Murphy. 400 pages, 8112 x 11, $70.



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Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. 696 Virqinia Road, Concord, MA 01742 Attn. K C . Reppucci, (6171 861-7700 Please s e n d me-copies of ERT


Workshop on t h e 1977 Clean Air A c t Amendments. Enclosed is remittance for-







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