Methods of Experimental Physics. - Journal of the American Chemical

Soc. , 1960, 82 (9), pp 2404–2404. DOI: 10.1021/ja01494a083. Publication Date: May 1960. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is t...
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Vol. 52

BOOK REVIEWS Methods of Experimental Physics. Volume 6 . Solid State ers. I n the opinion of the reviewers, however, many may Physics. Part A . Preparation, Structure, Mechanical wish to substitute their own analysis of the data for t h a t of and Thermal Properties. Edited by K. LARK-HOROVITZthe author since the latter leaves one confused, particularly and VIVIANA. JOHNSON,Purdue University, Lafayette, concerning the presence or absence of a number of enzymes in Indiana. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, mitochondria. More attention might have been given to the S e w York 3, N. Y. 1959. svi 466 pp. 16 X 23.5 problem of apparent loss of high-molecular weight enzymes cm. Price, $11.80. such as catalase from the mitochondria during various isolation procedures, and, in general, a more penetrating analysis One suspects t h a t books like this are conceived in a pubof a smaller number of points than are considered might have lisher’s office and brought to press through a reliable process for the accelerated gestation of scientific literature. been desirable. The second chapter, by D. E. Green, entitled Electron -1s von Braun remarked apropos of rocket research, “They Transport and Oxidatiue Phosphorylation, gives Green’s think they can produce a baby in a month by putting nine interesting and challenging analysis of the interlinking of women on it.’’ The present volume had thirty-two authors enzymes and cofactors in the electron transport system. and four editors. Since the authors are all highly competent The role of copper and nonhemin iron in the electron transin their fields, and most of them write clearly, the final result port system is examined, the functions of prosthetic groups is a readable collection of personal essays on various kinds and cofactors are discussed, and finally the probable reaction of experimental work. The diversity of approach and lack of organization t h a t make the book inadequate as a refer- sequences of components in the system and its subdivisions are given. The interesting suggestion is made t h a t lipoence work make i t interesting, and sometimes even enterprotein serves to keep the prosthetic groups of the enzymes taining, to read. dissolved in lipid and thus isolated from the aqueous phase, Here is an innocent account by three physicists of the and also possibly serves to stabilize sensitive phosphate purification of sodium chloride. “Table salt is an appreciesters. ably better starting point than most C.P. reagents. Xfter The first part of the chapter is concerned with a discussion solution and filtration a dithizone extraction removes most of the physical nature of the mitochondrion and the isolation of the ever present lead. Bromide and iodide are removed of various types of subparticles from i t which have different with chlorine, aiid potassium by ion exchange chromatography. . . Iron, magnesium, sulfate, and materials such as enzymatic activities. Here unfortunately a number of concepts are presented which do not seem to bear close analysis, silica introduced by previous purification steps are removed such as the idea t h a t the mitochondrion is a giant molecule. by HCl precipitation, gentle drying minimizes hydrolysis, The probable existence of a soluble internal phase in the and vacuum fusion and Czochralski growth reduce oxygen mitochondrion seems t o have been overlooked. The symand other adsorbed gases.” bols used by Green are not the easiest to keep in mind. Many chapters are so short ( 5 or 6 pages) that most value The diagram on page 122 is obscure in regard to the function has been squeezed out (electron microscopy, thin films, ceof cytochrome b . ramic techniques), and some of the longer chapters (30 to 40 pages) contain little but standard textbook material (S- The chapter covers much constructive thinking by the author about his work and the work of others, and undoubtrays, thermal properties). Three articles stand out by their excellence: Faust on surface preparation, a model of or- edly will contribute t o an improved understanding of the ganization that indicates what the entire book might have electron transport system. achieved through competent editing; Xinelinckx on dislocaThe third chapter, by Bo G . Malmstrom and Andreds tions, a 36 page introduction dealing mostly with descripKosenberg, entitled M e c h a n i s m of Metal I o n Actitlation of tive theory; and Jamieson arid Lawson on solid state E n z y m e s , reviews a fair amount of literature on this topic. studies under high pressure. The first few pages which are concerned with classification of metallo-enzymes might have been condensed. The chapter Other niajor articles discuss electron diffraction and inechauical properties. There is a contribution from the Bell contains material on possible enzymatic reaction mechaTelephone Laboratories on control of impurities in seminisms involving metals, ways in which the metal might comconductor materials, and one on the growth of single crystals plex with enzymes and substrates, and facttrrs which may t h a t is disappointing in its lack of specific details. One account for metal specificity such as stereochemistry, size short section, on density measurements, provides formulas of the metal in question, charge, and electronic properties. for estimating the errors of the different methods discussed. The mechanism of action of metallo-coenzymes is considHow useful to have had such information on all the other ered. measurements described! The chapter piesents worthwhile material but i t appears to The book has a complete author index and an inadequate the reviewers t h a t i t does not offer a great deal in regard to subject itidex. The production is good, with numerous the planning of future experiments, Two possible types of clear line drawings. mechanism for metal action in metallo-enzymes suggested Despite its shortcomings, this is a book t h a t scientific by the senior reviewer have not been considered (A4.L . libraries should provide so t h a t research workers can read i t Dounce, J . Cell. C o m p t . P h y s i o l . 5 , Suppl. 1, 235 (1956); through to glean new ideas. It is not, however, the kind of Enzymologia, 17, 182 (1955); see also ibid., 18, 390 (1956)). book t h a t deserves a place in the vorking library of a thrifty Chapter 4 entitled Durch Metall-Ionen Katalysierle Vorscientist, nor is i t likely to achieve status among standard gange, Vornehmlich int Beieich der Seltenen Erdmetalle by reference handbooks and encyclopedias. Eugen Bamann and Heinz Trapmann presents much material on the splitting of organic phosphate esters of various L)EPARTSIEST O F C I I E M I 5 T R Y INDIANA UNIVERSITY WALTERJ. MOORE types by rare earth metals such as cerium and lanthanum, as well as something concerning the catalytic action of these BLOOMINGTON, IXDIANA 0




Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry. \*(iluine 1x1. Editcd by F. F. NORD,Fordham L‘iiivcnity, New Yurk, S . T. Intersciencc Publishers, Iiir., 250 F i f t h Aveiiue, New York 1, N. Y. 1959. v 521 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, 812.50. Tliis volume is composed of eight chapters on various topici in enzymology. T h e first chapter by Walter C . Srliiititler entitled i l l itochnniliinl :lfefaboliAm is a well-witten : i t i d lJxiii\t:ii.iiig i-evien o f a great d e l l [if modern work on i ~ i i t ~ i ( ~ l ~ :iiiC ~ ~ ~ t il i~t i ql ~slioulti - i ~ , be vyry u3eful to nlu\t read-


iiict:ils i u brcirkiiig otlic-r types of

l.ioilds (S-l’, C-C,




aiid -C-O-C-). Tlic coiisiderable siiuilxity I J the ~ b e l i ~ioi\ of the rare earth metals to the behavior of the natural phosphatases is surprising and leads one to question a statemetit in the previous chapter to the effect that the protein component of a metallo-enzyme cannot function hy enhancing the cutdytic effect of the i i t v t d itself. Meeli:iiiisins :ire iiicludeti fur some uf the catnl!-tic acticlns rrf the rare v ~ r t i i Irletdlb. The uze o f rdre ear-ths g,is tWIk i t i a [ ~ ~ tiile>d clieluis-