methyld2-thiazoline;3 however, it was later pointed ... - ACS Publications

methyld2-thiazoline;3 however, it was later pointed out that the proposed scheme does not account for all of the experimental data. Thiol ester disapp...
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methyld2-thiazoline;3however, it was later pointed out that the proposed scheme does not account for all of the experimental data. =Si Thiol ester disappearance or formation at 50 O was \ IrCICO[P(C&)3]2 + S S i H I ~ C ~ C O [ P ( C B H (6) S ) ~ ~ followed spectrophotometrically at 230 mp and thi/ azoline disappearance at 260 mp. Above pH 2.3 the H reaction of the cationic substrate is subject to general base catalysis with a Brsnsted slope, p, of 0.97 for Research is continuing on the stereochemistry of catalysis by carboxylate anions and phosphate dianion reactions involving compounds containing silicon(Figure 1). This corresponds to a Brsnsted slope, a, transition metal bonds. A series of novel leaving of 0.03 when the reaction is described by the kinetically groups including platinum as well as cobalt species are equivalent k’ for general acid catalysis of the reaction currently under investigation. of the free amine (eq 1). This a value is equal, within L. H. Sommer, J. E . Lyons experimental error, to the a value of zero expected for

as well as subsequent exchange processes must occur with complete retention at the silicon center.

Department of Chemistry, University of California Davis, California 95616 Received April 20, 1968







a diffusion-controlled proton-transfer reaction, and we suggest that the rate-determining step of the over-all reaction under conditions in which this catalysis is observed is, in fact, a diffusion-controlled proton transfer. We have confirmed the earlier observation5 that the ratio of thiol ester to amide product (1.0 at 50’) in thiazoline hydrolysis is independent of pH below pH 2 and have shown, by measuring initial rates of thiazoline disappearance and thiol ester formation, that the decrease in yield of thiol ester at higher pH values is not caused by secondary S to N acetyl transfer. The dependence on pH of the change in product ratio (“pK’ = 2.37) corresponds to the change in rate-determining step in the intramolecular aminolysis reaction (“pK” = 2.30). The kinetic argument may be stated as follows. Below p H 2 the tetrahedral intermediate formed in thiazoline hydrolysis (eq 2) breaks down equally easily to thiol ester and to amide through transition states of zero charge. The decrease (a) in the rate of thiol ester aminolysis and (b) in the yield of thiol ester from

Rate-Limiting Diffusion-Controlled Proton Transfer in an Acetyl Transfer Reaction’ Sir : We wish to suggest that the rate-determining step of the intramolecular S to N acetyl transfer reaction of Sacetylmercaptoethylamine above p H 2.3 is a diffusioncontrolled proton transfer and propose a mechanism for the reaction which appears to resolve the “thiazoline dilemma.” The evidence for this proposal is (a) a change in rate-determining step in this reaction at pH 2.3 can be accounted for by the proposed mechanism, but cannot be accounted for by steps which involve only bond formation or breaking with carbon, and (b) general acid catalysis of the reaction by carboxylic acids and phosphate occurs with an a value indistinguishable from zero, as expected for a diffusioncontrolled reaction.



W k-T




I It is known that this intramolecular thiol ester aminolysis proceeds through a neutral transition state in acid solution and undergoes a change to a ratedetermining step with a cationic transition state at pH 2-3; this step also proceeds through a neutral transition state above pH 4. Above pH 3 the reaction is subject to general acid catalysis. Martin and Hedrick first suggested that a slow proton-transfer step could account for these kinetic results and for the pH dependence of product yields from the hydrolysis of 2(1) Publication No. 586 of the Graduate Department of Biochemistry,

Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health (HD- 1247). (2) R. B. Martin, R. I. Hedrick, and A. Parcell, J . Org. Chem., 29, 3197 (1964).

n thiazoline hydrolysis with increasing pH demands that another step with a cationic transition state become rate determining on the thiol ester limb of eq 2. This must be a simple proton-transfer step, and we suggest that it is step kA of eq 2. The alternative assignment to ka’ of eq 3 would require a value of k,’ of = 10’6 M-1 sec-1 if the pK of the cationic intermediate is assumed to be 6 . Assuming that kA for the solvated proton is 6.5 X 10’0 M-’ sec-’ at 50°,4v6the values for most of the rate (3) R. B. Martin and R. I. Hedrick, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,84,106 (1962). (4) M.Eigen, Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed. Engl., 3, l(1964); M. Eigen, Discussions Faraday SOC.,39,7 (1965). (5) R. B. Martin, S . Lowey, E. L. Elson, and J. T. Edsall, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 81, 5089 (1959); R. B. Martin and A . Parcell, ibid., 83, 4835 (1961). (6) This assumes E* = 2 kcal/mol and that ionic strength has little effect on diffusion coefficients.

Communications to the Editor


such a weak acid, suggestive of a concerted intramolecular proton transfer from NH+ to 0- through water. The previously reported2 p value of 0.6 is based on points for HzO, formate, phenolate, borate, and OHand is in agreement with the results reported here for catalysts of such widely varying acidity.


Table I. Catalysis of S to N Acetyl Transfer in S-Acetylmercaptoethylamine at 50’ and Ionic Strength 1.0 Ma k B , M-1






Figure 1. Bransted plot for S to N transfer of S-acetylmercaptoethylamine.

constants of eq 2 can be estimated and are within reasonable limits. The values of kA for four carboxylic acids and phosphate monoanion of 2.8 f 0.4 X loQ M-l sec-l show the expected decrease relative to that for




-1.74 2.83 3.50 3.95 4.64 6.52 15.00c



2.92 X 5.20 x 2.01 X 5.83 X 2.62 X 2.38 X 3.92 X

10-8 10-8 10-3

10-* 10-1 10


M-’ sec-l


6.50X 3.13 x 2.58 X 2.64 X 2.44 X 2.92 X 1.59 X

1010 log IO9 lo9 lo9

lOQ 106

a Maintained with potassium chloride. b Calculated according to the mechanism of eq 2 (see text). A. K. Covington, R. A. Robinson, and R. G. Bates, J. Phys. Chem., 70,3820(1966).

These results support the mechanism of eq 2, in which the initially formed dipolar addition intermediate I reverts to starting materials unless it is trapped by a diffusion-controlled encounter with an acid, to give 11. The relatively slow over-all rate under conditions in which the kA step is rate determining is caused by the unfavorable prior equilibria for the formation of free amine and I. This system (in reverse) is analogous to the diffusion-controlled proton removal by hydroxide ion from the (potential) carbonyl oxygen atom in I the decomposition of hemithioacetals to aldehydes.’ the solvated proton (Table I). Preliminary experiments (7) R. Barnett and W. P. Jencks, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,89, 5963 (1967). (8) National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow, 1965-1968. indicate that acids with pK values greater than 7 show the decrease in rate constant expected for proton transR. Barnett,* W. P. Jencks fer to a base of pK about 7.5, in the thermodynamically Graduate Department of Biochemistry unfavorable direction4 The water reaction shows a Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Received May 8, I968 large positive deviation from the predicted value for

Book, Reviews Electronic Absorption Spectra and Geometry of Organic Molecules. An Application of Molecular Orbital Theory. By HIROSHI Suzu~I, Department of Chemistry, College of General Education, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 1967. xiii 568 pp. 16 X 23.5cm. $24.00.


In the author’s words, “The main subject of this book is the relation between the electronic absorption of organic compounds and (the) geometry of molecules.” The book fulfills this aim to a very great extent and in very beautiful fashion. As in many such books, the present one is divided informally into two parts: the theoretical part covering eleven chapters and almost exactly half its length, and the discussion of actual cases covering most of the rest of the book. Two brief chapters introducing new methodology are inserted fairly late in the text. The theoretical portions are well written and clear. Unfortunately, the emphasis is still largely on simple Hiickel theory. Only Chapter 11 goes on to SCF methods (Pariser-Parr-Pople), and Chapters 19 and 20 deal with the composite molecule methods. Within this framework the book treats very nicely and adequately all the proper and important topics. In some places, particularly where the author has personal experience, it goes well beyond most previous treatments. Thus, it has an extensive section on molecules

Journal of the American Chemical Society

in the solid state. In the section discussing more specifically the relationship between spectra and geometry, the author has heavily leaned on his own work: “Chapters 12 to 15 are, to some extent, revised versions of papers I have published from 1959 to 1962.” In this strong emphasis on the author’s own work lies one of the major weaknesses of the book. Aside from this, the coverage of the literature seems to be rather out of date. A cursory examination shows very few references beyond 1962. Chapters 12 through 18 in 128 pages only contain two references to the literature past 1962. Thus, it is a tragic fact that Professor Suzuki’s book, as it appears in this country, is about 5 years out of date. The book is well printed and well bound. The figures are neat and legible and the whole presents a very pleasing appearance. In spite of its shortcomings, the book presents a significant contribution to the literature of organic electronic spectroscopy, largely because of its emphasis on the relation between geometry and spectra. It further represents a very nice summary and putting together in one place of Professor Suzuki’s very extensive and important researches.

90:15 / July 17, 1968

Hans H.Jaff6 Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221