Metric matrix - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Dec 1, 1992 - Puzzle to help students learn and become familiar with the metric system. Keywords (Audience):. High School / Introductory Chemistry ...
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Metric Matrix


The followine.. ~ u z z l eis desirmed to helo students learn and became familiar with the metric svstem. It contains balues for length, area, volume, mass, and temperature. I use it in my nonmujurs'chemistry course as extra-medlt work to make learning thceonv~rsion.smore fun. These students have heen surprisingly auecessful in solving it. with ahow half ~wttingthe e n t m matnx correctly oriented I would thmk sclcnre maprs would have even better success. The pmzlr ran be providrd in full-page format by enlarging the drnwing providrd below by 150'; using a copying machine. The answer sheet is provided an page 973 Directions: d apart the squares and rearrange them to form a 4 x 4 square in which all values next ot each other are equivalent, b get you started, the tap squares are correctly oriented and numbered as they apear in the final matrix, readini:leftto &ht and tap to bottom.






Terry L. Helser S.U.N.Y. College at Oneonta Oneonta, NY 13820-4015


Journal of Chemical Education