what do you want when you buy a balance?
Mettler made the first commercial single-pan substitution balance about 100,000 balances ago. Mettler's continuous development program assures the most accurate and efficient weighing instruments in the world, backed by warranty protection.
You want the right model for the job. There are more than 50 Mettler models to choose from. They range from .1 meg. precision to 13 kg. capacity, all with single-pan convenience and speed. Whatever your weighing need, it can be met by a Mettler.
Only Mettler offers differential air damping free from changes in air pressure; horizontally-disposed single-piece concentric ring weights for faster reading; consistently wider optical ranges; digital readouts; built-in weights sets; and lots more . . .
Thirty full-time Mettler servicemen are located throughout the United States. They service nothing but Mettler balances and they do their job pretty well—they ought to, they spend a year in training.
If you'd like to know more about Mettler Balances, write: Mettler Instrument Corp., 20 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J.
Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card
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