Mettler Instrument Corporation - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Mettler Instrument Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (07), pp 763A–763A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00258a771. Publication Date: June 1983. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Exact density measurement. No wait9 no error and no pycnometer. Mettler/Paar Digital Density Meters All the procedures you're accustomed to, all the time spent on measuring density, specific gravity or concentration, can now be things of the past. With Mettler/Paar digital density meters, you can obtain identification, characterization and purity measurements in seconds. There's no pycnometer filling, waiting to achieve temperature equilibrium, or weighing procedures. Think how much more quickly you can tighten manufacturing procedures, lower production costs and improve product quality. Unlimited application Mettler/Paar density meters are used everywhere. In pharmaceutical and cosmetic labs, in the petrochemical,

food and beverage industries, in universities, hospitals and crime labs. For research, quality assurance and process control. And there is one to fit your specific requirements. The DMA46, for example, has a built-in microprocessor that calculates and displays density, specific gravity, concentration or other densityrelated values. Its data can be easily transferred to a computer or printer for evaluation or storage. And for work outside the lab, take the portable DMA35 anywhere you need on-thespot measurements. Separate models are available to read density, specific gravity or concentration with a precision from 10" 3 g/cm 3 to 10~ 6 g/cm 3 . They are well-suited for quality control or R&D applications, CIRCLE 145 ON READER SERVICE CARD

The Mettler/Paar DMA35 is the only totally portable, hand-held density meter.

for checking formulation accuracy, and for several ASTM, AOAC and brewing industry methods. Results can be obtained in percent alcohol, Brix or API values. DMAs meet your needs Each of our density meters can meet your own special requirements, by itself or with optional accessories. Prices range from under $1,400 to less than $13,000. For more information, or a demonstration of any DMA instrument, write Mettler Instrument Corporation, Box 71, Hightstown, NJ 08520. Or call: (609) 448-3000.
