Mettler Instrument Corporation

AT400represents a giant leap forward in weighing capacity. At 405 g, it doubles the limit for a 4 place balance, while its. METTLER AT technology rema...
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• Now you can measure the sum of •*• the parts of an even larger whole. Presenting the 405 g METTLER AT400. No matter how you add it up, the AT400 represents a giant leap forward in weighing capacity. At 405 g, it doubles the limit for a 4 place balance, while its METTLER AT technology remains unequalled. Which is why seeing the advantages of the AT400 requires only the most basic calculations: Start with the ability to weigh larger samples more accurately and with greater ease. Add the ergonomie AT family design, with automatic draft shield. Factor in the revolutionary METTLER DeltaTrac®, and METTLER's Fully Automatic Calibration Technology (FACT) - for the absolute precision you expect from a METTLER balance. Plus, consider the fact that ifs also available as the METTLER AT460 DeltaRange®, with a movable fine range of 62 g.


Then multiply it all by METTLER Service Plus®, your assurance that we stand behind every balance we sell. For the answers to your most weighty problems, call us. We'll help you find the perfect solution. CIRCLE 86 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Mettler Instrument Corporation Box 71 Highstown, NJ 08520 1-800-METTLER (NJ 609-448-3000)

METTLER We understand, Precisely.

