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J. B. C O N A N T A N D A. H. B L A T ι .

BEYOND T H E FLYLEAF Foundations of High Speed Aerody­ namics. G. F . Carrier, ed. 2 8 6 pages. Dover Publications, Inc., 1780 Broad­ way, xNew York 19, Ν . Υ. 1951. Paper, $1.75, Cloth, $3.50. Reviewed by B. H. S A G E and W. G.


fornia Institute of Technology. T H I S book represents t h e second of the "Foundations" series b y Dover Publica­ tions. It reprints 18 publications in the field of supersonic flow and includes a bibliography covering methods of analysis of high velocity flow, supersonic phenom­ ena, shock waves, boundary layer, and problems associated with unsteady flow. S o m e of t h e reprinted papers are prima­ rily of historical interest but the group con­ stitutes a reasonable compilation of earlier basic contributions together with a num­ ber of t h e more recent treatments which set forth the current state of knowledge in a particular field. T h e absence of papers relating to thermal transfer lessens the importance of this volume to the chemical engineering profession but the book still affords a useful acquaintance­ ship with this important branch of m e ­ chanics which appears to b e playing an increasingly significant role in chemical in­ dustry. The bibliography offers convenient ac­ cess to the voluminous specialized litera­ ture in this field and t h e papers afford the reader direct contact with several of the more important contributions. The fact that the eight foreign papers were not translated into English may lessen the general utility of this volume. Reports on t h e Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 3 5 . 1950. F. Clark, editor. 9 2 2 pages. Society of Chemical Industry, 5 6 Victoria St., London S.W. 1, England. 1951. 32s.6d. Reviewed by G. J. ESSELENT, Esselen Research Division.


As usual, each of the 3 8 chapters has an excellent bibliography. Although there are only 6 4 more pages in t h e pressent volume than in t h e previous one, 4 9 of these are in the subject index, representing a 5 0 % expansion in its size. In m a k i n g several spot checks o n some of t h e l e s s common subject matter, t h e writer has been favorably impressed with the completeness of the subject coverage. The w o r l d geographical coverage is also good, reference having been noted t o publications from over 17 different coun­ tries. Graphic A i d s in Engineering tion.





XV -f-


197 pages.

McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3 3 0 W e s t 42nd St., N e w York 3 6 , Ν . Υ. 1 9 5 2 . $4.50. R e v i e w e d b y C. J. MAJOR, State Uni­ versity o f Iowa. T H I S boolc deals with slide rules, nomography, empirical equations, a n d graphi­ cal calculus in seven well organized chap­ ters. T h e first chapter discusses standard slide rules a n d offers the same type of information that is furnished t h e engineer by the s l i d e rule manufacturers in their instruction booklets. T h e chapter on e m ­ pirical equations covers five of t h e more common t y p e s of equations encountered in engineering and shows h o w empirical equations m a y b e developed to fit t h e experimental data. T h e authors present nothing new in their c h a p t e r on alignment charts b u t they describe constructional procedures in somewhat: more detail than d o other texts. T h e chapter on graphical calculus should be a w e l c o m e addition for most engineers since t h i s subject is usually given inade­ quate c o v e r a g e in their mathematics courses. A chapter is devoted to the use of determinants in the construction of alignment charts. T h e chapter o n special slide rules gives a more complete discus­ sion of t h e method of determining t h e order a n d direction of scales than is found in other texts. T h e final chapter deals with special types of nomographs contain­ ing m o v a b l e scales. This foook is designed for engineering students but should also serve as excellent reference for the practicing engineer.

T H E present volume ( X X X V ) of this valuable series covers the advances in in­ dustrial chemistry during the year 1950. Several n e w and improved features have been added. T h e most noticeable of these is the better quality paper and the new type, which is much easier to read than that formerly used. T h e summarized information is pre­ sented in 3 8 chapters which are grouped under eight divisions of related subjects. All of t h e chapters found in recent vol­ umes are retained a n d four n e w chapters ASTM Standards on Copper a n d Copper are added. T h e chapter on nonferrous A l l o y s . Sponsored b y A S T M Commit­ tee B - 5 o n Copper and Copper Alloys, metals has been expanded to two chap­ Cast a n d Wrought, xi -f- 5 0 3 pages. ters as has also the chapter o n chemical American Society for Testing Materials, engineering, plant and machinery. 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa. T h e subjects of t h e four n e w chapters $4.75. are laundry chemicals, starch, enzymes, ASTM Specifications for Steel Piping Materials. Prepared b y ASTM Com­ and explosives, the last of these covering m i t t e e A - l o n Steel, χ -f- 3 7 2 pages. the period from 1939 through 1950. The American Society for Testing Materials, chapter on food w a s omitted in Vol. 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3 , Pa. XXXIV but in the present volumes covers $3.50. the t w o years 1949 and 1950. T h e Ctiemistry of Organic Compounds.




pages. Macmillan Co., 6 0 Fifth Ave., New York 11, Ν. Υ. $5.90. Die Herkunft der Kunststoffe. HANS-





Munchen 2 7 , Germany. D M 3.80. Dutch Chemicals a n d Pharmaceuticals and Their Manufacture. 2nd éd. 3 S 7 pages. Stechert-Hafner, Inc., 3 1 East 10th St., N e w York 3 , Ν. Υ. $3.50. Fuels and Combustion. M. L. S M I T H ANÎD Κ. \V. STINSON. vii -f- 3 4 0 . McGraw-

Hill Book Co., Inc., 3 3 0 West 42nd S t . , N e w York 18, Ν. Υ. $6.50. General Chemistry. 6 t h éd. H. G. DENYING. 6 6 8 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 4 4 0 Fourth A v e . , N e w York ί « , Ν. Υ. $5.75. Kunststoff-Bestimmungstafel.


SAECHTLING. 5 pages. Carl Hans-er Verlag, Munchen 2 7 , Germany. DM 2 . Microscopical Examination of Glass-m<ing.




pages. Stechert-Hafner, Inc., 3 1 East 10th St., N e w York 3 , Ν . Υ. $3.25. The Petroleum Industry. L. P. BOONTE. 351 pages. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla. $5.00. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. C. W . FOULK, H . V . MOYER, AND W . M . MAvC-

N E V I N . ix 4- 4 8 4 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3 3 0 W e s t 42nd St., N e w York 18, Ν . Υ. $5.00. Steam Power Plants. A. H. ZERBAN AJMD E. P. N Y E . 5 3 3 pages. International Textbook Co., Scranton, Pa. $7.50. Technical Reporting. J. N . U L M A N , J R . xiv + 2 8 9 pages. Henry Hold and C o . , 383 Madison Ave., N e w York 17, Ν. Υ. $7.50.



The following documents are available at prices indicated from the Superintend­ ent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 2 5 , D . C. When n o price is indicated, pamphlet is free a n d ohtainable from issuing organizations. U. S. Department of Agriculture Plant Industry, Soih, and Agricultural Engineering Recent Research o n Improving Chemi­ cal Control of F u n g i in Green Lumber. ARTHUR V E R R A L L , P . V. MOOKS.



1046. 2 0 c e n t s .

U. S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Energy and Angle Distribution of Pliotoprotons from Deuterium. MARTIN W I E N E R . NBS Circular 515. Paper, 15 cents. Report of 36th National Conference on Weights and Measures. Misc. Pub. Ai202. 5 0 cents. U. S. Department of Interior Bureau of Mines Helium.






W H E E L E R , J R . , (Preprint from Minerals Yearbook, 1 9 5 0 ) . Paper, 5 cents. Tariff Commission Facts for Industry Series 6-2-87 to 6-292, Preliminary Report on Production of Specified Synthetic Organic Chemicals i n United States, F e b .-March to Aug.-Sept. 1951. Chemical Division. Facts for Industry Series 6-10-29 t o 6-10-34, Preliminary Report o n Produc­ tion a n d Sales of Synthetic Plastics and Resin Materials, Feb.—March to July—Aug. 1951. Chemical Division. (Continued on page 2457) A N D




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Beyond the Flyleaf (Continued from page 2438)

" 1 5 7 W A Y S T O USE

Ammonium Diehromate





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Instructions for the safe handling and use of ammonium diehromate are contained in Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD-45, issued recently by MCA. Important physical and chemical properties of ammonium diehromate are given for t h e information of personnel handling and using it. Classified b y the Interstate Commerce Commission as a flammable solid, ammonium diehromate will ignite if exposed to flames or sparks. At elevated temperatures it decomposes and may react explosively with certain organic substances. A section o n health hazards and their control outlines first aid measures, personal protective equipment, and precautions to b e observed by workers w h o come in contact with the chemical. Unless employees are familiar with its properties, local irritation of mucous membranes and «skin are possible, and harmful effects may he produced if swallowed or inhaled. Copies of Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD-45 may b e ordered at 25 cents each from Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc., Woodward Building, 15th and H Sts., Washington 5 , D . C. Remittance should accompany order. Radiation


"Radiation and Monitoring Fundamentals for the Fire Service" is the title of a booklet addressed to fire fighters w h o wish to inform themselves as to radiation dangers resulting from an atomic bomb explosion. Chapter headings include Fire Sendee and Radiation, Elementary Atomic Physics, General Features of Atomic Explosion, Radiation Detection and Monitoring, and Decontamination-Protective Safeguards. The publication is a sequel to a report issued in 1950 called "Radiation Hazards of Radioactive Isotopes in Fire Emergencies." According to the foreword, "Much has been written (perhaps too much) on the subjecting concerning the extensive and multiple damaging characteristics of atomic weapons and the civilian protection JUNE

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YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT of Equipment for Sale or Wanted c a n carry YOUR MESSAGE to the readers of the leading publication i n the chemical process industries. Rates on request. CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS Advertising Office: 3 3 0 W e s t 4 2 n d Street N e w York 3 6 , Ν . Y .



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that is to be provided. One can be resigned to confusion on reading through the printed thoughts on this general subject. For instance, early information widely featured the concept of an 'area of doom' with a specter of radiation poisoning, engendering a 'take to the hills* philosophy. . . . Scientists have advised defense officials to practically ignore radiation in the blasted area following an air burst ( except for minor precautions) and to move right in and rescue the injured and trapped . survivors . . . Any 'Hanging Sword of Damocles' attitude approaches defeatism, and resort must be made to calm and dispassionate reasoning. . . . This special publication is an effort to bring to the fire service this problem of radiological hazards in a proper perspective." The booklet is being distributed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Midston House, 22 East 38th St., New York 16, Ν. Υ. Changes in Characteristics Of Portland Cement A paper describing the changes in char­ acteristics of Portland cement over t h e years from 1904 to 1950 was presented at the 1951 annual meeting of ASTM. Part I describes changes in composition, fine­ ness, and* strength-producing characteris­ tics of Type 1 Portland cement as ex­ hibited by laboratory tests over the period. Part II includes composition, fineness, strength-producing characteristics, volume change, heat of hydration, and sulfate r e ­ sistance of the five types of Portland ce­ ment covered by ASTM Specification C 150. Copies of the booklet No. 127, illustrated with tables and graphs, is obtainable from American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa., for S 1.00 each. Textile Information in England The "Year Book of The Textile Institute and Library Catalogue" has been published by the Textile Institute, 10 Blackfriars St., Manchester 3, England. Contents include addresses of textile organizations, informa­ tion on scholarships, fellowships, examina­ tions in textile technology, list of members and officers, the president's message, yarn count systems, publications, and a great deal of other information interesting and pertinent to textile men.

FOOD RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. Founded 1922 Philip B. Hawk, Ph.D., President Bernard L. Oser, Ph.D., Director Research · Analyses · Consultation ,

VITAMIN ASSAYS J Biological, Nutritional, Toxicological Studies for the Food, Drug and Allied Industries 48-14 33rd Street, Long Island City 1, Ν.Ϋ.


LABORATORY SERVICES in B i o c h e m i s t r y , Chemistry, Bacteriology a n d Insecticide Testing

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question and answer form. Conclusions of the report are favorable toward the present mutual security program.

Leather Research The work of the British Leather Manu­ facturers' Research Association is critically surveyed in a report which has been pub­ lished as a 61-page booklet by the associa­ tion. The survey was instituted by the Statement on National Security DSIR as an experiment which, it was A statement by t h e Committee on the hoped, might prove beneficial to the councils of all research associations. Present Danger is embodied in a 16-page booklet, written as a report to Congress The resources, facilities, and program and the Administration on its study of the of the association are reviewed in relation mutual security program. The committee to the economic, technological, and scien­ is a nonpartisan group of 50 private citi­ tific needs of" the industry. T h e back­ zens chairmanned by James B. Conant, ground of the industry and major eco­ president of Harvard. Among the scien­ nomic problems facing it are given, as tists in the group are Vannevar Bush, J. well as its achievements and shortcomings Robert Oppenheimer, and Caryl P. Has- in relation to research. All sections of the kins. Part of the report is phrased in ( Continued on page 2463 ) C H E M I C A L



M A R K E T A N D N E W P R O D U C T DE­ V E L O P M E N T : Personable organic chemist M.S. with 7 years diversified experience would like to utilize bench, desk and open road to develop and m a r k e t your product. Box 3P8-L-5, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . ORGANIC C H E M I S T : P h . D . 1950, large midwestern university. Minor, physical. Age 31, single. Two years industrial experience in or­ ganic synthesis and process development. One year postdoctoral work related to explosives. H o n o r societies. Patent. Desires position in industrial research, preferably in southeastern location. Available immediately. Box 317-L-5, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . T E A C H I N G P O S I T I O N : Physical, inorganic, analytical. 1951 P h . D . in physical chemistry, post-doctoral research, teaching. Box 330-L-5, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . C H E M I S T : P h . D . , recent ten years success­ ful administrative research and development, pilot plant experience varied cellulose esters de­ velopment, stabilizing procedures, continuous processing, basic plastic and other products, ni­ tration, chemical wood pulp purification proce­ dures, production and cooperative studies; severul patents; considerable other organic and industrial experience. Box 300-F-6, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . _ C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R : B.Ch.E., 27. Three years quality control, product development nnd production experience, 1 year straight salt's. Desires product development or technical serv­ ice-sales position. Box 304-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . P H Y S I C A L C H E M I S T : 33, P h . D . with 10 years experience including process development. catalysis, photochemistry, emission spectrography. spectrometry & colorimetry, dyeing, synthetic textiles. Canadian, resident in United States, married, family. Available on three months no­ tice in Canada or United States. Interested in fundamental research or research administration. Box 308-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν . , Easton, Pa. P H . D . O R G A N I C CHEMISTRY—8 years suc­ cessful research experience in pharmaceutical a n d fermentation industries. Under 35, married, family. Publications. Sigma Xi. Box 312-F-6, C. & E . N., Easton. P a . E X E C U T I V E C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R : Em­ ployed as Director of Industrial Research, in charge of a group of 15 men, with medium sized chemical manufacturer. Twenty-two years ex­ perience in process development, manufacture of organic and pharmaceutical chemicals, and cost evaluation. Capable of handling engineering projects. Desire position of similar nature in metropolitan New York, New Jersey or Phila­ delphia area. Box 318-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν . , Easton, P a . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T : M . S . Jan. 1952. AKe 32_ Family. Veteran. Two years experii-nci· with petroleum company including low tempera­ t u r e fractional analysis. P h i L a m b d a Upsilon. Will consider industrial or academic position. Box 32Ô-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton. P a . A C A D E M I C O R I N D U S T R I A L POSITION: P r i . D . . physical chemistry, Sept. 1952, New York University. Thesis on kinetics of diazo decompositior. Five years teaching-development of instrumental analysis course. Two years indus­ trial experience. Age 31, veteran, married, Hi^inu X£. Prefer metropolitan New York area. B o x 331-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa. B I O C H E M I S T : P h . D . , October 1952. B.S. biology with, honors. Age 27, veteran, married, o n e child. Desires research position involving isolation and characterization of compounds from natural sources or academic position with opportunity for research. Sigma Xi. Location immaterial. Available September 1952. B o x 340-F-6, C . & Ε . Ν . , Easton, Pa. O R G A N I C C H E M I S T : P h . D . . August 1951. female, married, desires position in research, de­ velopment or chemical literature in metropolitan ΝβΛν York, New Jersey area. B o x 345-F-6, C. & E . N., Easton, P a . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T : Woman, P h . D . , 1951. Large mid western university. Biochemistry minor. Single, age 28. Desires challenging posi­ tion preferably in research. lVa years industrial experience as administrative assistant, . fields: surfactants, acetylene reactions. Background in synthetic organic chemistry, teaching. Sigma X i . Prefer East. Box 346-F-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa.

SITUATIONS WANTED WON MEMBERS} S U M M E R JOB—2Va years college, chemical engineering major. Desires position in chemical n d u s t r y . Location immaterial. Box 6OO-H-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a .


3 0,



MISCELLANEOUS Advertising of Classifications Not Included i n Directories On Preceding Pages (Rates o n "Employment information" page)

PUBLICATIONS—SALE, WANTED FOR S A L E : Chemical Abstracts, 1927-1947, $250. Chemische Berichte, 1892-1928, bound, $550, 1936-1943, $275. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 19461949, $80. Journal Institute Metals, 1-74, bound, £325 Box'900 H-6, C. & Ε. Ν . . Easton, P a .

( Continued from page 2458 ) industry participated in» this survey, w h i c h includes chapters o n : value of research, raw materials, tanning, mechanization a n d machinery, and industrial support..*'*A considerable section is devoted to t h e recruitment, training, and position of t e c h ­ nologists in the leather industry. The booklet, which is entitled " T b e Work of the British Leather Manufacturers Research Association for the Leather I n ­ dustry," may b e ordered from British I n ­ formation Service, 3 0 Rockefeller Plaza. N e w York, Ν. Υ., for $1.25.

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Aluminum Co. of America Archer-Daniels-Midland Co Atlas Powder Co Baker & Co. Inc Benson & Associates, Inc Blockson Chemical Company Canadian Oil Companies L t d Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., A Division of Union Carbide & Car­ bon Corp 2nd Celanese Corp. of America Central Scientific Co Clay-Adams, Inc Cleveland Vibrator C o . . . Commercial Solvents Corp Corn Pvoducts Refining Co Distillation Products Industries, Div. Eastman Kodak Co Dow Coming Corp du Pont d e Nemours & Co. ( Inc. ), E. 1 Eimco Corp Emory Industries, I n c 4th Enjay Co. Inc Fisher Scientific Co Floridin C o General Electric Co Glycerine Producers* Association. . . . Glyco Products Co. Inc Goodrich Chemical Co., B. F Great Lakes Carbon Corp., Elec­ trode D i v Hardesty C o . Inc., W . C Jefferson Chemical Co. Inc Kewaunee Mfg. Co Koppers C o . Inc Little, Inc., Arthur D Mallinckrodt Chemical Works . . . 3rd McLaughlin, Gormley, King C o . . . . Merck & Co. Inc Metal Hydrides, Inc Murdock Mfg. & Supply Co Naugatuck Chemical Div., U. S. Rubber Co Neville Co Newark W i r e Cloth Co Niagara Blower Co Nicholson & Co., W . H Norton C o Ohaus Scale Corp Pennsylvania Refining Co Perkiri-Elmer Corp ' Petrolite Corp Pittsburgh Lectrodryer Corp Rohm & Haas Co Sanborn Co Sargent & Co., Ε. Η Schwarx Laboratories, Inc Sharpies Chemicals I n c

2431 2453 2420 2411 2378 2377 2395 Cover 2415 2441 2404 2464 2380 2436

Shell Chemical Corp 2425 Sparkler Mfg. Co 2375 Sperry & Co., D . R 2443 Standard Electric Mfg. C o . I n c 2443 Tennesse Corp ". 2426 Tennessee Eastman Co., Div. East­ man Kodak Co 2407 Tennessee Products & Chemical Corp 2370 Thermo Electric Mfg. C o 2432 Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Div 2nd Cover Vanton P u m p Corp 2444 Wheelco Instruments C o 2410 W y a n d o t t e Chemicals Corp 2389

2445 2439 2403 2373 Cover 2450 2428 2442 2423 2413 2392 2405 2442 2399 2409 2434 2406 2440 Cover 2426 2437 2449 2444 2397 2394 2376 2412 2432 2435 2394 2369 2398 2374 2418 2429 2464 2406 2404 2379




Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. Bersworth Chemical C o . Bios Laboratories, Inc. Coleman & Bell Co. I n c . Concord Laboratories Delta Chemical Works General Biochemicals, Inc. King Cole Chemicals, Inc. Krishell Laboratories, I n c . Mefford Chemical Co. Monomer-Polymer, I n c . Nutritional Biochemicals Corp. Pierce Chemical Co. Seaplant Chemical Corp.

Equipment M a r t


Ace Glass, I n c . Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Cargille Scientific, I n c . Chicago Gasket Company Coleman & Bell Co. I n c . Ferguson Engineering Co. Gardner Laboratory Gillmors, Inc. Jarrell-Ash Co. Laboratory Construction Co. Machlett & Son, E . Metalsmiths Div., Orange Roller Bearing C o . Miller, Inc., Ray Penfield Mfg. Co. Inc. Uehling Instrument C o . U. S. Stoneware Co. Wellworth Trading C o .

Technical Services


Atlantic Research Corp. Bjorksten Research Laboratories Data Engineers, Inc. Food Research Laboratories, Inc. LaWall & Harrisson Leberco Laboratories Philadelphia Testing Laboratories Sadtler & Son, Inc., Samuel P . Snell, I n c . , Foster D. Truland Chemical & Engineering Co. Inc. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION Management for the American Chemical Society Publications 3 3 0 W . 4 2 n d Street, N e w Y o r k 3 6 , Ν . Υ. A D V E R T I S I N G SALES R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S Merald Lue, Advertising Sales Manager New York 36—BRyant 9 - 4 4 3 0 ; Eastern Advertising Sales Manager, H o w a r d V. Drumm; Dis­ trict Managers—James S. M u l h o l l a n d , James L. C o n k l i n Cleveland 13—630 T e r m i n a l T o w e r , P R o s p e c t 1-5583; S t e p h e n S. Steiner, District M a n a g e r Chicago 2 — 1 1 1 W e s t W a s h i n g t o n Street, R A n d o l p h 6 - 8 4 9 7 ; Western Advertising Sales Man­ ager, G . E. C o c h r a n ; District Manager—G. S. Mullin San Francisco 5 — M c D o n a l d - T h o m p s o n , 6 2 5 M a r k e t Street, Y U k o n 6 - 0 6 4 7 ; Roy M . McDonald Los Angeles 5 — M c D o n a l d - T h o m p s o n , 3 7 2 7 W e s t Sixth Street, D u n k i r k 7 - 5 3 9 1 ; Ε. Τ. T h o m p ­ son Seattle I — M c D o n a l d - T h o m p s o n , T e r m i n a l Sales Bldg., M a i n 3 8 6 0 ; H a r r y Abney Dallas 1 1 — M c D o n a l d - T h o m p s o n , 1 1 1 8 O d e a n s Drive, Winfield 4 9 1 1 ; Richard C. W i p p e r m a n Denver 2 — M c D o n a l d - T h o m p s o n , C o l o r a d o N a t i o n a l Bank Building, Keystone 4 6 6 9 ; Robert H . Heidersbach Advertising



19 5 2