Meyer SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY CO., INC. - American Chemical Society

Meade, Trudeau-Saranac Institute; and. Gerrit W. H. Scheepers, Saranac Labo- ratory. Information is available from. Norman R. Sturgis, Jr.,Saranac Lab...
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NEWS Division, Atomic Energy Research Estab­ lishment, Harwell. Diffraction Gratings and Their Use in Infrared Spectroscopy. L. A. SAYCE, Light Division, National Physical Labora­ tory, Teddington. Measurements with a Cesium Iodide Prism. Ε . Κ. PLYLEB, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D . C.

Conference on Silicosis A conference on silicosis and occupa­ tional chest diseases, jointly sponsored by the Mclntyre Research Foundation of Toronto, Canada, and the Saranac Laboratory, Saranac Lake, Ν. Υ., will be held at Saranac Lake, February 7 to 9. Anthony J. Lanza, emeritus pro­ fessor of industrial medicine at New York University—Bellevue Medical

X - R a y Diffraction In order to meet the growing demand for basic education and refresher train­ ing in x-ray diffraction and its applica­ tions, X-Ray Department, General Electric Co., will hold its third course on this subject this year from September 27 to October 1 at 4855 Electric Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Experts on particular phases of x-ray diffraction, who will present lectures and laboratory work, include: David Harker, Protein Structure Project, Poly­ technic Institute of Brooklyn; Victor Hicks, Allen-Bradley Co., Milwaukee; B. D. Cullity, Metallurgical Depart­ ment, Unwersity of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind.; R. K. Scott, Hall Labora­ tories, Inc., Pittsburgh; S. F. Kern, Antibiotics Purification Development, Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; Howard W. Pickett, Joseph Ranftl, and Rolf Edholm, General Electric Co.


Sixteenth Midwest Regional Meeting. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Omaha,

Neb., November 4 to 6.

Optical Society of America. Annual meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., October 14 to 16.

Sixth Annual Conference on. Electronics and Nucleonics in Medicine. Ameri­ can Institute of Electrical Engineers, Institute of Radio Engineers, and Instrument Society of America. Hotel New Yorker, New York, Ν. Υ., Novem­ ber 19 and 20.

Sixth Southeastern Regional Meeting. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Thomas

Jefferson Hotel, Birmingham, Ala., October 21 to 23. 36th National Metal Congress and Ex­ position. American Society for Met­ als, Chicago, III., October 30 to No­ vember 5. Twelfth Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. Mellon Institute, Pitts­ burgh, Pa., November 3 to 5. Joint with American Crystallographic Asso­ ciation.


Center, New York, has been named chairman of the conference and of the scientific program committee, which comprises Dudley Irwin, Aluminum Co. of America; Guy Hannon, Mclntyre Research Foundation; Gordon M. Meade, Trudeau-Saranac Institute; and Gerrit W. H. Scheepers, Saranac Labo­ ratory. Information is available from Norman R. Sturgis, Jr., Saranac Lab­ oratory, Saranac Lake, Ν. Υ.

Eighth Annual Symposium on Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., January 31 to February 3. 1955. American Chemical Society. 127th Na­ tional Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 20 to April 7, 1955.





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