OEM, Rack and Portable Ticket Printers accept parallel TTL/DTL. BCD inputs. Print data ... feed without machine adjustments, single or dual crossover ...
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3 basic series cover O E M , general purpose and high speed applications. AH offer disposable fibre tip pens, 115/230V, 50-400 HZ power, electronic overdrive protection, zero check pushbutton > 1 4 0 db CMR at line, constant 1 MS! impedance, English or Metric, single or 5 range models: 700 Models—8-1/2" χ 1 1 " , slew speeds t o 17 in/sec·: 800 Models—11" χ 1 7 " , slew speeds to 30 in/sec.

STRIP CHART RECORDERS Single through 8 channel, O E M , Portable or Rack mount models available. Ink less heated stylus w r i t i n g , so id state design, 40 Hz full scale bandwidth, 50 or 100 mm channels, dc to 1 00 Hz (3 db) 10 mm pp, 7 step attenuators, 10 mv/ntm sensitivity, up to 14 electri­ cally switchable chart speeds. Options available include event markers and paper take-up.

DIGITAL TICKET & TAPE PRINTERS O E M , Rack and Portable Ticket Printers accept parallel T T L / O T L BCD inputs. Print data w i t h accurate registration on a pre-formatted three copy T A B ca r d. Up to 11 columns and 20 lines can be indexed or printed. Floating decimal. Column suppression. O E M , Rack or Portable Tape Printers in Β or 12 column models, floating decimal, column suppression, accept parallel T T L / D T L inputs.

DIGITAL CASSETTE TAPE TRANSPORTS Two basic models for OEM application—Model 250—Two moving parts, 15000 'v. M T B F , +5V power, soft error rate < 1 χ 10 ? bits, 50 to 800 BPI, 1600 FCI clock on Track # 2 assures constant tape tension and speed. Conlinuous or incremental recording and play­ back. Model 260-uses motor tachs for speed control, 3000 hr. M T B F , two data tracks. High performance, 50 to 800 BPI, guar­ anteed cassette interchangeability.

POTENTIOMETRIC RECORDERS New 2100 series 10" strip chart recorders feature Ζ fold or roll chart feed w i t h o u t machine adjustments; single or dual crossover pens; fiat bed or 19" χ 5-1/4" RETMA vertical rack; disposable fibre tip pens in five colors, 1 mV through 10 V spans, electronic off-scale protec­ tion, 50-400 H?, 115/230 V switchable power.

MFECORPORATIONL ψ ± , - L ^ 1 Keewaydin


Tel: 603-893-1921 • TWX-71Q-366-1887 · TELEX 94 7477

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