Microbial Degradation of Oxadiazon by Soil Fungus Fusarium solani

and possible bioremediation strategies. Ashim Chowdhury , Saswati Pradhan , Monidipta Saha , Nilanjan Sanyal. Indian Journal of Microbiology 2008 ...
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J. Agric. food Chem. 1995,43,2964-2969


Microbial Degradation of Oxadiazon by Soil Fungus Fusarium solani Subhasish K. Chakraborty,+Ashim Chowdhury,*s' Anjan Bhattacharyya,+ Swapan Ghosh,t Sitangsu Pan,$Rolland Waters,§ and Narayan Adityachaudhury+ Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science and Department of Plant Pathology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia 741252, West Bengal, India, and Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland 20705

Degradation of oxadiazon [2-tert-butyl-4-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl-A2-1 ,3,4-oxadiazolin-5-one (111, a preemergent soil-applied herbicide, by a soil fungus, Fusarium solani (Mortius) Sacc., has been investigated. F. solani, isolated from soil by enrichment culture technique, degraded the herbicide 1 by cometabolic process. Eleven metabolites have been isolated, out of which three metabolites (MI, M2,and M3) were characterized by spectroscopic evidence. Metabolites MIand M3 are reported for the first time as metabolites of oxadiazon. The main metabolic pathways involve oxadiazoline ring cleavage without dechlorination reaction.

Keywords: Degradation; cometabolism; metabolic pathway; oxadiazon; Fusarium solani INTRODUCTION

within 20-30 days. It was therefore thought worthwhile to undertake the in vitro degradation study of Oxadiazon [2-tert-butyl-4-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxy- oxadiazon by Fusarium solani (Mortius) Sacc., a n phenyl-A2-1,3,4-oxadiazolin-5-one, 1 (Figure 311, a important soil-borne fungus, the results of which form preemergent soil-applied herbicide introduced in 1969, the subject matter of the present paper. has been used for controlling annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in rice, soybean, cotton, orchards, onion, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES peanut, potato, and ornamentals. The persistence of oxadiazon i d o n soil is very high, since less than 25% of Chemicals. Technical grade oxadiazon (85.9%)was purithe applied herbicide 1 disappeared after 175 days fied by recrystallization first from benzene and then from under both moist (75% field capacity) and flooded ethanol (99.2%,mp 89-90 "C). Analytical oxadiazon (99.7%) conditions (Ambrosi et al., 1977). Li and Wong (1980) was obtained from the U.S.EPA for comparison. All organic also found that. 73-96% of the applied oxadiazon solvents used in the entire study were of analytical grade and freshly distilled prior use. All inorganic chemicals were of remained after 144 days in three soils duly saturated laboratory grade and used as obtained. with water or flooded. Adsorption, translocation, and Analyses. Chromatography. 1. TLC. Thin layer chromametabolism of the herbicide 1 in rice and other plants tography was performed for isolation, identification, and have also been studied (Ishizuka et al., 1974, 1975; purification of metabolites, on glass plates (20 cm x 20 cm) Hirata and Ishizuka, 1975; Bingham et al., 1980; precoated with 0.5 mm silica gel G (Qualigens, India, TLC Achhireddy et al., 1984; George, 1982). The major using four different solvent systems: A, n-hexanegrade) metabolites isolated in rice plant were carboxylic acid, benzene (1:l v/v); B, n-hexane-acetone (955 v/v); C, n-hexphenolic, alcohol, and dealkylated derivatives of 1 ane-acetone (8:2 v h ) ; D, benzene-ethyl acetate (95.5 v/v). (Ishizuka et al., 1975). Oxadiazoline ring cleavage Iodine was used as chromogenic reagent for visualizing the yielded a product identified as l-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopro- spots. poxypheny1)-1-(methoxycarbonyl)-2-trimethylacetylhy2. GLC. Routine gas-liquid chromatographic estimation drazine (DIMTH) from rice plant (Hirata and Ishizuka, of oxadiazon was done on a Hewlett-PackardModel 5890A gas 1975). Phenolic, carboxylic acid, and dealkylated dechromatograph coupled with a Hewlett-Packard 3392A integrator equipped with NP3electron capture detector (ECD). The rivatives of oxadiazon were also identified as metabocolumn used for analysis was a glass column (6 ft x 2 mm lites of oxadiazon in soil (Ambrosi et al., 19771, but there i d . ) packed with 5% DC-200 on Chromosorb WHP (80-100 appears to be no evidence of oxadiazoline ring cleavage mesh). and dechlorinated products of the herbicide 1 idon soil. 3. HPLC. High-performance liquid chromatography was A survey of literature revealed that the fate of carried out for isolation and purification of metabolites on a oxadiazon (1) by soil microorganism has not been Waters Associates (Milford, MA) high-performance liquid studied adequately. Furthermore, no microbial strain chromatograph with a U6K injector, M45 and 6080A dual could be isolated that could effectively utilize oxadiazon pumps run by a model 720 system controller, and a Lambda as a sole source of carbon or nitrogen (Finkel'shtein et Max Model 440 LC spectrometer set at 254 nm. Reversed al., 19841, and they also found that 6 of 32 cultures, phase separation was achieved on a 15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. Supelcosil LC-18 (bonded octadecylsilane) column of 5 pm studied so far, affect about 20% transformation of 1 particle size from Supelco Inc. (Bellefonte, PA). The elution of the column was done by methanol-water (1:lv/v) solvent *Author to whom correspondence should be admixture at a flow rate of 0.5 mL min-'. dressed. Spectroscopic Analyses. 1. IR. Infrared spectra were ' Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil measured in KBr pellets using a Perkin-Elmer Model 1310 Science. spectrophotometer. = Department of Plant Pathology. 2. 'HNMR. lH nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were + U.S. Department of Agriculture. recorded on a General Electric QE-300 spectrometer(300 MHz) 0021-8561/95/1443-2964$09.00/0

0 1995 American Chemical Society

Microbial Degradation of Oxadiazon with a Fourier transform system using CDC13 as solvent and TMS as an internal standard. 3. GC-MS. GC-MS spectra of the isolated metabolites of oxadiazon were obtained on a Hewlett-Packard Model 5890A Series I1 GC equipped with a Hewlett-Packard Model 5970A quadruple mass spectrometer and a Hewlett-Packard Model 9885 M disk drive with a DB-1 cross-linked methyl silicon capillary column (30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. and 0.25 ,um film thickness), J&W Associates, San Francisco, CA) with splitless injection. Oven temperature was programmed from 100 to 265 "C a t the rate of 10 "C min-l with the initial temperature held for 3 min; the injection temperature was 230 "C. Helium (He) was used as carrier gas. Low-resolution electron impact mass spectra (EI-MS) were taken at an ionization potential of 70 eV, and the source block temperature was maintained a t 150 "C, whereas chemical ionization (CI-MS) data were recorded a t 60 "C with methane and DzO used as reagent gas. Isolation of Organisms and Growth Conditions. The fungus was isolated from rice field of alluvial soil of West Bengal, India [District Seed Farm, BCKV, Kalyani; sand, 46.37%; silt, 30.15%; clay, 23.48%; organic matter, 1.32%;CEC (mequiv 100 g-l) 13.23; pH 7.23 with no previous history of oxadiazon application. Two grams of fresh and air-dried soil (80 mesh) was added to 100 mL of sterilized mineral nutrient solution containing 0.3 g of MgS04.7Hz0, 0.1 g of CaC12.2H20, 0.2 g of FeSO4.7H~0,1.0 g of NH&l, 2.0 g of KHzPO4, 3.0 g of NazP04, and 0.001 g of (NH4)6Mo0~4*4Hz0 of distilled water, and oxadiazon (11, dissolved in a minimum volume of methanol, was added aseptically in a 250 mL conical flask; the final concentration of oxadiazon was 500 ppm. The flask was then incubated a t 28 i. 1 "C. After 1 month, 10 mL of soil-water (nutrient) solution was pipetted from the flask and again added aseptically in another 250 mL of similar sterilized nutrient solution with oxadiazon (500 ppm) and incubated a t 28 & 1 "C for another 2 months in total darkness. Microorganisms were isolated from each flask by streaking an inoculum from the soil-water nutrient solution on an agar plate containing herbicide (1, 250 ppm) a t 2 month intervals. After 5 days of incubation a t 28 & 1"C, the selected colonies were transferred to the culture tubes containing nutrient solution with oxadiazon (250 ppm). Four Gram-positive bacteria and only one fungus were isolated; the fungus was characterized as F. solani (Mortius) Sacc. (345650). For degradation study the fungus was then grown in modified Czapek Dox nutrient medium containing 3.0 g of NaN03, 1 g of KH2P04,0.5 g of MgS04,9.5 g of KC1,O.Ol g of FeS04.7H20, and 4 g of dextrose L-' of distilled water (final pH 6.8) and taken in a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask. After sterilization, oxadiazon (1) in minimum methanol was added aseptically to maintain the final concentration of oxadiazon of 500 ppm, and the flask was inoculated with the fungus followed by incubation a t 28 i. 1 "C in total darkness. Rate of Degradation and Fungal Biomass. To study the rate of degradation of oxadiazon (1) by F. solani, fungal cultures were incubated with the modified Czapek Dox nutrient medium with the herbicide (1) in 21 250 mL conical flasks each containing 40 mL of the medium over the period from 1 to 21 days. The herbicide (1) concentration in each flask amounted to 500 ppm, and the standard fungal spore suspension obtained from agar slant was added t o each medium. The cultures were then incubated for 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 12, 17, and 21 days in the dark a t 28 i. 1 "C. After desired time intervals, three flasks were harvested separately, and the content of each flasks was centrifuged at 1500 rpm; 20 mL of supernatent was then extracted with an equal volume of ethyl acetate for routine GC and TLC analyses. Similarly, another set of experiments was also performed with the nutrient medium containing oxadiazon (500 ppm) in the absence of dextrose. In both cases (with and without dextrose) the control flasks contained fungal mycelium in the nutrient medium without oxadiazon and oxadiazon in the nutrient medium without fungal inocula. No degradative products were detected in uninoculated controls. Again, in all cases for mycelial dry weight (biomass of fungal culture) determination, triplicate samples of the culture were harvested separately by suction

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 43, No. 11, 1995 2965 Table 1. Rate Kinetics of Oxadiazon Degradation by F. anlnni

presence of dextrose

Y = 92.24 - 2.54X

absence of dextrose

r = -0.9694 r2 = 0.9397 Y = 99.05 - 1.5l.X r = -0.9786 r2 = 0.9577

filtration through a Whatman No. 1 filter paper and washed three times with equal volumes (75 mL) of distilled water. Then the filter papers containing mycelium were dried overnight in the oven a t 80 "C and weighed. Metabolite Isolation. To produce sufficient quantities of oxadiazon (1)metabolites, 20 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, each containing 100 mL of sterilized nutrient medium with dextrose (4 g L-l), were treated with oxadiazon (500 mg L-l) in minimum methanol and inoculated with the fungus. After 15 days of incubation at 28 =k 1 "C, the contents of all the flasks were combined and filtered under vacuum to separate the mycelia from the medium. The mycelia were then washed with 10 x 20 mL of deionized distilled water. The aqueous phase was then extracted with an equal volume of ethyl acetate, and the mycelia were extracted with 500 mL of methanol for 5 h. Both organic extracts were combined, passed through anhydrous NazSO4, and concentrated to 2-5 mL with the help of rotary vacuum evaporator at 50 "C. The concentrated organic extract was then subjected to column chromatography over a silica gel (Qualigens, India, 60-120 mesh) column (75 cm x 2.5 cm id.). The column was then successively eluted with 250 mL each of n-hexane and mixtures of 0.5, 2.0, 5, 10, and 20% acetone in n-hexane; these are designated fractions 1-6, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The effect of sugar (dextrose) on the disappearance of oxadiazon (1)by the isolated soil fungus F. solani and corresponding fungal biomass are presented in Figure 1. The rate of degradation of the herbicide 1 by F. solani as well as fungal biomass seemed to be affected by the presence of dextrose (Table 1). There was no noticeable decrease in the amount of oxadiazon, as more than 70% of the applied herbicide (1) remained unchanged even after 3 weeks of incubation in the absence of dextrose. Similar results were also observed by Finkel'shtein et al. (1984). On the other hand, in the presence of sugar (dextrose) F. solani transformed more than 58% of oxadiazon within 21 days and yielded greater biomass. Similarly, in the absence of dextrose the fungal biomass increased steadily up to 8 days of incubation, after which time no remarkable growth was observed. Simultaneously, in the presence of dextrose the fungal biomass increased rapidly within the first 12 days and remained almost constant for the following days of incubation (Figure 1). The results thus indicated that F. solani could not effectively utilize oxadiazon as a sole source of carbon and, therefore, it can be assumed that the mechanism involved for the transformation of oxadiazon could be attributed t o cometabolism. GC-MS and TLC of six different column eluates (fractions 1-6) indicated the presence of 11 metabolites of oxadiazon (1)which were not found in controls. The chromatographic behavior TLC-Rf and GC-MS retention time (GC-Rt) of the isolated metabolites from different column eluates (corresponding fraction) are presented in Table 2. Among these 11 metabolites, 2 metabolites, designated Mz and MB,were characterized on the basis of their IR, lH NMR, and mass spectral data. Except for compounds M2 (estimated yield 16%) and M3 (estimated yield 19%),all other metabolites (an estimated yield of -2%) were isolated only in a small

Chakraborly et al.

2966 J, Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 43, No. 11, 1995

1 -Prearnce

of dexlroae


Abaenca o f dextroae



Preaence of dexlroae

+Abaencr of
















Incubation time (days)

Incubation time (days)

Figure 1. Degradation-utilization pattern of oxadiazon by F. solani. Table 2. ChromatographicBehavior of Oxadiazon and Its Fungal Metabolites column GC-MS Rt TLC Rf fraction" product (retention time), (250 mL) isolated Ab Bb Cb Db min 9.794 fraction 1 MI 0.70 22.003 fraction 2 oxadiazon (I) 0.52 0.86 0.75 20.101 unknown 1 0.31 0.53 0.71 0.62 16.321 fraction 3 M2 0.23 0.24 0.34 20.578 M3 0.17 0.21 0.68 0.25 19.612 fraction 4 unknown 2 0.46 0.19 18.783 unknown 3 0.42 17.096 unknown 4 0.39 18.667 fraction 5 unknown 5 0.34 23.007 unknown 6 0.31 15.459 fraction 6 unknown 7 0.20 17.287 unknown 8 0.16 Column fraction: fraction 1 (n-hexane); fraction 2 (0.5% acetone in n-hexane); fraction 3 (2% acetone in n-hexane); fraction 4 (5% acetone in n-hexane); fraction 5 (10% acetone in n-hexane); fraction 6 (20% acetone in n-hexane). TLC solvent system: (A) n-hexane-benzene (1:l d v ) ; (B) n-hexane-acetone (955 v/v); (C) n-hexane-acetone (8:2 v/v); (D) benzene-ethyl acetate (95:5 v/v).

amount and, therefore, excluding mass spectra (EI-MS), no further tests were performed with these compounds (MI and unknowns 1-8). The electron impact (E11mass fragmentation patterns of compounds MI, M2, and M3 and oxadiazon are presented in Table 3, and EI-MS data of all other unknown metabolites (unknowns 1-8) of oxadiazon are listed in Table 4. Elution of the column with n-hexane (fraction 1) after concentration gave a yellow residue, which on subsequent crystallization yielded MI (Rf 0.7, solvent system A). The EI-MS spectrum of compound (Figure 2) MI (Table 2) showed the molecular ion mlz 204 [(MI+, C~H100C121.That the molecule possessed an isopropoxy group attached to a benzene moiety was confirmed by the appearance of ionic fragments at mlz 162 [(M - C3H7+Hf] and 133 [(M - C3H7 - CO)+l. The presence of two chlorine atoms was evident from the isotopic abundance of mlz 206 [(M 2)+1 and 208 [(M 4)+] along with the formation of ionic fragments at mlz 126 [(162 - C1 HI+] and 98 (133 - Cl)+I. On the basis of the mass spectral evidence, the structure of metabolite M1 could be postulated as 2,4-(dichloroisopropoxy)benzene.



1 I

I 0.oE.n




Figure 2. EI-MS of compound MI.

Again TLC (solvent system B) of concentrated column fraction 2 (0.5% acetone in n-hexane) indicated the presence of a mixture of two compounds (Rf 0.86 and 0.53). A white solid of Rf 0.86 (solvent system B) was isolated from fraction 2 by preparative TLC using solvent system A (Rf 0.52), which had identical physical (mmp, CO-TLC) and spectral (CO-IR, mass, and lH NMR) behavior with that of the parent compound, oxadiazon ( 1). Column fraction 3 [5% acetone in n-hexane (250 mL)] was concentrated and subjected to preparative TLC in solvent system B. The major bands (Rf0.16-0.33) were scrapped from the plate and extracted with diethyl ether. The latter was then further purified by semipreparative HPLC using methanol-water (1.1vlv) as eluting solvent at 0.5 mL min-l. The HPLC eluate of retention time Rt = 28.38 min after concentration afforded a white solid, crystallized from acetone-water as colorless crystals M2 (mp 118-120 "C). The other eluate (HPLC) of Rt = 22.44 min yielded another white solid, crystallized from n-hexane-chloroform (mp 102104 "C) and designated metabolite M3. The lH NMR chemical shift and coupling information for oxadiazon and its metabolites M2 and M3 are enumerated in Figure 3. The presence of an 0-isopropyl moiety [-OCH(CH3)21 in all three molecules was evidenced by two methyl (Cl') doublets (6 1.36-1.42) sharing a 3 Hz coupling with a methine quartet ((21'-

Microbial Degradation of Oxadiazon

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 43, No. 11, 1995 2967

Table 3. Mass [EI-MS] Fragmentation Pattern of Compounds MI, Mz, and & and Oxadiazon

compd MI

mass fragments, mfz 208 206 204 162 133 126

re1 abundance, 02.3 13.9 23.1 100 23.3 17.1

M++4 M++2 M+ M+ - C3H7 + H M+ - C3H7 - CO M+ - C3H7 - C1

348 346 344 302 285 202 175

3.6 23.8 38.3 52.5 69.2 12.6 100

M++4 M++2 M+ M+ - C3H7 H M+ - C3H7 - COz H M+ - C3H7 - C02 - C4H9 M+ - C3H7 - C02 - C4Hg - HCN + 2H

380 378 376 341 334 299 250 215 191 176 148 85

2.7 11.7 18.4 76.3 7.9 100 25.4 79.8 38.6 12.3 7.1 50.9

M++4 M++2 M+ M+ - C1 M+ - C3H7 H M+ - C3H7 - C1+ H M+ - C3H7 - CO(CH& M+ - C3H7 - CO(CH& M+ - C3H7 - CO(CH& M+ - C3H7 - CO(CH& M+ - C3H7 - CO(CH& -COC (CH3)3+

322 320 318 276 241 192 176 149 85

3.9 25.5 38.8 13.7 3.8 36.3 5.0 6.3 25.0




probable assignments





+ 2H

- C1+ 2H - COOCH3 2H - COOCH3 - NH 2H - COOCH3 - NH - HCN




M++4 M++2 M+ M+ - C3H7 H M' - C3H7 - C1+ H M+ - C3H7 - COC(CH& 2H M+ - C3H7 - COC(CH& - NH + H M+ - C3H7 - COC(CH& - NH - HCN -COC(CH&



Table 4. Mass Fragmentation Pattern of Unknown Metabolites of Oxadiazon (Unknowns 1-8) and Their Probable Assimments metabolite unknown 1

M+ 298 [26.2]

unknown 2

294 [9.51

unknown 3

346 [10.11

unknown 4

270 [9.7]

unknown 5

332 L38.51

unknown 6

340 [45.31

unknown 7

256 L11.41

unknown 8

278 r2.71

mlz [re1 abundance, %I other major ion fragments 300 [1.2], 299 L2.71, 255 [(M - COCH3)+,20.51, 213 [(M- COC (CH3)3)+,4-81, 199 L17.41, 171 [(213 - COCH3 + H)+, 10.71, 157 [6.1], 143 L27.21, 129 [(171 - NH - HCN)+, 10.81 263 [(M - OCH3)+,5.31, 234 [(M- COOCH3 HI+, 1.51,209 [(M - COC(CH3)3)+,13.71, 180 [18.9], 150 [(a09 - COOCH3)+,9.51, 136 [(150 - NH + H)+, 11.61, 109 [(EO - NH - HCN H)+,32.61, 81 [lo01 350 [0.9], 348 L6.41, 261 [(M - COC (CH3)3)+,33.71, 245 [(261 - CH3)+,22.51, 219 [(261COCH3 HI+, 11.81,203 [(219 - NH2)+, 191 r18.71, 163 [7.91 272 [0.8], 271 [2.8], 242 [6.91, 213 [2.8], 185 [(M - COC(CH&)+, 6.91, 171 [(185- NH HI+, 8.31, 157 [18.11, 143 [(185 - NH - HCN)+,251, 129 [12.51 336 [2.9], 334 [22.3], 296 [(M - HCl)+,8.81, 247 [(M - COC(CH3)3)+,47.31, 233 L23.11, 205 [(247 - COCH3 + HI+, 6.81, 189 [(205 - NH2)+, 1001, 161 [12.11 342 [5.5], 341 19.41,284 [loo], 241 [25.1], 185 L27.21, 171 [(M - C3H7 - C4N9 - COz - HCN + 2H)+, 10.91 258 [0.8], 257 12.53, 199 [(M - C4Hg)+,7.11, 185 L6.91, 171 [(M - COC(CH3)3,8.61, 157 [(171 NH H)+, 12.93, 114 [(129 - NH)+,17.11,87 [(114 - HCN)', 1001 223 [(M - C4Hg H)+,26.91, 147 [(M - COC(CH& - COCH3 - H)', 1001, 121 [45.11, 93 l21.61







C2') appearing in the range between 6 4.43 and 4.58. The two aromatic hydrogens (C3 and C6) of all the compounds (1,M2, and M3) appeared as two singlets (6 7.05-7.38 for C3 and 6 7.42-7.53 for c6),confirming the presence of two meta oriented aromatic chlorine atoms. However, products M2 and M3 showed broad NH resonances (6 7.93 or 6.32 and 6.47) which are not found in oxadiazon, implying that nitrogens in M2 and M3 are not present within the heterocyclic oxadiazoline ring as in oxadiazon. This substantiates that in both M2 and M3 the oxadiazoline ring has been cleaved. The three proton multiplets at 6 3.77 along with the 1H multiplet at 6 7.93 (D2O exchanged) in the molecule M2 clearly indicated that the product (M2) contained an N-methyl

ester functionality. The presence of two para protons (C3 and C6) in both M2 and M3 proved beyond doubt that the aromatic part of these two molecules remained unchanged. The electron impact (EI)mass spectrum of M2 (Figure 4) indicated the molecular ion at mlz 376 (M+) along with other major peaks at mlz 341,334,299 (base peak) 250,215, 191, 176, 148, and 85. The mass fragmentation pattern of the compound (Table 3) showed that the base peak at mlz 299 could originate by losing one chlorine atom and -C3H7 of that isopropoxy side chain from the molecule. The ion fragments at mlz 334 and 250 could also be produced due t o consecutive loss of 43 mu [-C3H7 of the isopropoxy side chain1 and 84 mu

Chakraborty et al.

2968 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 43, No. 11, 1995



""1 I I

318 3





276.1 99.1 OE.0

; l L h a














2 33.2 1






C1- MS


31 9

50 [ M J ~

Figure 3. oxadiazon.



'H NMR data of compounds MP and


and 359


0.E 100







Figure 6. EI-MS and CI-MS of compound MB.


reported as one of the major metabolites of oxadiazon in rice plant (Hirata and Ishizuka, 1975). It is, therefore, quite reasonable that Ma was formed during incubation through biological interaction only and not during workup. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CI-MS) of compound M3 with methane as reagent gas (Figure 5) established the molecular ion at mlz 218, 318 [70.39%, (M HI+], 347 [7%, (M CzHs)'], and 359 [1.97%, (M C3H7)+1. On the other hand, the electron impact mass spectrum of the compound (Figure 5)also exhibited the molecular ion at mlz 318 [38.8%, (MI+] together with isotopic peaks at mlz 320 [(M 2)+1and 322 [(M 4)+1, confirming the existence of two chlorine atoms. The other major diagnostic fragments at mlz 276 [(M C3H7+H)+], 241 [(276 - Cl)+], 192 [(276 - COC(CH3)3 H)+l, 176 [(192 - NH3)+1, 149 N176 - HCN)+I, and 85 [(-COC(CH3)3)+1 were also discernible in the mass fragmentation pattern of metabolite M3 (Table 3). The prominent ion a t mlz 57 is a characteristic fragment of aliphatic ketone of the trimethylacetyl side chain and usually accounts for the base peak. Therefore, the ion peaks at mlz 192,85, and 57 arise presumably from the existence of the trimethylacetyl side chain. Deuterium exchange CI-MS with D20 gave a quasi-molecular ion at mlz 222, indicating the presence of two exchangeable hydrogens, which could be further confirmed by the existence of two -NH functionalities attached t o the aromatic moiety. From the above mass spectral data coupled with lH NMR evidence (discussed previously), the structure of M3 was characterized as l-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl~ hydrazine. The electron impact mass spectral data of the other eight unknown metabolites (Table 4) are not sufficient for elucidation of their structures. However, the mass spectra of these metabolites exhibited some important characteristic fragments which would be very helpful for pursuing future research in this direction.











Figure 4. EI-MS of compound Mz.

[-COC(CH3)31 from M+. The ratio of the intensities of the isotopic ions at mlz 376 [18.45%,(M)+l,378 [12.33%, (M 2)+1,and 380 [3.36%,(M 4)+1was 10:7:2,which implied the presence of two chlorine atoms in the molecule. The IR spectrum of M2 also confirmed the existence of >CO in NHCO(CH& (1682 cm-l) and z C 0 in COOCH3 (1741 cm-l). On the bais of the above mass spectral as well as IR spectral evidence in combination with lH NMR data discussed previously, the structure of metabolite M2 was characterized as 1-(2,4-dichloro5-isopropoxypheny1)-1-(methoxycarbony1)-1,2-trimethylacetyl hydrazine (DIMTH). The IR, mass, and 'H NMR data of compound Mz were also well in agreement with the reported data for DIMTH (Hirata and Ishizuka, 1975). As methanol, ethyl acetate, and acetone have been used for the extraction and cleanup of metabolite M2, it would be important t o establish that the compound (M2) was a true metabolite and not an artifact. For this purpose four sets of culture medium were extracted separately with CHCl3, CHsC12, CsHs, and diethyl ether. The GC-MS of each organic extract upon concentration (individually) also showed the existence of Mz. On the other hand, DIMTH (M2) was also








J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 43, No. 11, 1995 2969

Microbial Degradation of Oxadiazon

Scheme 1. Plausible Metabolic Pathway of Oxadiazon by F. solani


We thank Dr. D. Brayford, International Micological Institute, U.K., for kind assistance in identifying and characterizing the isolated soil-borne fungus F. solani (Mortius) Sacc. (345650) and express our gratitude to MIS. Rhone-Poulenc (India) Ltd. for supplying technical grade oxadiazon.

(CH3 )zC c, HO *:pcH3)3
















'CI Ml

On the basis of the metabolites of oxadiazon (1) produced by F. solani a plausible pathway involved in oxadiazon transformation is depicted in Scheme 1. It is revealed from the present study that oxadiazoline ring cleavage is the main and first point of oxadiazon metabolism and no dechlorination was observed. Heterocyclic oxadiazoline ring cleavage of oxadiazon yielded an intermediate product (X)which underwent N-decarboxylation to form metabolite M3, while M2 was formed by methylation. Complete elimination of the oxadiazoline heterocyclic ring from the aromatic moiety of oxadiazon resulted in MI. The metabolites MI and M3 are now reported for the first time as metabolites of oxadiazon, but no alcoholic, phenolic, and carboxylic acid derivatives of oxadiazon without oxadiazoline ring cleavage could be identified that were previously reported as metabolites of 1 in soil and plants (Ishizuka et al., 1974, 1975; Hirata and Ishizuka, 1975; Ambrosi et al., 1977).

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Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, October 1, 1995. @