Microcoils significantly boost NMR mass sensitivity ... - ACS Publications

Microcoils significantly boost NMR mass sensi- tivity and provide new detection opportunities. The ideal analytical instrument rap- idly provides a we...
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THE NANOLITER NICHE The ideal analytical instrument rapidly provides a wealth of chemical and structural data from a minimal sample amount, but such a panacea seldom exists. Consequently, analytical scientists must evaluate the capabilities and limitations of techniques within practical constraints. NMR spectroscopy fulfills a critical role through its ability to produce unmatched structural information and provide data on intramolecular dynamics. For instance, NMR is the only technique available that C3T1 yield the three-dimensional structure of a protein in solution Furthermore NMR spectroscopy features an experimental versatility virtually unsurpassed in a nondestructive analytical method To accommodate the particular research nneds so fhe analvst NMR methods varv in comolexityfromonedimensional nroton snectra to multinuclear This Report examines the shortcomings of NMR that prevent its more extensive use for mass-limited samples. In addition to addressing probe hardware and performance specifications, we focus on nanoliter-volume NMR spectroscopy (which can provide increased mass sensitivity) and the combination of microseparations wiih NMR detection. (For information on NMR history, background, and theory, consult Refs. 1-7.) Despite continuous improvements in the homogeneity and field strength of superconducting magnets during the past 15 years, currently available magnetic fields yield NMR transitions of very low energy (~10~25 J/spin). Because the transition energy is small with respect to kT (Boltz-

NMR Detection for Trace Analysis and Capillary Separations

Microcoils significantly boost NMR mass sensitivity and provide new detection opportunities.

man constant x temperature) at room temperature, the population difference between the upper and lower energy states (as governed by the Boltzmann distribution) represents r T i n r ^ n t r a t i n n f ^ ^ n t a n d nKtain sper"tra

from lower concentrations of analytes Although the initial reports of coupling CE with NMR demonstrated its potential, original spectral LWs were larger than 7 Hz. Broad LWs make characterization of unknowns difficult, and the —100 mM LODs precluded most assays. The improvements in microcoil NMR probe design yield high-resolution spectra (typically, a LW ~1 Hz qualifiee sa sigh resolution) and improved LODs. With these advances, the combination of CE and NMR becomes practical in situations requiring separation and structural determination of mass-limited unknowns Though not yet performed for capillaries, the demonstrated nondestructive analytical capabilities of NMR include direct measurement of pH (26), selective detection of charged species (27), diffusion coef-

Figure 4. Field-amplified sample stacking in CE using NMR detection. A mixture of 15 nmol each of arginine (Arg) and triethylamine (TEA) was injected into the capillary behind a region of higher ionic strength, then stacked from 50 mM to 113 and 214 mM, respectively (middle spectrum). Arg signals appear at about 3.1 and 1.5 ppm; TEA, at 2.5 and 0.95 ppm.

ficients (28), mobilities (27,28), and flow imaging (29). In addition, electroosmotic flow and solvent composition can be monitored directly. For instance, preliminary data show an essentially linear relationship between LW and electroosmotic flow rate. In this fashion, LW can be used to measure the electroosmotic flow rate of a solvent and the electrophoretic migration rate of a charged species. By examining the LW, the coil residence time and flow rate of each analyte can be computed as it migrates through the detector. Such information is often dimcult to obtain with other detection methods without perturbing the separation. Itiis aspect of JNJV1K detection has not yet been fully exploited. A greater understanding of the fundamental separation mechanisms among the many CE modes of operation would aid in the development of improved or novel approaches. Expectations

Based on projected improvements in microcoil NMR figures of merit, we expect the flexibility and performance of nanolitervolume NMR probes to continue to advance. In the near future, deuterium lock channels, multinuclear probes, and higher field strengths undoubtedly will add to the capabilities of microcoil NMR. Other advances can also yield significant increases in performance. For example, cooling a copper detection coil to 77 K should yield a 2.5-fold enhancement of sensitivity

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, 1998 2 6 3 A


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Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, 1998