Microcomputersand Chemical Education: A Compilation of References James A. Wood T h e Polytechnic Q u e e n s g a t e , H u d d e r s f i e l d , H D 1 3DH, United K i n g d o m
As part of a project supported by the Council for National Academic Awards a list has been compiled of papers concerned with the application of microcomputers in chemical education that have appeared since 1970 in two of the major chemical education journals in the U.K.: School Science Review, published by the Association for Science Education, Hatfield; and Education in Chemistry, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London. The list includes author, reference, title, subject areas convered, type of application (simulation, computer-assisted learning, interfacing, etc.), computer used, and language. The list, which contains details of about 200 papers, is arranged so that it is possible to scan the entries to search very quickly for particular authors, applications, subjects, etc. Details of availability of this list may be obtained from the author.
Literature Clled Edur. l984.61,968. 2. Helm, J. E.; Jackson, R. A.: Wvighf J. S. J. Chem Educ. l974,51,73. 3. See, far example. (a) Berry, R.% R i a , S. A,; Raas. J. PhysicolChembfry; Wiley:New York, 1980: (b) Moare, J. W.; Peruson. R. 0. Kinetics end Mechanism; Wiley: New
"A.,. .a*, .",-,
4. schaefer, H. F.. l z . J. Phys. Chem. 1986,89,5336, end mfereneea therein. 5. Carter, S.;Murrell, J. N. Molee.Phys. 1380.41.567. 6. Murrell, J. N.:Carter,S.;Hudey,P.Chem.Er. 1982,18,431. 7. (a1Greenberg, J. M.:Euery, I. M.; Frank1in.J. 1nPmcaodin.q~CompvtorGmphic~'8S; Online Publications: London, 1963; p 205: (bl Greenbe=, J. M. In P m c e ~ d i n ~ a Graphics Inlerfarloc. '85: Canadian Information Processing Society: Montreal, 1985, p. 419. 8. Kresdg. E. Advanced Engineering Mcthomafie~:Wiley: New Ymk, 1966: pp 91-91. 9.Maore,J. W.:Pesrson,~G.Kinefic~ond~echonism; Wiley: NewYork, 1981:pp290-
discmion of the integration of MO tb . 11. For a Higad, F.: Baba, H.; Rembsum. A. Q u o n r ~ mOrganic chorniat&; ~ i l e y ~ f n t e r science: New York. 1965 12. Ref 11, Chapter 6. 13. McCanne1l.H. H. J. Chom.Phys. 19SL24,632. 14. de Boer, E.: Weislman,S. I. J. Am. Chem. Sae. 1958.80.4549. 15. Atherton, N. M.: Weiesman, S. I. J. Am. Chom. Sor. 1961, W, 1330 16. Ref. 1 1 , P 234. 17. For other MO programs see: Peake, B. M.: Crauameijcr. R. Chom. Educ. 1981.58, 692; Chesick, J. P.J. Chem.Edu. 1982.59,517. 13. Hiers,G.O.InMetala Hondbook:AmericanSociefy for Metals. C l w e h d , O H , 1 9 4 8 : ~ 1233. 19. Chan, E. K. D.; Ng, Wing.yan J. Chem. Edue. 19@4,61,386. 20. Srivesbva, S. B.: Melosn, C. E. J. Chem. Edzze. 19&4,61,1027. 21. Shoemaker. D. P.;Garland, C. W.; Steinfeld, J. I.; Nibler. J. W. Ezprparimna in Chrmistry;41h ed., Mffirsw-Hill: New York. 198L:p 163.
Volume 64
Number 6
June 1987