Microdetermination of Acetyl Groups in Acetates of Sugars and

of Sugars and Glycosides. RAY CLARKE and. BERT E. CHRISTENSEN. Department of Chemistry, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. IN. CONNECTION with ...
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Microdetermination of Acetyl Groups in Acetates of Sugars and Glycosides RAY CLARKE



Department of Chemistry, Oregon State College, Corvallis, O r e .


N COSNECTIOS with the studies of a fructosan in Yucca mohavensis it was necessary to devise micromethods for the determination of the acetyl groups in sugar derivatives. The fact that the acetyl esters of sugar* are easily hydrolyzed nith dilute alkali at room temperature has been known for some time. I n 1902 (14) and 1904 (I), the rate of the hydrolysis of acetylated monoses and bioseq was studied. The hydrolysis nas carried out in an alcohol-water solution with 0.04 N sodium hydroxide solution. It was generally concluded for most of the sugars used that K (velocity coefficient) was not constant, but decreased as the change proceeded, indicating that the acetyl groups were not separated a t the same rate. Armstrong and Arup ( I ) , in order to obtain further evidence as to the manner in which the acetyl groups were removed extended the study to acetates of methyl glycosides of a- and P-glucose and 01- and pgalactose. They found that these glycoside acetates were hydrolyzed a t about the same rate and that K remained fairly constant for about three fourths of the hydrolysis. S e a r the end the hydrolysis proceeded far less rapidly. The action of alkali on sugars has been studied extensively. de Bruyn and van Ekenstein ( 3 ) postulated a series of transformations for d-glucose and d-galactose in an alkaline solution. Sef (18, 19) and his co-workers postulated for these hexoses the existence of a series of enediols in an alkaline solution. Evans (4-11) and co-workers have studied the influence of temperature and alkali concentrations on certain mono- and disaccharides by characterizing the volatile acids and residues which result from the splitting of any possible enols. The problem of devising an analytical method based on alkaline hydrolysis centers principally on behavior of the reducinx wpars. For the purpose of this paper, the conclusion can be drawn from the above work that oxidation of reducing sugars takes place much less readily with dilute alkaline solutions a t temperatures below 25" C. Nef (18,19) stated that the enediols do not exist in >elutions of an alkalinity less than 0.033 N a n d that they begin to (lecompose in systems of alkalinity above 0.05 N . I t thus becomes obvious that the alkaline hydrolysis micromethod of Kuhn and Roth (15) would not give satisfactory results for reilucing sugars. Since the fructosan studied in this laboratory was nonreducing, it was possible to obtain very satisfactory results by dissolving the .ample in 95% ethanol and then hydrolyzing with an aqueous 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution a t room temperature for 4 to 15 hours and back-titrating the excess alkali with standard sulfuric acid. A similar macromethod has been described by Kunz and Hudson (16). This method has been used successfully for fructose pentaacetate hydrolyzing at 0" C. with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide for 3.5 hours (13). I t has also apparently been used on d,a-phenyl xylose triacetate (I?'). I n view of the above, a micromethod for the determination of acetates of sugars and sugar derivatives was investigated.

allowed to stand for approximately 24 hours a t room temperature. This mixture was then poured with vigorous stirring onto 500 grams of ice. The white solid, which usually formed immediately, was removed by filtration, washed with cold water, and dried. Further purification by recrystallization from alcohol could be accomplished when necessary. When the above procedure was used with galactose, an oil was formed when the reaction mixture was poured upon ice. This oil was dissolved in hot alcohol and crystallized upon cooling. Several of the /%glucosidetetraacetates used were prepared by the method of Bembry and Powell ( 2 ) .


Rate of Hydrolysis of Sucrose Octracetrte

I n order to establish the optimum conditions for the quantitative hydrolysis of these acetates a number of initial studies were made. RATE OF HYDROLYSIS.Studies with sucrose octaacetate indicated that deacetylation of this compound with 0.045 Ai sodium hydroxide a t 20" C. was complete in 3.5 hours (see Figure 1). Similar tests with acetates of glucose and maltose indicated complete deacetylation in 3.5 hours in the case of the disaccharides, while glucose gave results higher than theoretical. On continued hydrolysis maltose (21 hours), lactose (19 hours), as well as galactose (14 hours) gave high and erratic results. Since this excess was best accounted for on the basis of enolization, splitting, and oxidation of the breakdown products of the sugar, test runs were made using a layer of a hydrocarbon to shield the acetates from the air. The results of these experiments are given in Table I. CONCENTRATION OF THE ALKALI. Because of the critical nature of the concentration factor (4-11), several experiments were conducted to establish optimum condition. According to Nef (19), enolization and breakdown of reducing sugars do not occur

EXPERIMENTAL Acetate Glucose (with a layer of a hydrocarbon)



Rate of Hydrolysis Concentration Temperature Time of Base c. Hours N 0.045 20 6 20 26 0.045 0.045 20 72 Table

The sugar and glycoside acetates used in this investigation were prepared from pyridine-acetic anhydride mixtures using essentially the procedure of Haworth and Percival (12). To 3.0 grams of sugar (or glycoside) were added 35 ml. of anhydrous pyridine. The solution was aqitated intermittently until all the sugar had dissolved. Then 30 ml. of acetic anhydride were sloxly added with stirring and the solution was


% 98.6 102 116


May, 1945

in solutions of less than 0.033 N base. The results of a series of experiments in which this factor was tested are tabulated in Table 11. PROCEDURE OF ANALYSIS. On the basis of thehe studies the following procedure was adopted:

-45- to 10-mg. sample of the acetate is weighed out in a small glass boat and placed in a 25-00. Erlenmeyer flask. The sample is then dissolved in 95% ethanol, 2 to 5 cc. depending upon the solubility of the acetate, being warmed if necessary to obtain solution. Four milliliters of 0.045 N sodium hydroxide (carbonate-free) are added from a microburet. The flasks are stoppered and shaken mechanically or intermittently by hand for 4 to 24 hours a t 20" C. The excess alkali is neutralized with dilute sulfuric acid (0.05 N ) using phenolphthalein indicator. The per cent acetate is calculated as follows:

% CH,COO 2' lvb

= [ml. of base

- (ml. of acid

X T)]X N a X 5900 mg. of sample

= normality ratio of acid to base = normality of base

Vsing this procedure the data in Table I11 were obtained. DISCUSS10N

.Is indicated by the results in Table 111, the determination of the acetate with 0.045 N sodium hydroxide a t 20" C. is complete in from 4 to 24 hours. These conditions appear to be satisfactory in all tests except those applied to the reducing monosaccharides. In the case of these reducing sugars, the minimum concentrations necessary for enolization and splitting as reported by Nef were confirmed. Lower concentrations of alkali were not satisfactory for analytical purposes in all cases. Since deacetylation of glucose pentaacetate even with 0.015 X sodium hydroxide at 20' C. gave high results, oxidation is evidently taking place. At 0" C. more normal results are obtained, owing to slow rate of hydrolysis and probable absence of oxidation. From the data in Table I it appears probable that increased acidity results from a self-oxidation. I n the case of glucose, high values under certain conditions may be due to lactic acid formation, owing to the rearrangement of glyceric aldehyde resulting from the fragmentation of the original molecule (8). Evans (4) has pointed out that sucrose octaacetate should not give values in excess of theory in the absence of oxygen since the

Table Acetate

II. Rate of Hydrolysis



0 0 20 20 20 0 0 0 0


Lactose Sucrose

20 20 0 0 20 20 20 0 0



4 26 4 7 19 12 24 41 68 11 24 45 69 8 18 11 45 68

Concentration of Base N


0,045 0.045 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.018

101 103 101 103.6 103.8 96.6 100.6 100.5 100.6 98.8 103 98.2 98.8 98.5 99.6 99.3 95.3 97.3




sucrose formed cannot undergo transformations to form double bonds as in enediols. This viewpoint is supported by the data in Tables I1 and 111. According to the information in Table 111, this procedure gives fairly consistent results with an average deviation of approximately 0.7%, which is satisfactory for a microdetermination of this type.


Acetate Glucose Galactose Sucrose Lactose Maltose Raffinose Inulin Glycogen Fructosan Salicin Amygdalin Digitalin Phloridzin Arbutin Aesculin Eugenol-6-dglucoside Phenyl-p-dglucoside Guaiacol-8-dglucoside

Ill. Determination of A c e t y l Groups

nations 7 4 14 7 7 6 5 7 5 10 6 5 4 4 3

Time Hours 6 14 4 16 4 14 10 24 15 8 10 6 9 11 11

-Theory c-

75.6 75.6 69.6 69.6 69.6 67.2

5616 61.0 53.4

77.1 77.0 69.7 69.7 69.7 67.0 61.7 61.4 61.8 59.6 55.6 46.6 55.0 60.8 54.6

.. 59:5 55.0

P.p.1000 5.9 9.0 6.0 3.7 3.0 2.0 6.8 10.0 3.2 7.7 7.5 2.6 3.6 2 5 6.8









6.2 6.8







(1) Armstrong, E. F., and Arup, P. S., J . Chem. SOC.,85, 1043 (1904). (2) Bembry, T. H., and Powell, G., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,64, 2419 (1942). (3) Bruyn, Lobry de, and Ekenstein, Alberda van, Rec. traa. chim., 14, 156, 203 (1895). (4) Evans, W.L., Chem. Revs., 31, 537 (1942). (5) Evans, UT.L., and Benoy, hf. P., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,52, 294 (1930). (6) Evans, W.L., Buehler, C . A , Looker, C. D., Crawford, R. A , , and Hall, C. W., Ibid., 47, 3085 (1925). (7) Evans, IT. L., and Conaway, R. F., Ibid., 52, 3680 (1930). (8) Evans, IT. L., Edgar, R. H., and Hoff, G. P., Ibid., 48, 2665 (1926). (9) Evans, TV. L., and Hutchman. J. E., Ibid.,50, 1496 (1928). Nicoll, IT. D., Strouse, G. C., and Waring, C.:E., (10) Evans, W.L., Ibid., 50, 2267 (1928). (11) Evans, IT. L., and O'Donnell, D. C., I h i d . , 50, 2543 (1928). (12) Haworth, W. N., and Percival, E. G. T., J . Chem. SOC.,1932, 2277. (13) Hudson, C. S.,and Brauns, D. H., J . A m . Chem. SOC.,37, 1283, 2736 (1915). (14) Kremen, R., J. Chem. SOC.,82, 712 (1902). (15) Kuhn, R., and Roth, H., Ber., 66, 1274 (1933). (16) Kunr and Hudson. J . A m . Chem. Soc.. 48. 1978 11926). (17) Montgomery, E. M., Richtmeyer, N.K.', and Hudson, C. S., Ibid., 64, 690 (1942). (18) Nef, J. U., Ann.,403, 205 (1914). (19) Ibid.,403, 224 (1914). .


P r BLISHED u i t h t h e approval of the Monographs Publications Committee. Oregon State College &s Research Paper No. 88,School of Science, Department of Chemistry.