Microdetermination of Molecular Weights of Dark-Colored Organic

Ed. , 1941, 13 (5), pp 365–367. DOI: 10.1021/i560093a031. Publication Date: May 1941. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. 13, 5,...
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May 15, 1941

TABLE v. LONGISLAND DUCKFE.4THERS (Before and after washing by processors) Present Cleanliness Test Before Washing After Washing Solution Odor Solution Odor Clear 0. K. Clear 0. K. Clear 0. K. Slightly Slight cloudy 0. K. Clear Slightly Slight cloudy

Oxygen Number Before After washing washing 8 8 10 8 8


Per Cent ,of Ammonia Before After washing washing 0.013 0.008 0.014 0.006 0.017



dividing line, it detected 95 per cent of the unwashed materials in the 40 cases enumerated in Table 11. Treating washed feathers with ozone did not interfere with the oxygen test, in the two cases so treated. The test showed little possibility for use with Long Island duck feathers. The present cleanliness test rated last place. Using a "cloudy solution" as a dividing line, it detected only 85 per cent of the unwashed materials in the 40 cases enumerated in Table 11, and showed little possibility for use with Long Island duck feathers.

Literature Cited

Summary The ammonia test was found to be the best of the three cleanliness tests. Using 0.020 per cent water-soluble ammonia as a dividing line, it detected all the unwashed materials in the 40 cases of this type enumerated in Table 11. The use of ammonia solution as washing or rinsing agent did not interfere with this test in any of the ten cases tried. The test showed good possibility of indicating in some cases that Long Island duck feathers are not sufficiently clean, when received by processors, to use without further washing. The oxygen-consumed test was second-best for detecting unwashed material. Using a n oxygen number of 20 as the

Dodd, A n a l y s t , 53, 252 (1928). Dodd and Knight, Ibid., 61, 473 (1936). Federal Specifications for Feathers, C-F-l51A, Section F-2b, Duck and Goose Feathers, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (4) Knight, A n a l y s t , 53, 278-9 (1928). ( 5 ) ,Moskowitz, S.,Landes, W., and Himmelfarb, D., Am. Dyestuff (1) (2) (3)

Reptr., 24, 463-6 (1935). (6) Moskowits, S.,Landes, W., and Himmelfarb, D., Bedding Mfr., 31, 3, 42-5 (1935). (7) Ibid., 32, 4, 36-9 (1936). (8) New York City, Specifications for Feathers, White Duck (Domes-


tic), 11-F-8:36T. State of New York, Article 25-A, General Business Law, and Rules Supplemental thereto, 7th ed., 1938.

Microdetermination of Molecular Weights of Dark-Colored Organic Materials Cryoscopic Method V. A . ALUISE, Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, Del.


HE cryoscopic method for the microdetermination of

molecular weights involves measuring the depression of the melting point (4), the freezing point ( I ) , or both the melting and freezing points (6) of some pure solvent. Since the freezing points of many available solvents, and of the solutions of organic materials in these solvents, can be measured more accurately than can the corresponding melting points, the freezing point procedure is used exclusively in this laboratory. This procedure, which also requires less time and manipulation than do any of the above-mentioned cryoscopic procedures, has been used successfully by the writer in determining the molecular weights of ester gums and dark-colored resins. Molecular weight determinations on ester gum are useful, along with other analytical data, in estimating the proportions of mono-, di-, or tri-esters present. I n the case of resins, the molecular weight values give an indication of the degree of condensation. Some resinous materials, however, form solutions too dark to permit accurate observation of the freezing points by the regular freezing point procedure. This difficulty has been overcome by placing a small glass capsule (Figure 1) in the molecular weight tube with the unknown and solvent. This capsule is made by placing a lead shot (BB) in the bottom of the molecular-weight tube and sealing off a t a distance of 10 to 12 mm. from the bottom. The lead shot keeps the capsule submerged in the solution. The annular space thus formed between this capsule and the molecular-weight tube contains only a very thin layer (0.5 to 1 mm. in thickness) of the solution, in which the first appearance of crystals, upon cooling, can be readily detected. A device, constructed of aluminum, which facilitates thorough mixing of the melted sample and solvent without their removal from the hot oil bath, is shown in Figure 2-above, the normal position for a determination; below, the tubes tilted through approximately 180' to permit thorough mixing of the contents.

The molecular-weight tubes are held in place by spring steeE sections s and s', which can be adjusted to hold tubes of different lengths. The entire device fits easily into a 300-cc. culture flask.

Procedure In carryin out an actual determination, 8 to 11 mg. of the unknown a n f 8 0 to 130 mg. of a pure grade of camphor, or some other suitable solvent ( 5 ) , are weighed directly in a very thinwalled molecular-weight tube, the capsule is inserted, and the tube is carefully sealed (Figure 1). Duplicate determinations can be carried out simultaneously. The oil bath, which is maintained 5' to IO" above the melting point of the pure solvent until a thorougJy mixed liquid solution of sample and solvent is obtained, is cooled '1 C. er minute and the freezing point of the solution in the molecurar-weight tubes is observed. The point a t which the crystals first appear can be more easily observed with the aid of a hand lens. This procedure is repeated using the same solutions, and the average of the values thus obtained is reported as the freezing point of the solutions. The molecular weight of the unknown is then calculated by the equation: Mol. wt. =


m m.



wxR S


x 1000 - td


where W is the weight of solute (unknown); S is the weight of solvent; t l and tr are the freezing temperatures of the pure solvent







Vol. 13, No. 5

there must be no association of the molecules of the solute in the solvent; and the molal freezing point constant, K , must be independent of the concentration of the solute. In Table I are reported molecular-weight values obtained by the freezing point procedure using the device described above for dark-colored organic materials. All weighings were made on a semimicrobalance, sensitive to 0.02 mg.


Summary A device is described which permits the microdetemination of molecular weights of dark-colored organic materials by measuring the depression of the freezing point of a pure solvent. This procedure, which bas been used in this laboratory for the past 2 years, ensures the same accuracy, about 5 per cent, as that obtained by measuring the depression of the melting point of the solvent. The freezing point procedure



Freerm g

Wt. of Solute

Wt. of Solvent



Point Moleouihr we Depreb Fovnd sion Camphor Borllrvl C. Retene





113.96 102.94

8.46 8.02 7.79

122.04 106.92 89.43

9.50 9.88 8.64 8.36 9.23 11.15 9.23 8.70 9.23

106.45 105.34 93.66



13.0 12.9 11.2 12.3 11.6




-..-. %


243 246



.._ ...

... ... ... ...


f3.7 f5.0 -2.7 -4.8 -3.5 -7.4

.. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


-2.7 -4.3 f1.8 f1.0 f2.6

... ... ... ... ...


226 217

.. .. .. .. ..

Hydrosuinone Dimyriatyl Ether

F i o m I.

--.."- .-.. ..~..-.l --.. MOLECULAR WEIGHTTUBES



7.8 7.8 7.2 7.0

108.46 108.42

6.6 8.1



128.44 133.41



109.05 101.89 112.47 112.73 122.60

5.2 5.1 4.9 5.0 5.5



512 508

516 508 471" 497* 473'

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

+i.o -5.1 -1.2 -5.9

Normal poaition above. tilted position below 9.41 8.45


and solution, respectively; and K is the molal freezing point lowering, or cryoscopic constant, of the pure solvent, obtained by the above procedure with a pure compound of known moleculai;weight, such as benzoic acid. The cryoscopic constants and freezing points reported b e low for camphor and borneol were determined by this procedure. Benzoic acid, obtained from the National Bureau of Standards, was used as the solute in determining the cryoscopic constants. Since these constants have been found to vary with the source of the solvent (6),as well as with the method used for their determination (2,S ) , they should always be determined, as should the freezing points, on each lot of cryoscopic solvent by exactly the same procedure that is to be used subsequently for the determination of molecular weights.

Freering point 0 c. Cryoaeopio m&tmt. K

Camphor Lot 1 Lot 2 176.0 176.8 40.0 39.6

9.25 10.82 8.61 8.94 8.55 8.91 9.58 8.44 9.00 8.40

119.65 127.02 115.07 12G.CQ 117.60 116.06 125.25 108.32

10.89 9.19 12.45 11.03


10.15 10.18




7.5 7.4


7.5 7.1 6.2 6.3 6.6


650' 635' 380* 311" 387' 373O

... ... ... ...




.. .. ..

-1.9 -3.9 +1.2 -3.0 -5.2

4.6 4.9

10.16 9.83

101.68 99.52 105.19

8.76 9.44 9.09


4.2 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 3.8 4.1





... ...

vinsolk Fraction.


400 409 398 410


.. .. .. .. ..

-3.2 -3.9



+1.9 +4.2 +1.5 +4.5

.. .. ..


... ...






410 417

... ...

Vinsols-Treated, Dark Resin 6.6 612 ... 100.54 6.8 586 ... 102.12 105.06 ioo.76


... ... ... ...

Vinsolb. Dark Resin 10.0 896

9.90 9.76


The application of the cryoscopic method to the microdetermination of molecular weights of organic materials presupposes certain definite knowledge of the behavior of the material (solute) under question in the presence of the solvent selected: The solute must not decompose a t or near the freezing temperature, tl, of the solvent; there must be no reaction between the solute and solvent a t this temperature;


I-Naphthol Benaein

Borneol 205.1 34.9


100.81 100.09 103.06 104.10 98.70 102.94

Dark Rei

819 791 Ester Gums 952 919 825 818 960 956

1043 1030 929 901

... ... .. .. ..

.. ..

d e s Powder Co.




Vinsol ia


May 15, 1941

requires less time and manipulation than does the melting point procedure.

Literature Cited (1) Carlsohn, H., Ber., 60, 473 (1927). (2) Fransden, Mikkel, Bur. Standards J . Research, 7 , 477-53 (1931).


(3) Patterson, Blackwood, and Stewart, J . Chem. SOC.,1933, 93-5. (4) Rast, K., Ber., 55, 1027, 1051 (1922). (5) Roth, H., and Daw, E. E., “Quantitative Organic Microanalysis of Pregl”, p. 239, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co., 1937. (6) Smith, James H. C., and Young, William G.. J . Biol. Chem., 75. 259-98 (1927).

Determination of Zinc by Precipitation as Zinc Anthranilate -

A Gravimetric Semimicromethod C. W. ANDERSON, 411 Roslyn Place, Chicago, Ill.


H E need for a more rapid and accurate method for the determination of zinc in tin-lead solder led to the investigation of the application of anthranilic acid, in view of the high sensitivity of the reaction involved. A method formerly in use required at least 4 hours for a determination on solder, while the recovery of zinc was always less than the total zinc present. Funk and Ditt (2) have shown that zinc can be quantitatively precipitated by the sodium salt of anthranilic acid when i t is added to a neutral solution or one faintly acid with acetic acid. Precipitation takes place from a dilute solution at room temperature. Zinc anthranilate is crystalline and may be easily filtered. The sensitivity of the precipitation reaction is 1 in 1,000,000. Anthranilic acid, which may be used for analytical purposes, can be purchased from the Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, X. Y. The literature contains no method describing the use of anthranilic acid for determining zinc in white metal alloys.

Interfering Elements Among the metals which may cause interference by coprecipitating to a marked extent are copper and iron. The concern is chiefly with copper, as iron causes no interference unless more than 10 mg. is present. The effect of iron upon the determination of zinc is shown in Table I. The data were obtained by taking various quantities of pure iron and pure zinc which were carried through as described below. Copper, which reacts with sodium anthranilate like zinc (8),can cause interference even when present in minute amount. Funk and Ditt (3) describe its accurate precipitation and determination. The sensitivity in the precipitation reaction between the copper and anthranilate ions is the same as with zinc. Of the splendid methods described in the literature for accurately separating copper from certain elements, including zinc, two are especially suitable. Copper can be completely separated from all the other elements present in all kinds of white metal alloys, in the form of a black, finely divided suspension of metallic copper from a sodium hydroxide solution, by addition of hydrazine hydrochloride (4). The copper is filtered off and the zinc determined in the filtrate. Microquantities of copper, in the range from 0.05 to about 50 micrograms of copper, can be determined accurately by a colorimetric method, using the very sensitive organic reagent dithizon (1) and the Keil colorimeter. The present method may be used for the determination of semimicroquantities of zinc, present as impurity in tin-lead solder in amount from 0.01 to 0.10 per cent, and for quantities of about 8 per cent in zinc-tin alloys.

The procedure, with certain modifications, can be used for determining zinc in other material of greater zinc contentfor example, the familiar fluxing agent consisting of a large quantity of zinc chloride with a small amount of ammonium chloride. It may also be used for the determination of zinc oxide impregnated in a certain type of enamel, coating the inside surface of tin cans (Table 11) in which various foods are packed, notably corn and meats. The time necessary to carry out a zinc-tin analysis is 1 hour, about 2 hours for solder, 1.5 hours for zinc chloride soldering salts, and 1.5 to 2 hours for the zinc oxide content of enamel coating. The accuracy of the method is shown in Table 111, giving data obtained by analyses of a sample of flux, and in Table IV, in which several of the analyses were carried out consecutively, in duplicate.

Solutions and Materials Required A saturated solution of pure bromine in concentrated hydrochloric acid is prepared by shaking vigorously in a glass-stoppered bottle 12 ml. of bromine in 100 ml. of acid. Sodium tartrate. Sodium anthranilate reagent, made by weighing 3 grams of anthranilic acid into a beaker and adding about 20 ml. of water and 22 ml. of N sodium hydroxide. Finally the solution is made neutral or faintly acid by adjustment with 2 per cent acetic acid, filtered, and made up t o volume in a 100-ml. flask. Gooch crucibles of about 10-ml. capacity.

Procedure SOLDER AND ZINC-TINALLOYS. Dissolve the sample in bromine-hydrochloric acid, 0.5 gram for solder and 0.05 gram for zinc-tin alloys. When solution of the sample is complete add 2 TABLEI. EFFECTOF IRONUPON ZINC DETERMINATIONS Zinc Added

Iron Added

Weight of Precipitate

Zinc Found






(Area of sample, 6.452 sq. om., 1 square inch) Weight Total of Zinc Zinc Zinc Precipitate Added Present Found



5.5 5.5

5.60 6.40

Me. 0.15






1.08 1.24
