Microdetermination of peroxides by kinetic colorimetry - Environmental

Further observations on Ferrous ammonium thiocyanate reagent for ozone. Israel R. Cohen and Joseph J. Bufalini. Environmental Science & Technology 196...
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Microdetermination of Peroxides by Kinetic Colorimetry Thomas C. Purcell and Israel R . Cohen Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environmental Control, Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio

m Ferrous thiocyanate, neutral potassium iodide, and molybdate-catal) zed potassium iodide reagents were used for the analysis of microgram quantities of a variety of peroxidic compounds by kinetic colorimetry. Ozone and peracetic acid gave a n immediate maximum color development with all three reagents. Hydrogen peroxide gave slow color development with neutral KI only. Acetyl peroxide, nitrogen dioxide, alk) I hbdroperoxides, and peroxyacyl nitrates gave slow color development with all three reagents. The half lives of these colorimetric reactions were used to identify specific oxidants.


he occurrence of ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate, and nitrogen oxides in polluted atmospheres is, of course, well known. Haagen-Smit (1952) has reported the presence of peroxides in California smog. Plant damage has also been ascribed to organic peroxides, formed by the reaction of ozone and atomic cxbgen with the hydrocarbons conimonly existing in polluted air (Haagen-Smit, Darley, et d., 1952). The basic technique of kinetic colorimetry for the determination of microgram quantities of peroxides was developed several ye:irs ago (Saltzman and Gilbert, 1959). These workers distinguished between hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid by using neutral potassium iodide reagent. Indeed, experimentation on the kinetics of the oxidation, by microgram concentrations of specific peroxides, of the colorless ion to the colored species is relatively scarce. However. application of this technique to help define the wide spectrum of oxidants existing in the atmosphere is appropriate. In this present work, a variety of oxidants were chosen which have been reported as products in the photooxidation of model smog systems. A colorimetric reagent appropriate for each oxidant studied was selected, so as to produce a slowly developed color. Reagents included in this investigation are a recently developed molybdate-catalyzed potassium iodide reagent and a novel modification of the ferrous thiocyanate reagent (Cohen, Purcell, et ( I / . , 1967). Exprriii7etztnl The reagents and chemicals employed in this study have been discussed in a previous paper (Cohen, Purcell, et nl., 1967). Procedure. In each instance, about 12 pg. of active oxygen (On-) were transferred by pipet (for liquid-phase samples) or

sampled with a fritted bubbler (for vapor concentrations) into 10 ml. of colorimetric reagent. (At this point, when the potassium iodide reagent was used, the effect of the molybdate catalyst was observed by the addition of 1.0 ml. immediately after sampling.) The mixture was kept at 27” i 1 C. Readings on a Cary Model 14 spectrophotometer a t the appropriate wavelength were begun immediately and continued until the maximum absorbance occurred. O

Results mid Discussion The method of kinetic colorimetry was applied to a study of the “slow oxidant.” With buffered neutral potassium iodide, ozone and peracetic acid give the maximum absorbance virtually instantaneously. Hydrogen peroxide and alkyl hydroperoxides exhibit much slower color development. With molybdate-catalyzed potassium iodide, hydrogen peroxide gives an immediate ahsorption maximum; but the alkyl hydroperoxides still behave like slcw oxidant. A graphical method was used to identify and estimate the concentration of peroxidic compounds by making use of their kinetic rate constants for formation of the triodide complex. The method was employed for liquid-phase and vapsr dilutions of hydrogen peroxide, ethyl hydroperoxide, n-butyl hydroperoxide, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, and- various photochemically produced slow oxidants-e.g., from ultraviolet irradiations of aldehyde-air mixtures; the neutral and catalyzed iodide reagents were used. A plot of the log of the undeveloped absorbance ( A m - A ) cs. time (minutes) for a single-component system gave the characteristic straight line of a pseudo-first-order reaction (Figure 1). The half life, from which the rate constant may be calculated, was determined graphically for each oxidant tested. With neutral potassium iodide, the half lives were 14, 50, and 58 minutes, respectively, for hydrogen peroxide, ethyl hydroperoxide, and n-butyl hydroperoxide. With catalyzed K I there was one striking difference. Hydrogen peroxide gave a n immediate reading with no further color development, whereas the half life of ethyl hydroperoxide was 50 minutes. For n-butyl hydroperoxide, the half life was 52 minutes. The extinction coefficients were somewhat higher in each case. A plot of these pseudo-first-order rate constants for the reactions with netural K I reagent cs. the molecular weight of the alkyl group indicates that the effect of lengthening the R-group is to decrease the rate of cleavage of the peroxygen bond. This effect becomes minimal at a chain length of four carbon Volume 1, Number 5, May 1967 431

10 9 8

0 H202



+ KI









TIME, min.

Figure 1. Kinetic colorimetry using neutral potassium iodide reagent

atoms (Figure 2). The half life of the tert-butyl hydroperoxideK I reaction is around several hundred minutes (Cadle and Huff, 1950). The reaction mechanism in question may be different when R is branched. Photooxidation of propionaldehyde at low partial pre:sures gave rise to a slow oxidant, which was identified by gas chromatography and kinetic colorimetry as ethyl hydroperoxide (Altshuller, Cohen, et d.,1966). Similarly, photooxidation of low partial pressures of acetaldehyde produced a slow oxidant with a colorimetric half life of 34 minutes for the reaction with neutral K I reagent. This value agrees very well with the literature value of 33 minutes for methyl hydroperoxide (Figure 2), a value determined titrimetrically (Cadle and Huff, 1950). Vapor dilutions of PAN-type compounds in the parts per million concentration range gave slow color development with the modified Griess, potassium iodide, and ferrous thiocyanate reagents. Whether this is caused by the PAN compound or by the decomposition products is not known. In investigation of the possible use of kinetic colorimetry for the analysis of PAN compounds, the reagent chosen was the previously described ferrous thiocyanate reagent. (A plot of the logarithm of the undeveloped absorbance cs. time in minutes indicated a pseudo-first-order reaction, Figure 3.) A sample of the PAN compound, stored in a Teflon FEP bag, was bubbled through 10 ml. of ferrous ammonium sulfate reagent. Spectrophotometric readings at 480 mp were begun immediately after 2 ml. of ammonium thiocyanate were added to develop the color. Readings were continued until the absorption maximum was reached. The half lives for the color development reaction were 73 minutes for peroxyacetyl nitrate and 115 minutes for peroxypropionyl nitrate. Nitrogen dioxide, sampled through ferrous thiocyanate reagent at parts per million concentrations, exhibits slow color development. The half life for this colorimetric system is 22 minutes. Acetyl peroxide, reported by McDowell and Sifniades (1963) as an oxidant product in the photochemical oxidation of acetaldehyde in the millimeter partial pressure range, was also investigated by kinetic colorimetry. Concentrations of

Table I. Kinetic Half Times Half Time, Minutes for Color Development Fe(NHddSOd2, KI KI NHISCN (neut.) (cat.) ~




Ozone Peracetic acid H20z Acetyl peroxide Methyl hydroperoxide Ethyl hydroperoxide n-Butyl hydroperoxide tert-Butyl hydroperoxide NO, PAN PPN Acetaldehyde photooxidation product GROUP

Figure 2. Effect of alkyl group on colorimetric rate constant 432 Environmental Science and Technology


Cadle and Huff, 1950.

0 0 0 4.25 0


0 0 22 72.5 115 0

0 0 14 17 33a 50 58 >300a





0 FPhi

+ FeAmS04
















TIME, mln





T I M E , min

Figure 3. Kinetic colorimetry using ferrous thiocyanate reagent

Figure 4. Kinetic colorimetry of acetyl peroxide

acetyl peroxide in the parts per million range cause slow color development with the potassium iodide and ferrous thiocyanate reagents. A plot of undeveloped absorbance cs. time indicated a first-order reaction with all three reagents (Figure 4). The half lives for color development with catalyzed KI, neutral KI, and ferrous thiocyanate were 34, 17, and 4.25 minutes, respectively. It has not yet been determined whether the firstdorder rate exhibited is attributable t o the reaction of acetyl peroxide with colorimetric reagent or to the first-order hydrolysis of acetyl peroxide to peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide products (Ross and Fineman, 1951).

indicate that ethyl and n-butyl are very similar in their kinetic responses and thus may be difficult to resolve. The higher homologs would presumably be indistinguishable from one another. Too, chain branching in the alkyl group can play a major role in the kinetics. These various single-component peroxygen compounds undergo a pseudo-first-order reaction profile, exhibiting straight-line plots with characteristic slopes. Ideally, mixtures of many of these compounds in various combinations should be analyzed readily by resolving the various changes in slope into a series of linear plots, one for each component present.


Literature Cited Altshuller, A. P., Cohen, I. R., Purcell, T. C., Can. J. Chem. 44,2973 (1966). Cadle, R. D., Huff, H., J. Phys. Colloid Chem. 54, 1191 (1950). Cohen, I. R., Purcell, T. C., Altshuller, A. P., ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. i, 247 (1967). Haagen-Smit. A. J.. Znd. Ena. Chem. 44.1342 (1952). Haagen-Smit; A. J, Darley, E. F., Zaitlin, >M., 'Hull, H., Noble, W., Plant Physiol. 27, 18 (1952). McDowell, C. A., Sifniades, S., Can. J. Chem. 41, 300 (1963). Ross, J. D., Fineman, M. A., J . Am. Chem. Soc. 73, 2175 (1 951). Saltzman, B. E., Gilbert, N., Znd. Eng. Chem. 51, 1415 (1959). Receiced for review March 22, 1967. Accepted May 8 , 1967. Dicision of Water, Air, and Waste Chemistry, 152nd Meeting ACS, New York, N. Y., September 1966.

Neutral potassium iodide showed immediate response with ozone and peracetic acid and slow color development with the other peroxides tested. Molybdate-catalyzed K I gave immediate response with hydrogen peroxide along with ozone and peracetic acid. Acetyl peroxide, nitrogen dioxide, and PAN compounds produced slow color development with the ferrous thiocyanate reagent, each at its own specific rate (Table I). The limitations of the kinetic colorimetric method in its application to hydroperoxides are related to the structure of the alkyl group. Methyl hydroperoxide can be distinguished from higher-molecular-weight hydroperoxides, but the data

Volume 1, Number 5, May 1967 433