Microfluidic Devices for the High-Throughput Chemical Analysis of Cells

Sep 23, 2003 - and detection of fluorescent cytosolic dyes. The device function was demonstrated using Jurkat cells that were loaded with the fluoroge...
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Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 5646-5655

Microfluidic Devices for the High-Throughput Chemical Analysis of Cells Maxine A. McClain,† Christopher T. Culbertson,‡ Stephen C. Jacobson, Nancy L. Allbritton,§,| Christopher E. Sims,§ and J. Michael Ramsey*

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6142

A microfluidic device is reported that integrated cell handling, rapid cell lysis, and electrophoretic separation and detection of fluorescent cytosolic dyes. The device function was demonstrated using Jurkat cells that were loaded with the fluorogenic dyes - carboxyfluorescein diacetate, Oregon green carboxylic acid diacetate, or Calcein AM. The loaded cells were hydrodynamically transported from the cell-containing reservoir to a region on the microfluidic device where they were focused and then rapidly lysed using an electric field. Complete lysis was accomplished in