micromeritics specific surface area total surface area external surface area pore volume pore size
offers the only complete and unique family of instruments for characterizing the physical properties of materials!
pore shape porosity bulk volume bulk density absolute volume
absolute density contact angle particle size particle classification laboratory service
SURFACE AREA MODEL 2200 for production & quality control, development
MODEL 2 1 0 0 for research & development
ORR SURFACE-AREA PORE-VOLUME ANALY ZER proven, third-gene ration design/most versa tile, accurate instrument available/all-metal sys tem utilizing classical low temperature gas adsorption, B.E.T., technique —uses without calibration any non-corrosive gas as the adsorbate/direct pressure read-out/measures very low to very high specific surface areas — from 0.001 m 2 /gm up —no known upper limit/accuracy and reproducibility 0 . 5 % / pore size and volume analysis/chemisorption studies/size, 22" W χ 23" D χ 6 8 " Η.
DENSITY-MODEL 1302 PYCNOMETER for absolute volume and density measurements of powders and solid mater ials/uses non-corrosive gases/precise to ±0.03cc abs. vol./fast, easy to operate. PARTICLE S I Z E - M O D E L 5000 PAR T I C L E SIZE A N A L Y Z E R measures particle sizes down to 0.1 micron/fast, accurate, easy to use/presents graphical size distributions automatically/no calcula tions/available mid-1969. CONTACT ANGLE-MODEL 1501 A N G L O M E T E R provides precise measure ment of contact angle of mercury and other liquids/simple operation. PARTICLE CLASSIFICATION-MODEL 1001 C E N T R I F U G A L P A R T I C L E C L A S S I F I E R - S A M P L E R classifies and separates particles from 50 microns in diameter down into very narrow ranges/ yields milligram to gram quantities. COMPLETE LABORATORY SERVICE-MA T E R I A L S ANALYSIS LABORATORY fully equipped and staffed by expert tech nicians/provides coordinated evaluation and characterization of the physical prop erties of your material samples.
direct digital read-out —no calculations/semi automatic, 3 to 5 analyses per hour/simple, fast, accurate operation/low initial and oper ating cost/new, unique concept using modi fied Β. Ε. Τ. low temperature nitrogen gas adsorption method/measures surface areas from 1.0 to 1,500 m 2 /gm / typical accuracy within 3 % , repeatability to less than 0.5%/ table-top s i r e , 19-1/2" W χ 18-1/2" D χ 23-1/2" Η. MODEL 1401 PERMEAMETER measures ex ternal specific surface area of porous and non-porous powders/uses Knudsen lowpressure gas flow technique/no liquid nitro gen required/reproducibility ±5%/rugged, all-metal construction/size, 19-3/4" W χ 15" D χ 9-3/8" H.
PITTSBURGH CONFERENCE Cleveland, Ohio March 3-9,1969 BOOTH 113 & 114 ON DISPLAY micromeritics complete and unique family of instruments for characterizing the physical properties of materials...stop by our booth to discuss your materials analysis prob lems and instrumenta tion requirements with our technical represen tatives.
measures pore size & volume, distribution
yield precise data on pore size, volume, distributions and shape in p o w d e r e d and rigid samples/ pore size range from 177 to 0.0035 micron dia./direct digital read-out of mercury penetration/no trans fer or handling of sample during test/ analyzes 1,2 or 4 samples simultaneously/ choice of 10,000, 30,000 or 50,000 psi range size, 27" W χ 28" D χ 68" Η.
micromeritics instrument corporation instruments and technical service for the materials industry
BOO goshen springs rd. m r r a s s , georgie WX. Τ7Λ (metro atlanca) phone 04O4] 4 4 B - B 2 B 2
4th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting
Washington, D.C. Feb. 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 9 6 9 MARM BOOTH 105 • AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 71st Annual Meeting & Exposition
W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . May 3 - 8 , 1 9 6 9 BOOTH108 CANADIAN CHEMICAL EXHIBITION M o n t r e a l , Quebec, Canada May 2 6 - 2 8 , 1 9 6 9 B O O T H S 9-11 (International Scientific of Canada)
Circle Νo. 21 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969 .
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