micromeritics instrument corporation

inexpensive filter Fluorometers to rapid-video-scanning Spectrofluorometers. Ratio ... Booth #012, Chicago, April 4th. CIRCLE 77 ON READER SERVICE CAR...
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Fluorescence brings you up to 10,000 times greater sensitivity than available with current absorption methods. Can FLUOROMETRY solve your HPLC de­ tection problems? Consult FARRAND. FARRAND Fluorometers and Spectrofluorometers provide total flexibility of application — for flow work — for solution and solid sam­ ple analysis. The newly introduced 10-micro­ liter flow cell, specifically designed for HPLC and amino acid analyses, enables you to use one of the most sensitive and low noise fluorescence detec­ tion systems available.


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A wide range of instru­ ments offers a selection from inexpensive filter Fluorometers to rapid-video-scanning Spectrofluorometers. Ratio, Corrected Spectra, Double-Beam Fluo­ rescence and Absorption Systems, and Photon Counters are also available.


F A R R A N D O P T I C A L C O . , I N C . / C o m m e r c i a l Products D i v i s i o n ·

117 Wall S t r e e t , V a l h a l l a , N . Y . 1 0 5 9 5 ·


V i s i t us at F A S E B , B o o t h # 0 1 2 , Chicago, A p r i l 4 t h CIRCLE 77 O N READER SERVICE CARD

AUTOMATIC SAMPLE INJECTION FOR HPLC • Automatic, Unattended operation —Up to 64 samples with 1, 2 or 3 injections per sample. Needs only 0.7 ml of sample.

• Positive Sampling —Delivers precise, reproducible sample volumes with negligible carry-over between samples. • Inexpensive, Disposable Glass Sample Vials—Polyethylene caps give positive seal to prevent sample loss. • Unique Positive Flow Design —Uses vial cap as piston to discharge sample. • Motorized Injection Valve —reliable, 6,000 psi operation. A 10-μΙ loop is standard.

• Microprocessor Operated —Controls injections per sample, injection time, rinse between samples and automatic shut down for malfunction and completion of last sample. • Self-Contained —Requires no compressed gas. Needs only electrical power for operation. • Versatile —Usable with any HPLC system and can be ex­ ternally controlled by computer/integrator. Materials Technolooy

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micromeritics instrument corporation Model 725 Automatic Injector

5 6 8 0 goshen springs road · norcross, georgia 3 0 0 9 3 · U.S.A. telephone: 4 0 4 / 4 4 8 - 8 2 8 2 . ' t e l e x : 7 0 - 7 4 5 0 CIRCLE 151 O N READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 9 , NO. 4 , APRIL 1977 · 457 A