Microsample-filtering device for liquid chromatography or flow

Jul 1, 1982 - (2) Klinghoffen, 0.; Ruzicka, J.; Hansen, E. H.. Talanta 1980, 27, ... or Flow Injection Analysis. Wayne S. Gardner* and Henry A. Vander...
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Anal. Chem. 1982, 5 4 , 2129-2130

than the other membrane phase separators in practical use of FIA applications.

LIT'ERATURECITED (1) Ruzicka, J.; Hansen, E. H. Anal. Chim. Acta 1975, 7 8 , 145-157. (2) Klinghoffen, 0.;Ruzicka, J.; Hansen, E. H. Talanta 1980, 2 7 , 169-175.


(3) Karlberg, 8.;Thelander, S. Anal. Chim. Acta 1978, 9 8 , 1-7. (4) Kawase, J.; Nakae, A.; Yamanaka, M. Anal. Chem. 1979, 51, 1640-1 643. (5) Kawase, J. Anal. Chem. 1980, 5 2 , 2124-2127. (6) Nord, L.: Kerlberg, B. Anal. Chlm. Acta 1980, 118, 285-292.

RECEIVED for review March 10, 1982. Accepted July 1, 1982.

Microsample-Filtering Device for Liquid Chromatography or Flow Injection Analysis Wayne S. Gardner" and Henry A. Vanderploeg Great Lakes Envlronmental Research Laboratow, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2300 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 104

Direct injection techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HE'LC) and flow-injection analysis, are useful tools to analyze small (