Inc., 337 West 17th St.,New York. 11, N. Y. 1963. $17.50. This is the newest volume in a con- tinuing series reporting theproceedings of the annual co...
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symposium summary written by R. S. Juvet, Jr., page 77 A, September 1962. The Identification of Molecular Spec­ tra. 3rd edition. R. W. B. Pearse

mid A. G. Gay don. xi + 347 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1963. $18,50.

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New data, recorded since the second edition was published in 1950, through the end of 1961 have been included in this volume. There are 84 molecules which appear for the first time, ob­ servations and information have been extended for 135 molecules, and tables of persistent heads have been revised and increased by the addition of about 350 new entries. The wavelength region considered is from 10,000 to 2000 A. Recorded data from all diatomic molecules, and the triatomic and more complex molecules with well-defined banded structures are included. The first section lists the strongest heads of the more persistent and better known band systems of each molecule in order of wavelength, to­ gether with information as to origin, intensity in various sources, and ap­ pearance. The second section consists of individual lists of band heads for each system of each molecule with notes related to the data. In addition, ten pages are devoted to procedures and precautions to be used in identifying molecular spectra. A number of photographs show the more frequently encountered band systems. Finally, the book contains a table of persistent lines of the elements, and author, and subject indexes. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Vol. 6. William M. Mueller, Marie Fay, edi­ tors, xi + 480 pages. Plenum Press, Inc.. S27 West 17th St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 1963. $17.50.

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62 A



This is the newest volume in a con­ tinuing series reporting the proceedings of the annual conferences on applica­ tions of x-ray analysis held at the Denver Research Institute. This book contains the papers presented at the conference held August 8 to 10, 1962. Topics covered include x-ray diffraction and fluorescence; analysis of radioac­ tive samples; analysis at cryogenic and high temperatures, and in vacuum; instrumentation and accessories; x-ray diffraction methods for studying aero­ sols; on-stream analysis; nondestruc­ tive testing; and other aspects of x-ray analysis.