MIDLAND Industrial Finishes Co. - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 25, 2012 - MIDLAND Industrial Finishes Co. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (11), pp 130A–130A. DOI: 10.1021/i650563a820. Publication Date: November ...
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No Chippage w h e n y o u use



'Ovw by over 25,000 TEMCO Wall Heater Installations T h e u p p e r grille of this h a n d s o m e T E M C O Gas Wall Heater is finished with 7x7070 Brown SICON Silicone-Base H e a t Resistant Finish. T h e n u m b e r of louvers on this u p p e r grille presented a chip­ page p r o b l e m with vitreous enamel which p r o m p t e d T e m c o to t u r n to SICON. N o r m a l o p e r a t i n g temp e r a t u r e s r u n a b o u t 350° F. b u t the t e m p e r a t u r e encountcred on blocked flue conditions require a h e a t resistant finish to withstand 500° F...SICON 7x7070 Brown, on 25,000 or more T e m c o installa­ tions, has successfully m e t field performance requirements without îoss of color, gloss or adhesion. Investigate other case histories of SICON—the remarkable finish that has solved over 150 heat resistant finish problems! Write todayl
