MILES LABORATORIES, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - MILES LABORATORIES, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (14), .... Wood may seem more at home in log cabins than modern architecture, but a ...
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NEW CHEMICALS High Purity Sodium M e t a l in Tubular Capsules Safe, easy to use, high p u r i t y (99.9%) sodium is available i n 1 gram ( ± 5 % ) net weight Pyrex ampoules 9 inches long by 3-mm diameter and sealed w i t h a special inert wax. Sodium may be used in measured amounts simply b y break­ ing off the desired length at 0.1 g r a m / 2.3 cm. The metal, glass tube and all, can be used directly, without crushing, so that the small end area slows the ex­ ceptionally high reaction rate of so­ dium, or the tube may be crushed for greater area. Unified Science Asso­ ciates, Inc. 826 South Arroyo Park­ way, Pasadena, Calif. 91105. 505 Silylating Agent


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Alditol A c e t a t e Reference Standards Four varieties of alditol acetate refer­ ence standard kits for fast quantitative and qualitative gas-liquid chromatogra­ phy analysis of carbohydrates are now available for use in analytical proce­ dures consisting of a two-step conver­ sion of monosaccharides to their respec­ tive alditol acetates. Regis Chemical Co., 1101 N . Franklin St., Chicago, 111. 60610. 507

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A new potent silylating compound called Regisil or bis-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide, ( B S T F A ) , is an analog of BSA but displays certain advan­ tages : increased reactivity i n less time, increased volatility and solubility, and lower detector response. Regisil is sup­ plied i n 5-ml septum-stoppered vials i n two forms: Regisil Concentrate and Regisil plus 1% trimethylchlorosilane. Regis Chemical Co., 1101 N . Franklin St., Chicago, I I I . 60610. 506

Silylation Kits The Tri-Sil Poly Solvent K i t for rapid, one-step production of trimethylsilyl derivatives of polar compounds i n ­ cludes Tri-Sil Concentrate reagent and four silylation grade solvents: p y r i ­ dine, dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide, and tetrahydrofuran. The Poly-Sil K i t offers a complete as­ sortment containing the necessary re­ agents and solvents for silylation proce­ dures. The materials are packaged i n H y p o Vials for easy access and protection of contents, and are contained i n a polyolefin case. Instructional pamphlets are enclosed i n each k i t . Pierce Chemical Co., P. O. Box 117, Rockford, 111. 61105. 508






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MILES LABORATORIES, INC. RESEARCH PRODUCTS DEPT. Elkhart, Indiana 46514 U.S.A. Circle Nc. 56 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 39, NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967


129 A