Millionths of an inch

Guy Bartlett, General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York. Knowledge about the properties of metals has been limited in the past to observations of ma...
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JULY, 1927


Knowledge about the properties of metals has been limited in the past to observations of masses of small crystals. The usual piece of metal is a conglomeration of small, closely packed crystals, with the structure usually apparent a t a glance. Zinc, for instance, is known as a brittle metal; a rod of it can be bent but slightly without snapping. Yet investigations of small, single zinc crystals show that any one crystal of the metal can be drawn out to six times its length in one direction; in another direction it is extremely brittle. The properties of zinc thus depend upon how the crystal is examined-whether "with the grain" or against it. The usual piece of zinc is really a collection of small crystals pointing in all directions, so that the properties of the metal are the combined properties of the small crystals in the different axial directions. The same holds true for other metals and other substances. Studies of the properties of small single crystals of metals indicated that large specimens would have many unexpected properties. Single crystals of different metals have been produced by numerous experimenters and now, in the research laboratory of the General Electric Company, giant crystals have been produced and many unexpected properties discovered. Most of the work in the General Electric laboratory has been done with copper, and in one case a crystal weighing more than 12 pounds has been produced. Somewhat resembling a projectile in appearance, it is 17 inches long and 2'/8 inches in diameter. The copper crystals which have been used in the experiments have, however, been of smaller size-more nearly the size of a lead pencil. Briefly, these single crystals have been found to be 13 per cent better than ordinary (polycrystalline) copper as an electrical conductor and they can be bent as easily as a stick of soft wax. Having been bent once, however, they become ordinary copper, so that strength is required to rebend them. Seventy years ago Lord Kelvin found that copper wire diiered much in conductivity, and urged that transatlantic cables be made of highconductivity copper--chemically pure metal capable of transmitting current with much less loss than does the usual, more or less impure copper. Pure copper has been used almost exclusively for electrical transmission since then. Only silver, a metal much too costly for use in line wires, has a higher conductivity than pure copper. A small increase in the conductivity of commercial copper would have great value. An increase of even 10 per cent would release for other fields an enormous tonnage of copper now used for transmitting power. The economic radius of all existing transmission systems would be increased

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10 per cent, increasing by 21 per cent the area served; or the underground cable subways of cities, so many of which are taxed to capacity with their loads of today, could without enlargement carry additional loads of 10 per cent. Calculations indicated that copper composed of a single crystal should have a conductivity 14 per cent greater than ordinary copper along one axis. Such a conductivity would be better than that of silver, so apparatus was devised for producing such crystals. Very gradual cooling of pure copper in an electric furnace is the secret of success in producing the single crystals. The necessary amount of pure copper, in the form of a bar, is placed in a closed, cylindrical carbon crucible and slowly passed through the electric furnace. If molten metal is cooled quickly, the resultant mass is composed of very small crystals; if the melt is cooled slowly the crystals are larger. In

this process the melt is cooled so slowly that only one crystal is produced, and that includes the entire melt. The atoms have plenty of time in which to arrange themselves as they d e s i r e a n d they prefer to build up a single crystal rather than a multitude of small ones. In a crystal the atoms-the- unit particles of the substanceare built up in regular fashion. The crystals of copper, for example, are made up of very tiny cubes, with atoms a t the alternate corners of each unit cube. The large crystals grow in such a direction that the atoms are arranged in columns along the length of the crystal. It is this regular arrangement of the atoms which, i t is believed, gives to the single crystals their superior conductivity when compared with ordinary copper, in which the crystals are small and the arrangement chaotic. By means of measurements involving such quantities as 36/100,000ths of a volt and 81/1,000,000ths of an ohm, the increase in conductivity for the single crystals was determined as 13 per cent. The measurement; made by two different methods, checked within of one per cent, and

were within one per cent of the calculated increase. So that no errors would he introduced because of differences in specimens, all measurements were made with the same sample. First the conductivity of the single crystal was determined; then the crystal was hammered, swaged,

and annealed so that its structure was destroyed and ordinary copper produced, and the conductivity again determined. There is reason to believe that the conductivity of copper crystals along another axis may be even 60 per cent greater than the value for ordinary pure copper, but the growth of single crystals along this other

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axis has not yet been brought under control. Unfortunately, there is no immediate prospect of utilizing commercially this newly discoveret high conductivity, for the single crystals are very delicate and difficuld to manufacture.

As said before, a piece of about the size of a lead pencil bends as easily as does a stick of soft wax if given a jerking motion; in the single crystal the atoms are arranged in equally spaced columns. When the bar is bent the spacing is changed; atoms on the outside of the bend are spread apart and those on the inside are forced together. Strains are set up and

the crystal structure is altered. The bar becomes an ordinary piece of copper, of smaller crystals facing in all directions. It is as difficult to bend as ordinary copper. If the surface of a large single crystal of copper is nicked or dented, the structure in the neighborhood is altered. It is similarly affected by





filing or polishing. When one of the sods is polished it is necessary to remove a thousandth of an inch or less a t a time. Even then the structure of the new surface is altered. The condition is remedied by etching away the surface with the usual acid bath. Externally the large single copper crystals differ little from the usual metal. X-ray analysis, however, furnishes conclusive evidence .that a

single crystal has been produced. To measure directly such small distances as are encountered in dealing with spacing between atoms is, a t present a t least, impossible. When atoms are regularly arranged, as I





in crystals, they will bend or deflect a beam of X-rays. By measuring this deflection, atomic distances and arrangements can be determined. 'I'wo English scientists, W. H. and W. I,. Bragg-, first did this with small single crystals. Then Dr. A. W. Hull of the General Electric research

laboratory developed a method in which a powdered sample of the substance can be used. By means of special X-ray diffraction apparatus i t has been shown

that the copper rods are really single crystals. In the usual analysis a small tube of the finely powdered crystalline material is placed in the path of a narrow beam of X-rays of a specified wave-length. The substance turns the X-rays in diierent directions, according to the arrangement of the atoms in the minute crystals. A series of lines is thereby produced on a photographic film and these lines are used in calculations which reveal how the atoms are arranged and how far apart they are. In studying the single crystals the method is revised so that the large crystal is used instead of the crystalline powder. The specimen is swung slowly back and forth through an angle of 30 degrees, with the edge of the crystal in the path of the X-rays. The rotation of the specimen produces the same effect as using a stationary powdered sample, as far as a stationary film is concerned. A second film, mounted on the turntable with the crystal, is also used. If the specimen is not a single crystal no

FIG. 7.-Unit

crystals. Left: Body-centered cubic lattice. Right: Face-

centered cubic lattice.

lines are obtained on the moving film since the X-rays will affect the entire film uniformly. The lines are obtained, however, and calculations based on a comparison of the two negatives show that the axis of the crystal is parallel to the direction of cooling of the copper rod. The extreme ductility of the single crystal copper and the reference to X-ray analysis brings out the fact that, working in terms of hundredths of millionths of an inch, within an accuracy of billionths of an inch, scientists have discovered why some metals are brittle and others ductile and malleable. It depends on how the atoms of the metal are arranged. Even though the distance between the particles is a matter of hundredths of millionths of an inch, scientists have been able to determine atomic arrangements when they have called X-rays to their assistance. Metals, cxystalline substances, have their atoms arranged in orderly fashion; in liquids and such non-crystalline substances as glass the arrangement is chaotic-instead of an army there is a mob.

A piece of metal is usually composed of small crystals, irregularly arranged. It has been found that the metals which are ductile, such as copper and lead, crystallize in face-centered cubic arrangement, to use the crystallographer's term. That is, the atoms are arranged a t the comers of a cube, with another atom in the center of each side of the cube. Metals which are brittle are, in general, crystals with body-centered cubic arrangement. They have atoms a t each comer of a cube, but instead of another atom in each cube face they have one in the actual center of the unit cube. When these cubes are built up thousands on top of thousands, which

must be done to obtain even a small particle of the substance, lines of atoms are noticed in several directions. Just as in the case of a regularly planted orchard, there are many directions in which the atoms are in parallel rows. The relative distances between these rows depend upon the geometrical design. Extending these rows into the third dimension, similarly parallel planes are produced. It is upon the arrangement of these planes that the qualities of the metal seem to depend to some extent. When a face-centered cubic metal, such as lead or copper, is bent, the planes which contain the more closely packed atoms and which are relatively far apart slide on each other. Every atom in one of these planes is linked to three atoms in the plane above i t and to three atoms in the plane below it, so that the planes tend to hold tightly to each other

while they are sliding. In the face-centered structure such planes may be found in many directions in the crystal, so that there is very little tendency for the crystal to crack-the metal is ductile or tenacious. It is easily bent without breaking, and may he hammered, drawn into wire, etc. The reverse is generally true of body-centered structures. Here the planes which contain closely packed atoms are not held together very tightly, because every atom in one of the planes is linked to only two atoms in the plane above it and to two in the plane below it. When these planes slide on each other they tend to crack apart. Therefore, such metals cannot be worked mechanically as easily as the &her type. Such are some of the facts which have been learned with one of the three methods of X-ray chemical analysis-spectrum analysis, absorption hand analysis and diffraction pattern analysis.