Millipore Corporation

Detector: UV 254 nm, 0.1 AUFS. Distilled water has toomanytrace organics—even when triple distilled. Also inorganics, particles, and if you store it...
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Distilled Water-The W e a k Link in Your A A and LC Analyses!

Distilled water

Milli-Q water

Distilled water has too many trace organics—even when triple distilled. Also inorganics, particles, and if you store it, bugs! But a Milli-Q™system will always deliver the purity you need, on demand at your point of use. It removes dissolved organics by carbon adsorption; dissolved inorganics by ion-exchange; and particles and microorganisms by 0.22 micron Millipore membrane filtration. Maintenance is just a disposable cartridge change. You can use your still to feed the Milli-Q. But our Milli-RO'" reverse osmosis system is more dependaable, more economical, and like the Milli-Q maintenance free. Why not have the water purity you need, consistently? A Milli-Q/Milli-RO combination costs far less to operate than a still. Call 800-225-1380 toll free for a copy of our descriptive bulletin. (In Canada 800-261-0961; in Mass. 617-275-9200.) Water Systems Division, Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Mass. 01730. CIRCLE 145 ON READER SERVICE CARD


Comparison of distilled and Milli-Q treated water by reverse phase gradient elution chromatography. Sample: 160 ml Packing: μ Bondapak C18 Solvent: Acetonitrile Gradient Profile: Curve 6 Flow Rate: 4 ml/min Detector: UV 254 nm, 0.1 AUFS