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Vol. 56

CHARGE TRANSFER IN THE RADIATION CHEMISTRY OF GASES’s2 BY MILTONBURTONAND JOHNL. MAQEE Department of Chemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana Received March 16, 1862

Charge and excitation transfers play important roles in radiation chemistry, the mechanism of which can be examined most clearly for gases. In such transfer, com lex formation is involved. Ion clusters so produced involve bonds of typical strength running up to 2 ev. or more. A simphied calculation of their lives is described. The lifetimes in ty ical caaea may be of the order of seconds. In such time, charge neutralization, internal conversion, chemical dissociation ancfchemical reaction (including aggregation or polymerization) wit h other molecules may be important competing processes. For excitation transfer, the method of calculation of lives of complexes is formally the same but there are im ortant quantitative differences. One important conclusion is that, in the radiation chemistry of gases, both ionization antexcitation processes (including transfer) are significant. An ap arent exception to this conclusion, the polymerization of acetylene vapor, is examined and an explanation consistent with t\ese views is offered,

Introduction must exist. For radio sensitization there must be I n the radiation chemistry of liquid mixtures of similar requirements. The formal similarities becertain hydrocarbons, transfer of both ionization tween photochemistry and radiation chemistry and excitation from primarily affected molecules to have been emphasized, but actually the most other molecules apparently plays an important role important energy transfer processes may be sigin the over-all chemistry o b ~ e r v e d . ~Similarly, ,~ in nificantly different. By contrast to excitation dilute solutions of a variety of potentially fluores- transfer, the theory of charge transfer and its efcent solutes in benzene, absorption of incident fects in the radiation chemistry of large molecules high-energy radiation (e.g., X-rays) is predomi- have not been carefully examined. Evidence for charge transfer in radiation chemisnantly by the benzene while the fluorescence is characteristic of the ~ o l u t e . ~There is also evidence try was first shown by Lind and his co-workers,l‘ that benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons who employed the term ‘(ionic catalysis” with a may photosensitize the decomposition of alkyl clear understanding of its special meaning. I n iodides in liquid solution.6 In addition, existence particular he showed that in a number of radiolyses of mercury-sensitized reactions in the liquid state is and radiation-induced polymerizations rare gases also known.’ However, only a limited number of were effective “ionic catalysts.’’ Such “ionic cais possibly exhibited by acetylene, which such liquid systems has been studied. Although talysis” seems to radiosensitize decomposition of benzene. l2 there have been statements as to the conditions under which energy transfer and radiosensitization Eyring’* has suggested a valence-bonding mecha(and correlated protection) may appear in the nism for this effect and points out that “catalysis” liquid state, 3,4 no indications of the theoretical may be possible even when charge transfer is not.14 On the other hand, carbon dioxide does not radiolimitations on such transfer have been expressed. the oxidation of methane or carbon The gaseous systems whose radiation chemistry sensitize monoxide in spite of a favorable ionization potential and photochemistry have been so far studied are somewhat more susceptible to theoretical analysis. relationship. l 1 Evidently, limitations on probability of charge The significance of non-adiabatic transitions in in gaseous mixtures are significant in radiasuch cases has been fairly well examined8~gand the transfer tion chemistry. Such limitations are, of course, mechanism ,of simple photosensitized reactions nom only to be understood in terms of the detailed mechaseems to be understood.8 I n particular, for nisms of the individual processes, and each case of photosensitization it is both established and undermust be examined separately. I n rare stood that the existence of adequate energy in the interest gas collisions and in most cases so far discussed in photosensitizing molecule is of itself an insufficient Symposium, the binding energy between the criterion for prediction of a photosensitization this partners is low and collisions last about process10; a mechanism for the energy transfer colliding sec. In collisions between polyatomic ions (1) Paper presented at the Sympoaiuni on Electron Transfer and and molecules, the factors of possible increased Isotopic Reactions under the joint auspices of the Division of Physical binding energy and consequent greater life of the and Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society and the collision complex are especially significant. In such Division of Chemical Physics of the American Physical Society a t the University of Notre Dame, June 11, 1952. cases, we must consider, as is not uncommon in kinet(2) Contribution from the Radiation Project, operated by the Uniics, the eff’ect of ‘(sticky collisions”; ie., collisions versity of Notre Dame and support,ed in part under Atomic Energy sec. whose half-lives are long compared with Commission contract AT(ll-1)-38. 1.

(3) J. P. Manion and M. Burton, THISJOURNAL, 66, 560 (1952). (4) 8. Gordon and M. Burton, Discussion Faraday Soc., 12, in press (1852). (5) H. Kallmann and M. Furst, P h y s . Rev., 79, 887 (1950); 81, 853 (1951). ( 6 ) W. West and B. Paul, Trans. Faraday Soc., 28, 688 (1932); W. West and W. E. Miller, J. Chem. Phus.. 8 , 849 (1940). (7) M. K. Phibbs and B. de B. Dsrwent. ibid., 18, 679 (1950). ( 8 ) K . J. Laidler end K. Shuler, C h e m , Haus., 48, 153 (1951). Many literature references are given here. (9) J . L. Magee, THIS JOURNAL,66, 556 (1952). (10) C,f. J,T,Duhoirr and W . A4 NOHPR. *Tr,, J. Chom, P h u ~ ,10, , 1613 (leal),

2. Theory Sticky Collisions between Ions and Molecules.--A collision between an isolated pair of 2.1

(11) Cf.S. C. Lind. “The Chemical Effect of Alpha Particles and Electrons,” 2nd Ed., Chemical Catalog Co. (Reinhold Publ. Corp.), New York, pp. 184 et seq. (12) C. Rosenblum, THISJOURNAL, 62, 474 (1948). (13) H. Eyring, J . Chem. P h y s . , 7, 792 11939). (14) Cf. R , J. Munson and K , Hoselit#, Proc. Roy. Sac. (London), 6174, 43 (1839). who found evidence for the reaction L i + 3. .Ye14iXe+. Li he8 R smaller ioninatioh potentinl t h m

Oct., 1952



two significant, parameters. Apparently, long lifetimes can be expected for complexes which have only moderate vahes of EB,if a is 6 or SO. 2.1.1 Competing Processes. .-CleiLrly, only relative tinies required for various coinpeting processes, not absolute lifetimes, usually concern us. For example, in a gas a t atmospheric pressure a complex which lives 10-10 sec. will be stabilized by a collision and remains associated. Also, for ions, there is always a neutralization reaction and frequently n possible internal conversion to another state, e.g., a charge transfer process. An important competing process, of general interest, which in many terminates the existence of the complex is electron capture. Indeed, it appears from Table I that unless an intermediate chemical change occurs, neutralization would precede ordinary dissociat,ion of the ion complex in most cases of interest. Where the lives of the complexes are relatively short (e.g., only slightly greater than time between collisions), collisions will tend to stabilize the complexes and to preserve‘ them for neutralization of chemical charge. 2.1.2 Values of Parameters.-Values of EB are positive for the interaction of an ion with any polyatomic molecule, because of polarization interaction with the latter. If, in addition, the molecule is strongly dipolar, the value of EB may be several electron volts because of classical coulombic interactions alone. Furthermore, as Eyring13 has pointed out, an ion is chemically unsaturated; where E is the actual energy of the system in rela- thus, states with attractive exchange interaction tive energy, EB is the binding energy of the two result. entities which form the complex, a is the number of The value of a to use in a given case is somevibrational degrees of freedom of the complex, and what uncertain. If an attempt is made to allow for v is a constant having dimensions of frequency and quantum restriqtions on energy t.rsnsfer by taking being of the order of magnitude of a molecular vi- an “effective” value of a, we see that a must be bration frequency. 3N - 6 or less where N is the total number of atoms In cases of interest to us here, E will be ap- in the complex. For complexes with high symmetry proximately equal to EB IcT, and so we can also and stiff vibrations a could be corisiderably less write than3N - 6. 2.1.3 Cluster Sizes.-Ample experimental evidence exists for complexing of ions in g a ~ e s . l ~ - ~AS This treatm’ent, although by no means rigorous, particularly striking illustration of long lifetimes of gives us a good qualitative insight into the situation. ionic collision complexes involves the cme of rare Long lifetime for a given collision complex is gas ions in water vapor (in which clusters may infavored by large binding energy EB and by many clude six molecules of water1*). Clusters are shown degrees of freedom, a. In a rare gas collision for to grow when the probability for a single threebody collision is so small as to rule out a three-body example, a = 1, and so process for formation of the first bund. A typical = 10-13 value of EB would be 2 ev. and the maximum value according to the formula, regardless of E=. of a would be 9. Thus, a lifetime even nf the Table I gives some values of T as a funct,ion of the first pair could easily be of the order of one scccnd. Later we discuss the case of acet, plus rare TABLE I gas ions, in which little can be said of she value of SOMECOMPLEX LIFETIMES IN SECONDS ( EB IS IN ELECTRONEB. However, acetylene has chemical unseturaVOLTS) tion in addition to a moderate po1mizabilit.y and a - 1 slightly polar C-H bonds. It would seem highly EB 3 6 9 12 probable that the value of EB i8 considerahiy 0.25 1.33 X 10-10 1.77 X 10-7 2.35 X 10-4 3.13 X 10-1 atoms cannot be “sticky” since t,here is no degree of freedom which can interchange energy with relative-motion energy. The only requirement for st,icky collisions is that degrees of frecdom exist which can exchange energy with the ciiergy of relstive motion of a colliding pair; thus any polyatomic system might have such collisions. The quantitative features of this situation are best discussed from the point of view of the inverse process, ie., the dissociation. We ask the question: What is the lifetime of a complex which exists in an associated state but which has sufficient energy t o dissociate? A rigorous solution to this problem in quantum mechanics would require knowledge of all bound states of the associated system and their interaction with states which lead to dissociation. The solution in classical mechanics is somewhat more simple in principle; there are no restrictions on energy transfer between vibrational degrees of freedom and only the potential function of the system is required. I n a treatment similar to that of the absolute reaction rate theory one can calculate the rate a t which a randomly distributed ensemble (microcanonical ensemble) of systems passes through a potential-energy saddle point leading to dissociation. l5,l6 A simplified form of the expression for the 1ifet)ime of a complex derived by this method is


0.5 0.75

9.25 X 10-10 8.55 X 10-6 7.90 X IO-* 2.98 X 10-8 8.83 X 10-6 2.03 X 10-1

1 2 3

6.88 X 10-9 5.32 X 10-8 1.77 X 10-7

4.73 X 10-4 2.83 X 10-3 3.13 X 10-1

(15) J. L. Magee, to be published. (16).Cf. G. E. Kimball, J . Clem. P h y s . , I,310 (1937),for a more rnocialired troadment af this prohlnrn npplied t,i* mnnaintinn of radicals,

(17) L. B. Loeb, “Fundamental Processes of Electrical Discharge in Gasea,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.,1939, p. 38 E. (18) A . M. Tyndall, “Mobility of Positive Ions in Gases,” Cam.. bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1938. (19) Diatomic ions of the rare gases have recently beon obacrreu by J. A. Hornbeck and J. P. Molnar, Phvs. Reu., 84, 621 (1951). Th;.se molecular ions can be formed by bimolecular collisicns He* + R e -* Her+ e between excited and normal atoma. T h e Pnaloaoua procow for excited moleculas has not been disormsd.




greater than kT for at least one state, and the value of a could be as large as 12. Thus highly sticky collisions are anticipated. 2.2 Mechanism of Excitation Transfer.-Formally, excitation transfer is a process similar to charge transfers; i.e., it is an internal conversion in a collision.complex. The lives of the complexes may be handled by the treatment just outlined. There are quantitative differences (e.g., binding energies are probably lower on the average) but the important competing processes are not greatly modified. The specific rate of production of excited complexes is decreased relative to that of production of ion complexes by the fact that in the latter case coulomb fields extend collision diameters. On the other hand, the neutralization process important for ionic complexes may be supplanted in an excited complex by light emission. The probability of light emission is a fixed characteristic of the complex whereas that of neutralization depends on the rate of irradiation. In both cases, the complexes may have ample time to be terminated by chemical reaction. Thus, we see that irradiation rate and activation energies, particularly for rearrangement processes, play a special, complicated role. In general, we may expect both excitation and ionization transfer to play an important part in the chemical effects observed, but their relative importance is not a priori established in any general way. 2.3 Some Conclusions.-Several conclusions derive from this theoretical analysis. (1) In the radiation chemistry of gaseous mixtures both ionization (Le., charge) transfer and excitation transfer may play a significant role. (2) In general, specific mechanisms for such transfer are ,required; mere adequacy of energy relationships is insufficient. (3) No apparent reason exists for an expectation of significant difference in a priori probability of the two different types of transfer in the gaseous state. (4) The need for a special mechanism of ionization transfer involving what, in kinetics, is generally called a “sticky collision” bears a formal resemblance to one aspect of the ion-cluster theory of radiation chemistry proposed by Lind and indicates that clustering, even though transitory, may have real importance. On the other hand, it cannot be pretended that the present theory of radiation chemistry is thus reconciled to the old theory. I n particular, the present theory places no special weight on ionization, ionization transfer, and sticky collisions involving ions; excitation and excited molecules play a parallel role. Any case in radiation chemistry which purports to show as special role of ions and ionization thus merits and requires detailed consideration. 3. Comment on Radiation-Polymerization of Acetylene In a critical examination of the present status of the theory of radiation chemistry, Lind20 has presented the data shown in Table 11. This case is particularly interesting for two reasons. The con(20) S C. Lind, Paper presented at the XIIth International Congrems of Pure and Applied Chernrutry. New York City, September 12.


Vol. 50




Ea - I



None He Ne N1 A

19.8 27.8 24.581 3.2 1.13 19.7 27.4 21.559 5.8 1.27 19.2 35.0 15.576 19.4 2.24 18.5 25.4 15.756 9.6 1.61 18.2 Kr 22.8 13.996 8.8 1.63 19.6 Xe 20.8 12.127 8.7 1.72 18 0 We are indebted to Dean S. C. Lind for the use of this table in advance of publication. Ea is the energy required per ion pair and Z is the ionization potential. Presumably E, 1 is energy which has gone into excitation.


stancy of the calculated values of M / N , or molecules of acetylene converted t o cuprene per calculated ion-pair produced, for a number of added inert gases in a considerable range of concentration indicates ionization as the only potent precursor of chemical change in the acetylene. The same constancy indicates that this potency is independent of the nature of the entity primarily ionized, whether it be reactant or inert additive. Table I1 shows that each of the inert additives has ionization potential greater than that of acetylene (I = 11.41 ev.). It might be thought that the initial ionization whether it be primarily in the additive or in the acetylene would quickly end up in the latter and produce therein the effect that might be expected in pure acetylene. The difficulty, as Lind has noted, is that according t o present viewsz1we might also expect excitation to play a significant role, at least in the pure acetylene. Lind has rightfully stated that these results must be clearly explained if the present theory of radiation chemistry (i.e., that all classes of excited molecules may be the precursors of reaction) is t o be held acceptable. The paradox in the acetylene situation is that photochemically-induced polymerization of acetylene has been observed. The quantum yield fgr the process at an average wave length of 2150 A. (Le., corresponding t o 5.7 ev.) is 9.2 f 1.5 molecules of acetylene converted to a product resembling cuprene per photon absorbed.22 The temperature coefficient, 1.25 over a 10” interval, suggests a ratecontrolling reaction of low activation energy (i.e., -4 kcal.). The limited evidence availablez3 is consistent with the view that in the photochemical case the chain is begun by excited acetylene and propagated by an excited a,ggregate. To understand the results of radiation chemistry in the light of this apparently contradictory evidence we must flatly conclude that excited states of acetylene, such as can be primarily produced in number exceeding the number of ionized states, are ineffective in production of polymerization in the presence of ions. Possible processes by which (21) M. Burton, J . Chem. Ed., 88, 404 (1951). (22) 8. C. Lind and R. L. Livingston. J . Am. Chem. SOC.,62, 4613 (1930): 84, 94 (1932). (23) Cf. Q. I