A Breakthrough in Cost vs Performance Do you need all the bells and whistles of high cost HPLC equipment? Of course y o u d o n ' t . Y o u need quality and performance you can c o u n t o n . A t a price y o u can a f f o r d . Like the new Series 3 0 0 0 .
constaMetric" 3 0 0 0
spectroMonitor" 3 0 0 0
We've improved the already successful constaMetric pump t o give y o u : • guided piston f o r longer seal life • improved f l o w stability • new check valve design f o r aqueous buffers and easy maintenance
We've upgraded the highly acclaimed spectroMonitor I I I : • reduced noise • improved optics f o r better stability and lower d r i f t • extended wavelength range using o n l y 1 lamp
A n d both components feature a new space-saving vertical design. D o n ' t trust y o u r chromatography analyses t o anything but the best - the best performance the best price.
LDC/Milton Roy a tradition of quality and performance U.S. HEADQUARTERS. P.O. Box 10235, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Toll-free: 800-327-6182, In Florida: (305) 844-5241 Telex: 441098 UNITED KINGDOM, LDC UK, Milton Roy House, 52 High Street, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 8AR England Telephone: (0) 785-81-3542 Telex: 36623 FRANCE, LDC S.A., 15 rue Guyton de Morveau, Paris 75013, France Telephone: 588-2800 Telex: 205331 WEST GERMANY, Milton Roy (Deutschland) GMBH Jahnstrasse 22-24 6467 Hasselroth 2, West Germany Telephone: (0) 6055-3366 (2031 ) Telex: 4184357 JAPAN, Milton Roy K.K., Takanawa Dai-lchi Building 21-41, Takanawa 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108, Japan Telephone: (03) 473-3181 Telex: 242-4296 CIRCLE 126 ON READER SERVICE CARD