Milton Roy Company - ACS Publications

spin coupling. The development of spin-spin and spinorbit approaches to zerofield splitting studies is systemati- cally and succintly developedhere, a...
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New Books compounds; kinetics and mechanism of reactions of coordination compounds; synthesis, structure, and stereochemistry of coordination compounds; organometallic chemistry; coordination compounds in biochemistry; theories of bonding in coordination compounds; physical methods in coordination compounds; coordination compounds in solvent extraction; and coordination compounds in nonaqueous solvents.


Molecular Spectroscopy of the Triplet State. S. P. McGlynn, T. Azumi, and M. Kinoshita. xiii -+- 434 pages. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 07632. 1969. $16.95

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This book represents a single-volume source to the principal publications in the field. Including extensive tables of data and bibliographies, it will be an aid for advanced students and research workers in physical chemistry, chemical physics, biochemistry, and biophysics who are engaged in this area of study. The early chapters provide a general coverage of the triplet state involvement in chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. These are followed by detailed handling of spinorbit coupling in all its physical manifestations in molecules. Much of this material has never before appeared in the literature of the field, and is of particular significance to readers interested in the areas of luminescence, photochemistry, photobiology, and weak intermolecular interactions. The final three chapters are concerned with spinspin coupling. The development of spin-spin and spinorbit approaches to zerofield splitting studies is systematically and succintly developed here, and will be of particular interest to EPR spectroscopists and readers concerned with the disposition of energy among excited levels.

74 A


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Comprehensive Index on API 44-TRC Selected Data on Thermodynamics and Spectroscopy, xvii + 507 pages. Thermodynamics Research Center, Department of Chemistry, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843. 1968. $14

The index which is composed of an alphabetical Compound Name Index and a Formula Index gives the location At laboratory supply houses everyof all date reported in each of the six where, or write Norton Plastics and categories of both the API Research S y n t h e t i c s D i v i s i o n , A k r o n , Ohio Project 44 and the TRC Data Project series of publications of numerical ta44309. 32-114 bles and spectral catalogs. This computer-generated index is designed priNORTON marily for use with data published by the API Research Project 44 and the TRC Data Project. Used alone, it will PLASTICS & SYNTHETICS DIV. be of limited value. FORMERLY U.S.STONEWAREINC. AKRON, OHIO 44309 Circle No. 52 on Readers' service Card


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