Laboratory Crushers and Grinders 4"x6"Massco Laboratory Jaw Crusher Welded steel frame; manganese steel jaw and cheek plates; bronze bushed bearings; smooth jaws give better product and easier cleaning. Adjust for plate wear and product size by convenient hand wheel adjustment.
6"andlO"Massco Gy-Roll Reduction Crusher Reduces W feed to as fine as 10 mesh in single pass. High capacity, low power consumption.
Most Porr calorimeters o r · equipped with thii douhl· valve bomb or iti tingle valve counterpart. No 1102 Bolh are widely uind for general purpose calorimetry,also fo> determining sulfur, chlorine, arsenic und alher elements in combustible tolid Or liquid samples
This continuous refractive index mon itor provides constant indication of liquid chromatographic and process streams relative to refractive index of the stream effluent. The detecting compartment, which is mounted di rectly below a chromatographic col umn or in the stream to be monitored, is said to be the most sensitive avail able for reading reflective differences. The monitor's principle of operation is as follows: As the refractive index of the eluted stream changes, the in tensity of the reflected light also changes, causing a difference in out put from the instrument. This differ ence is registered on a recorder and is depicted by "peaks" similar to those of a gas chromatograph. Nester/Faust Mfg. Corp., 2401 Ogletown Road, Newark, Del. 414
340 ml.
This is ïhe heaviest and strongest ot all Pan oxygen bombs It n designed to vtirlufand the hicjh pressures and shock fuicei developed when testing uvplosives and high enerqy fuel* in Parr oxygen bomb caloiimcters. Il tins qoi inlet and release volves ιιπιιίαι to No. 1101
340 ml.
This bomb is used for high precision calonmelry and for l ,f\\