Flex Seal ends assure perfect seal. • Closing mechanisms... manual handwheel; handwheel with chain and sprocket reduction unit ... COLORADO. OFFICES...
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Chemists & Chemical Engineers

ESSO RESEARCH & ENGINEERING announces opportunities in BASIC RESEARCH on combustion, friction, catalysis, reaction mechanisms, chemical synthesis, nuclear radiation, and composition of petroleum.

APPLIED RESEARCH on fuels, lubricants, waxes, synthetic rubbers, plastics, and detergents.

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT of new and improved petroleum and petrochemical •manufacturing processes.

The Company that canes enough to give you the best!


PINCH VALVES RUBBER, NEOPRENE for Corrosion and Abrasion • •

Pressures to 150 psi.

Temperatures to 2 0 0 ° F.

Patented " h i n g e d " sleeve. Recesses serve as " h i n g e s " during compression; reduce strain a n d permit tight closing.

C a n n o t leak or stick.

N o working parts in contact with pulp or liquid; no packing glands.

Unobstructed flow eliminates high friction loss.

Remote control a v a i l a b l e .

C a n be e q u i p p e d for automatic regulation.

Split flanges a n d patented Flex Seal ends assure perfect seal.

Closing mechanisms... manual handwheel; handwheel with chain a n d sprocket reduction unit; electric worm g e a r motor reducer; chain o p e r a t e d torque a r m reducer; hydraulic; air-hydraulic.

PLANNING & DESIGN ENGINEERING of petroleum and petrochemical manufacturing processes.

T h e above areas are just a few of the many a t Esso Research & Engineering which offer challenging careers in scientific/technical specialization or in responsible administrative posts. You will be assisted in reaching your professional goal by new and modern equipment, excellent library facilities, and guidance and counsel from top industry and academic leaders. You will be well rewarded in direct remuneration, be eligible for m a n y profitable benefit plans, and live in a n area t h a t offers ample fulfillment of the broadest cultural and recreational interests. If you possess a B S , M S or P h D degree attained with high scholastic ranking and have demonstrated that you possess a measure of creativity a n d ingenuity, we invite you to investigate further these challenging positions. Address your inquiry, which will be treated in fullest confidence, to Mr. C. D. Gardei, Employee Relations — Ν

ESSO RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CO. C Chief Technical Affiliate of Standard Oil Company ( N . J.)H P.O. Box 175, L i n d e n , N e w Jersey

1 " to 1 4 " inside diameter.

WRITE FOR NEW CATALOG . . Manufacturing


MINE AND SMELTER SUPPLY CO. 3 8 0 0 RACE STREET · D E N V E R . C O L O R A D O O F F I C E S A N D AGENTS I N P R I N C I P A L CITIES Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card 102 A