mineralogical and geological chemistry. - ACS Publications

REVIEW OF AMERICAN CHEMICAL RESEARCH. Yol. IX. No. 4. William. A. Noyes, Editor. Reviewers : ... W. F. Hillebrand. The Franceville (El Paso County, ...
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M. T.Bogert, E. M. Chamot, B. S. Cushman, Benton Dales, I,. M. Dennis, A . H. Gill,

No. 4.

WILLIAMA. NOYES, Editor. REVIEWERS : H. M. Goodwin, W. F. Hillebrand, L. P. Kinnicutt, H. W. Lawson, G. N. Lewis, H. N. McCoy,

A. A. Noyes, J. 1%'. Richards, S. P. Sadtler, J. 0. Schlotterbeck, W. H. Seaman, F . P. Underhill.

MINERALOGICAL A N D GEOLOOICAL CHEMISTRY. Etching of Quartz in the Interior of Conglomerates. BY MYRONI,. FULLER.J . Geol., IO, 815-821.-The author discusses in the light of his own observations at Blossburg, Pa., the cause of the frequently observed etching of quartz pebbles on the surface of highly silicious conglomerates of the coal-measure and elsewhere. For that locality, at least, the conclusions are : That the etching did not take place under existing conditions of exposure to the atmosphere and to soil humus ; that it is ar. internal feature, which took place while the conglomerates were somewhat deeply buried and fully consolidated, since it is confined to the immediate walls of the bedding or other planes ; that the active solvent was an organic acid, most likely derived from vegetable remains within the rock. C. W. Hayes had earlier ascribed similar etchings to the action of organic acids under ordinary atmospheric conditions (Bull. Geol. SOC. A m . , Vol. 8, 213). W. F. HILLEBRAND. The Franceville (El Paso County, Colorado) Meteorite. BY H. L,. PRESTON.J. Geol., IO, 852-857, 3 figures.-This siderite, found about 1890, weighs 18.3 kilos and its dimensions are 2 1 x 23 X 5 . 5 cm. It is pitted on all sides. But a single nodule of troilite of any size was found on slicing the mass. Etch-figures are very pronounced, sharp, and clear, and the etched surfaces show under the microscope no schreibersite whatsoever. Mr. John M. Davison reports the following analysis. Soluble in HC1 : kamacite and taenite, gg, 16 ; combined carbon not determined. Undissolved in HC1 ; schreibersite, 0.837 ; graphite and trace of silicates, 0.003 ; platinum from 23.9 grams, trace. T h e kamacite and taenite together gave Fe, 91.92 ; Ni, 8.13 ; total, 1 0 0 . 0 5 . Specific gravity, 7.87. W. F. HILLEBRAND.


Review of Ainericaiz Chemical Research.

The Mineralogy of the Chicago Area. BY ALJA ROBISSOS COOK. The Chicago Academy of Scieizces, Bzdl. No. 5 of the H a t . Hist. Survey, 57 pages, plates.-Over fifty species are noted, including the rock-forming minerals. W.F. HILLEBRASD. Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of llichigan for the Year 1901. 304 pages, maps and plates.-In the various contributions by Alfred C. Lane, state geologist, and other writers, making up this volume, are to be found many analyses, in part new, in part old, of limestones, dolomites, niarls, clays, W. F. HILLEBKASI). etc. Native Arsenic from Ilontreal. BY NEVILNORTONEVASS. Am. J . Sa'., 15, g2-93.-This is a more detailed description of the occurrence than was first given in the same Journal, 14,397 (see also this Journal, 25, R. 11). T h e mineral occurs as concentric lumps united into a reniform structure and occupying portions of a vein cutting nepheline syenite. I t is characterized by its purity, as shown by the analysis : As, 98.14 ; Sb, 1 . 6 j ; S, 0.16 ; insoluble, 0.15. No silver, bismuth, or other elenient was found. W. F. HILLEBRAND. Note on the Condition of Platinum in the Nickel-Copper Ores from Sudbury. BY CHAS. W. DICKSOX. A m .1. Sci., 15, 137-13g.-A number of samples of ore from different localities were examined with negative results, but one from the Victoria mine, about twenty miles west of Sudbury, consisting of massive and almost pure chalcopyrite, yielded, after treatment successively with hot nitric acid, carbon disulphide, and sulphuric and hydrofluoric acids, a final residue of numerous small brilliant tin-white crystals and fragments resembling sperrylite and giving tests which left no doubt of their identity with that mineral. Xdditional proof was afforded by angle measurements. There is thus obtained further evidence to support the opinion that the platinum in copper-nickel ores exists, in part at least, as the arsenide, and that it is associated with the copper rather than with the nickel. W. F. HILLEBRAKD. Water Storage on Salt River, Arizona. BY AUSTINPOWELL DAVIS. U. S. Geol. Szirvey, Water SuPply a i d Irrzgafion Paper No. 73, 54 pp., maps and illustrations.-Near the close of this report the question of locally available material for the manufacture of cement for use in the construction of dams is considered. There are given partial analyses by E. A. Duryee, of Colton, Caiifornia, of a limestone, two shales, and three clays, also of the cement made from the limestone and one of the clays. This limestone and clay were again analyzed in somewhat greater detail by Dr. E. T. Allen in the laboratory of the U. S. Geol. Surrey. The tensile strengths of the cement under different conditions were also determined by Mr. Duryee with very gratifying W.F. HILLEBRAND. results.

Mineralogical and Geological Chemistry.


The nining Industry in North .Carolina during 1901. BY HYDEPRATT. North Carolina Geol. Survey, Economic Paper No. 6 , 1 0 2 pp.-This publication was issued to meet inquiries for information regarding the condition of the mining industry and the minerals that are being mined in the state. Quite a number of analyses are introduced without data as to the makers or whether the analyses are new or old. W. F. HILLEBRAND. JOSEPH

The TIinerals and Mineral Localities of Texas. BY FREDERIC W. SIMONDS.Univ. of Texas Mineral Survey, BUZZ. No. 5 , December, 1902, 104 pp.-The arrangement is alphabetical, with numerous analyses, most of which first appeared elsewhere. There is also a list arranged by counties and a brief paper by Wm. B. Phillips on The Commevn'al Aspects of Certain Ores in Trans-Pecos, Texas, which contains the results of many assays, W . F. HILLEBRAND. chiefly for gold and silver. Problems Controlling the Geologic Deposition of the Hydrocarbons. BY GEORGEI. ADAMS. Trans. A m . Inst. Min. Bng. (Advance extra, New York and Philade@hza Meeting, February and May, 1902, 7 pp.).-The author argues that the accumulation of hydrocarbons in reservoirs through underground circulation may be intimately connected with the water with which they were in contact during their movement. Though water and the hydrocarbons are usually regarded as immiscible, it is urged that with varying conditions of temperature and pressure, a limited amount of solution of certain of the hydrocarbons may take place. This being so, the dissolved portions will partake of the movement of the waters circulating downwards under gravitative pressure, while the undissolved portions will rest upon the water and tend to seek a higher level against the downward water flow. I n this way an originally homogeneous mixture of hydrocarbons might become, in time, more or less fractionated and removed. Were the configuration of the overlying impervious strata favorable, reservoirs of hydrocarbons might be formed at different and perhaps far distant points, and from the water solution under changing physical conditions the dissolved constituents might be liberated and in time fill other reservoirs or escape to the surface. I t is suggested, too, as a result of Dr. D. T. Day's experiments in fractionating oil by filtering it through Fuller's earth, that the structure of the rocks in the course of underground circulation may be a cause of variation in composition. I n the discussion following, Dr. D. T. Day expresses disbelief that water is a carrier of gaseous or liquid hydrocarbon suspended or mixed in it in any way, basing his lack of faith on certain experiments of his own which Mr. Adams in turn claims have no direct bearing W. F. HILLEBRAND. on the problem.


Review of American Chemical Research.

A Consideration of Igneous Rocks and their Segregation or Differentiation as Related to the Occurrence of Ores. BY J . E. SPURR.Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. (Advance extra, N e w York ana’ Philadelphia Meeting, Febrziaryand M a y , 1902, 53 pp.) .This is a paper well worthy of the mineral chemist’s attention, of which only the more important conclusions can be outlined. After reviewing the relations of ore-deposits to igneous rocks in general, and the Segregation or differentiation of the latter, evidence is presented to show that quartz veins are but the final result of magmatic segregation, and that gold quartz veins show, in the overmThelming number of instances, geuetic connection with silicious igneous rocks, of the dioritic and granitic families. The statement is then formulated that I ‘ although gold is present in all igneous rocks, and may be unequally distributed in any of them, yet the conditions for concentration by magmatic segregation become more favorable in what has been shown to be the extreme silicious product of rock-differentiation-in quartz veins or dikes.” By extended inquiries and reasoning, the author is led to the hypothesis that by magmatic segregation the metals of conimercial value, as well as the other rock-forming elements, are irregularly and to a certain extent independently concentrated in certain portions of the earth’s crust. Such portions, characterized by the relative abundance of certain metals, may be called metalliferous provinces. . . . Moreover, within these metalliferous provinces (as is the case with the petrographic provinces) magmatic segregation produces sub-provinces, secondary, perhaps, in theoretical importance to the grander divisions, but of more practical importance to miners. . . . by magmatic segregation, the rarer metals (like the commoner elements again) are in many cases preferentially concentrated into certain rocks in a given sub-province. Finally, within these rocks the metals may be segregated chiefly into certain portions, even producing in the case of the common metals . . . workable ore-deposits without further concentration ; and in the case of the less common ores, either directly producing workable deposits , . . or producing rocks relatively so rich that it requires only the concentrating action of other agents (chiefly circulating waters) to create ore bodies. I t is the writer’s belief that the origin of metalproducing districts, as contrasted with barren districts, is, in most cases, due primarily to magmatic segregation, a d that an important class of ore bodies is due directly to this.” Concentration of ores may be effected by other than this initial process of magmatic segregation, as the action of gases and liquids expelled from consolidating magmas, that of hot spring waters, and of cold surface waters penetrating underground or acting upon the surface, any one or several of which may be effective in a particular case. T h e author, in a postscript, regards his view as strengthened by Wagoner’s paper ( Trans. Ant. Inst. Min. Eng.,

MineraZogicaZ and GeoZogicaZ Chemistry.


31, 7 9 8 ) , showing the amounts and distribution of gold and silver in California rocks remote from mineral deposits. W. F . HILLEBRAND.

Igneous Rocks and Circulating Waters as Factors in OreDeposition. BY J. F. KEMP. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. (Advance extra, N e w Haven Meeting, October, r902, 16 pp.) .This is an additional and instructive contribution to the discussion that has appeared in the recent volumes of the Transactions. T h e author’s chief aim is to show that in all probability much greater efficiency is attributed to the expulsive action of the normally heated earth’s interior in promoting aqueous underground circulation than this agency deserves, and that igneous rocks are rather to be looked upon as the chief stimulators of deep-seated circulation. The influence of a molten mass of rock injected into strata permeated by meteoric waters must be an enormous factor in causing these waters to move toward the surface, and in so doing, to deposit the store of dissolved matter they bring from below. T h e author is inclined to think that with the complete cooling of the intrusive, the period of ore-deposition practically ceases, notwithstanding the arguments of Van Hise that this deposition is mainly due to the action of waters circulating under gravitative head. W. F. HILLEBRAND. Amarillium. BY WILLIAM M. COURTIS. Trans. A m . Insf. Min. Eng. (Advance extra, N e w Haven Meeting, October, 1902, 3 pp. ).-In assaying a copper-carbonate ore from the Frazer claims, Similakanieen, British Columbia, the author obtained a gold button, showing such a peculiar behavior on parting that he was led to examine large quantities of the ore, with the result tPlat there was eventually isolated a substance which he thinks may be a new metal and calls amarillium. I t is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide and is soluble in the alkaline sulphides. T h e work is crude and the evidence quite inconclusive as to the character of the material obtained. Eastern assayers had reported the metal in the ore to be platinum and palladium. W. F. HILLEBRAND.

Ilinerals Observed on Buried Chinese Coins of the Seventh Century. BY AUST~N F. ROGERS. A m . GeoZogist, 31, 43-46.At Kiukiang was dug up a pot containing about 5,000 corroded copper coins, on many of which the inscriptions were still plain. T h e minerals coating the coins were : Cuprite, malachite, azurite, copper, and cerussite. T h e origin of the last is not clear, as the material of the coins is free from lead. Only rarely are all or even most of the minerals observed on the same coin. I n the case of cuprite, malachite, and azurite, the paragenesis is indicated by the order in which these names are here written. T h e appearance of the minerals is briefly described and the paper


Review of American Chemzcal Research.

closes with a list of minerals found on coins with the names of observer, localities, and references to publication. W.F. HILLEBRAND.

Apatite Crystals, Antwerp, New York. BY NICHOLAS KNIGHT. A m . Geologist, 31, 62.-An analysis by Frank I,. Hann, of Cornel1 College, Iowa, is communicated without comment, showing : CaO, 48.20 ; P,O,, 41.00 ; S O , , 0.60 ; A1,0,, W.F. HILLEBRASD. 9.00 ; CaF,, 1 . 2 0 . Geology of the Jemez-Albuquerque Region, New ilexico. BY ALBERT B. REAGAN. Am. Geologist, 31, 67-1 I 1,plates.-The region is destined, according to the author. to develop great mineral wealth. T h e only cheniical matter in the paper consists of old analyses by Loew of mineral waters, of a soil, and of Rio 111. F. HILLEBRAND. Grande mud. Jade.

BY S. E. EASTER.N a t . Geogra#hicMag., 14,9-17,W ,F. HILLEBRASD.

A paper devoid of chemical data.

Notes on Southwestern Utah and Its Iron Ores. BY G. C. HEWETT. Pror. Colorado Sa'. Soc., 7, 56-66, map and plates.T h e region covered by the St. George topographic sheet of the U. S.Geol. Survey, and occurrences of coal and iron therein, are described. A representative analysis of samples of coal (noncoking) taken from several beds shows : Water, 7.24 ; volatile combustible matter, 42.01 ; fixed carbon, 44.67 ; a h , 6.08 ; sulphur, mostly organic, 5.77. Eight samples of magnetite gave an average of 62.56 per cent. iron and a ratio of phosphorus to iron of 0.123 : 100. T h e limonites analyzed averaged 56.66 iron with the ratio of phosphorus to iron of 0.194 : 100. 11'. F. HILLEHRAND.

Aodern Methods of Rock and nineral Analysis. BY 1%'. F. HILLEBRAND. J . Frail k . Inst., !OS, 109-126, 18 r-~gq.-An address delivered before the chemical section of the Franklin I n W. F. HILLEBRASD. stitute in January, ryo2. AETALLURGICAL CHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. Coking in Bee-Hive Ovens with Reference to Yield. BY C. CATLETT. Trans. Am. Inst. Miit. Eng., 32 (~goz).-The actual output of Connelsville ovens is about 60 per cent. of the weight of coal charged, whereas by careful management and intelligent burning, it can be raised 3 to 5 per cent. No coke should be burnt in an ove3, but all saved. Any which is burnt, besides being so much dead loss, makes the resulting coke poorer by its ash being deposited in the pores of the coke. In some cases, enough coke is burnt to raise the ash 4 per cent. above what it should be. The principal thing affecting the yield is the care