NEW XENON LAMP offers more than TIMES THE STABILITY of previous light sources for
STANDARD TYPE SKINNER FURNACE. Five modifications of this basic design are available...reduction, indirect-fired, recirculation, c rc-i-. lirait, ami nnillit i>|>es
This Statistical Digital Voltmeter measures data in voltage form, classifies the measurement, and displays the data in the form of a frequency distribution graph (histogram). The instrument compares input voltage with a pre-established "center-value" (zero deviation) voltage. Then, it determines in which of 19 pre-established classes the voltage lies—such as, "between +2% and + 3 % away from center value," or "between — 6 % and — 7 % away from center value." The number of signals falling into each class is stored and can be plotted by an X-Y recorder on command. Input voltages are measured to an accuracy of ± 0 . 0 1 % . Signals may be fed into the instrument at 3 per second. Model SV2. Non-linear Systems, Inc., Del Mar, Calif. 418
FURNACE CAN BE A DRYER PRE-HEATER CALCINER ROASTER OXIDIZER REDUCER CHLORIDIZER INCINERATOR AND COOLER In one compact, completely integrated unit with built-in conveying arrangement, and just one drive. And, it provides m a x i m u m flexibility through positive control of the m a n y possible variables to meet the specific requirements of each individual problem. More than 40 years of engineering and manufacturing experience on Skinner Furnaces and other processing equipment. M I N I AND SMELTER SUPPLY CO. DIPT. AC-1, 3800 RACE ST., · DENVER 16, COLO. OFFICES AND AGEMTS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES
Rapid measurement of surface area and pore size distribution of porous materials is accomplished with this new instrument. The Isorpta Analyzer was developed for catalyst evaluation, but has been effectively applied to other materials. Engelhard Industries, Inc., 113 Astor St., Newark 14, N. J. 419
Light sources, with stability never before obtained in Luminescence Spectroscopy, are now standard with the AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofiuorometer (SPF) and the AMINC0Keirs Spectrophosphorimeter (SPM). Comparison tests prove these new light sources to be more than four times as stable as any other lamp. The refinement of SPF; SPM investigations made with the new AMINC0 Xenon Lamp is clearly shown in the graphs above. The upper graph shows twelve consecutive analyses, superimposed on one chart, of Quinine Sulphate using AMiNCO's new Xenon Lamp. The lower graph shows twelve consecutive analyses of the same Quinine Sulphate using a previously standard Xenon Lamp. Note the extreme reproducibility achieved using the new lamp as compared with the relative instability of the prior light source. Conversion kits, making these new lamps compatible with previously sold SPF/SPM units, are now available. Literature fully describing both the lamps and conversion kits is available in Bulletin #2336-IC.
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