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versity in the spring of 1968 under the title “Graduate Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences.” The book is notable for its readability; the technical subjects are treated in a manner that should be readily comprehended by the general public. In scope, the text includes a general chapter on environmental health sciences, and chapters on urban development problems, life support for extended manned space flight, behavior of man in his society, pesticides, thermal pollution, and synergism. The text can in no way be considered to give general coverage of the environmental contamination field. Important areas which are not discussed in detail are solid waste disposal, general air quality, water contaminants other than pesticides, and photochemical smog. However, the book makes up for these deficiencies with

Environmental Problems-Pesticides, Thermal Pollution, and Environmental Synergisms. Edited by Billy Ray Wilson. 183 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., E. Washington Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. 1968. $5.25, hard cover. D . MacDougall is executive director for research and development, Chemagro Corp., Kansas City, M o . 64120

B y D. MacDougall During the past few years, tremendous public interest has arisen in the whole problem of environmental contamination, One small book which has received relatively little public attention and which certainly warrants more is entitled “Environmental Problems.” This book is a series of lectures presented in a symposium at Rutgers Uni-

the inclusion of the chapters on the behavior of man in his society, determinants in urban development, and life support equipment for manned space flights. These latter subjects are not usually covered in texts of this type, and the reader will find the subjects well handled and intensely interesting. I was impressed by the objectivity of all the authors. (Chapter 7 on “The Effects of Pesticides” is the one exception to this general statement.) The concept is put forward by several of the authors that “we cannot avoid modification of our environment and this modification is not necessarily bad.” The chapter on “The Effects of Pesticides” takes an extreme position and contains several inaccuracies. I believe that both scientists and nonscientists will enjoy this informative and entertaining publication.

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ES-4 Circle No. 29 on Readers’ Service Card

350 Environmental Science & Technology

Circle No. 26 on Readers’ Service Card

bookshelf The Smoake of London: Two Prophesies. Selected by James P. Lodge, Jr. xii 56 pages, Maxwell Reprint Co., Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523. 1970. $5.00, hardcover.


The two selections contained in the volume are “Fumifugium: Or the Inconvenience of the Air and Smoake of London Dissipated,” by 17th century author John Evelyn; the second work, “The Doom of London,” is by Robert Barr, “Fumifugium” contains a graphic description of London’s air pollution and the suggested remedy of planting sweet smelling trees. The 19th century “Doom of London” is a science fiction essay. m

Solid Waste Management, a Comprehensive Assessment of Solid Waste Problems, Practices, and Needs. Publication #PrEx 8.2:so 4. 111 pages. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1969. $1.25, paper. m

Reports of the President’s Panel on Oil Spills, 1969: First Report, The Oil Spill Problem. Publication *PrEx 8.2:Oi 5. 25 pages. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1969. 35 cents, paper.

Advances in Environmental Sciences. Volume I. Edited by James N. Pitts, Jr., and Robert L. Metcalf. 356 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers, 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1969. $15.95. hard cover. This first volume in a series devoted to the study of the quailty of the environment and the technology of its conservation begins with an outline of environmental sciences, including man and environmental quality, air, water, soil, waste, and ecology. Such pertinent topics as the federal role in pollution abatement and control, our nation’s water, oxides of nitrogen, and photochemical air pollution are covered in the book.

Master Plan for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal-Tri-parish Metropolitan Area of New Orleans. Final report on a solid waste management demonstration. Public Health Service Publication 1932. 349 pages. Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Environmental Control Administration, 222 East Central Pkwy., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. 1969. $5.50, paper. Universities, National Laboratories, and Man’s Environment. Proceedings of a conference. Publication CONF690705. viii 167 pages. Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151. 1969. $3.00, paper.


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CI IF‘Dependableperformance that pays for itself” Circle No. 20 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 4, Number 4, April 1970 351

Air Pollution Control: Guidebook for Management. Edited by A. T. Rossano, Jr. v 214 pages. Environmental Science Service Div., E.R.A., Inc., 750 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. 06901. 1969. $15.00, hard cover.


Written to serve as an introduction to the complex problem of community air pollution, this publication discusses basic principles of control, as well as giving a description and evaluation of the problem. Chapters include coverage of such topics as sources of air pollution, methods of air sampling and analysis, measurement and control of community malodors. Chemical, meteorological, and biological aspects of air pollution, and administrative, regulatory, and legal aspects of control also are discussed in some detail. The book concludes with a selected air pollution reading list. rn

Oxy-Catalyst Pre-Engineered Oxidation Units are, quite frankly, a good buy. Here, at last, is a series of 10 basic models that effectively remove noxious gases and odors.. , that require minimum servicing and maintenance . , . that can be designed into a complete air pollution control system . . . and all parts of the units are guaranteed. More value per dollar? Yes! You get lower initial cost, faster delivery, and longer life because the construction quality is unsurpassed in the industry for standardized units. What's more, you get an array of options to meet virtually every system requirement. And here are your basic choices: 0

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352 Environmental Science & Technologj

Radionuclides in the Environment. A symposium xii 529 pages. Advances in Chemistry Series 93. American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. 1970. $1 5.00, hard cover. rn


A Systems Study of Solid Waste Management in the Fresno Area: Final Report on a Solid Waste Management 386 pages. PubDemonstration. xiii lic Health Service Publication No. 1959. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1969. $4.00, paper. rn


Winds of Opportunity. Robert Calvert. xi 309 pages. Scarsdale Press, 222 Nelson Rd., Scarsdale. N.Y. 10583. 1969. $4.70, hard cover. rn


Effects of Watershed Changes on Streamflow. Edited by Walter L. Moore and Carl W. Morgan. Water Resources Symposium Series, Vol. 2. 316 pages. University of Texas Press, P.O. Box 7819, Austin, Tex. 75712. 1969. $12.50, hard cover. rn Environmental Contamination by Radioactive Materials. 746 pages. International Atomic Energy Agency. Unipub, Inc., P.O. Box 433, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1969. $20.00. rn Conversion of Organic Solid Wastes into Yeast, an Economic Evaluation. Publication k F S 2 . 2 : ~ ~173 . pages. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 1969. $1.75, paper. rn