Mirror used to show spot plate tests - Journal of Chemical Education

Mirror used to show spot plate tests. G. P. Percival. J. Chem. Educ. , 1943, 20 (2), p 87. DOI: 10.1021/ed020p87. Publication Date: February 1943. Cit...
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MIRROR USED TO SHOW SPOT PLATE TESTS G. P. PERCIVAL University of New Hampshire, Durham, N w Hampshire

An ordinary twenty-five cent mirror (glass size 9'/2 inches by 71/2inches) and a metal coat hanger from the dry cleaners are all the equipment needed to show spot-plate tests to an audience. Straighten out the

wire hanger, and then bend it to form a support, so that the mirror on its side will lean over the plates a t an angle. Thecolor developed in the spots is reflected and can easily be seen by an audience even in a large room.