MISSION VALVE AND PUMP CO. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - MISSION VALVE AND PUMP CO. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1961, 53 (3), pp 87A–87A. DOI: 10.1021/i650615a758. Publication Date: March 1961...
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Because of its sound, imaginative design, the Duo-Chek check valve is smaller, uses less material, and costs less to buy. It costs less to maintain and lasts longer, too.

A Duo-Chek check valve weighs on the average less than ten per cent, with some models weighing only two per cent, as much as conventional check valves for the same service. No foundations are needed.

The Duo-Chek f i t s between the flanges, is smaller and weighs less. For example, a 6-inch steel valve, series 300, weighs 29 lbs., requires no special installation equipment;


A stainless steel coil spring effects positive sealing action. The quick action of the spring closes the valve before reverse flow can occur. Result: No slam, no water hammer.

The Duo-Chek simplifies piping arrangements. The spring loaded plates operate in any position. Most popular sizes can be installed even in vertical lines with downward flow.

The unique versatility of the DuoChek greatly reduces inventory. In sizes 2 through 12 inch, one valve f i t s both series 150 and 300 flanges; 2- and 3-inch sizes f i t series 600, too.

MISSION D U O - C H E K CHECK VALVE T h e Mission Duo-ChekCB check valve performs all regular check valve duties, yet is smaller, lighter, and easier to install. D u o - C h e k check valves are available in a complete range of sizes from 2 to 48 inches. ASA Series 125 through 2500. T h e y c o m e in various end connections, such as raised face, ring joint, weld neck, etc. T h e y arc m a d e in carbon steel, stainless steel, a l u m i n u m , and bronze. Special alloys a r e available. Because of the small size of the D u o - C h e k , special alloy valves cost m u c h less than conventional valves in the same alloy.

Sealing material is bonded in a groove in the plate. T h e sealing material m a k e s an O-ring seal, which pressure d e f o r m s until metal-to-metal contact is m a d e by the plate and body seat. Sealing material may be B u n a - N . Teflon. Viton, or metal, depending on the service. T h e simplicity of design of the D u o - C h e k pays off in every installation with longer life and less m a i n t e n a n c e . Only six parts a r e contained within the body of the D u o C h e k . held without the use of internal fasteners or joints of any kind. All parts a r e interchangeable.

T h e D u o - C h e k is much lighter in weight than conventional check valves, yet is stronger. By dividing the opening, the unsupported plate area is reduced so that each plate requires only one-eighth of the weight of a conventional clapper of the same strength. T h e short stocky body is inherently stronger and m o r e rigid than a short length of heavy wall pipe. W h a t e v e r your check valve application, the Mission D u o - C h e k can cut initial purchase and installation costs, cut maintenance costs from then on. Contact Mission now for a representative.

M I S S I O N V A L V E A N D PUMP CO. A S U B S I D I A R Y O F M I S S I O N M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO. P. O . B o x 4 2 0 9 , H o u s t o n T e x a s · C a b l e A d d r e s s ' M I S S C O ' · E x p o r t O f f i c e : 3 0 R o c k e f e l l e r P l a z a , N e w Y o r k . In t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m : M I S S I O N M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO.. L T D . . 1 H a n o v e r S q u a r e . L o n d o n W . 1 E n g l a n d . C a b l e A d d r e s s " M I S S O M A N ' · Sold by M i s s i o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y o u t s i d e of C a n a d a and the U.S.A. Circle No. 25 on Readers' Service Card