May 25, 2012 - MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Anal. Chem. , 1981, 53 (12), pp 1349A–1349A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00235a760. Publication Date: ...
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News tography. R. L. Lewis, K. D. Nugent, and J. W. Dolan, IBM Corp. High-Speed Chromatography with Micro-Particulate Packing. J. L. Di Cesare and M. W. Don, PerkinElmer Corp. A Microcomputer-Controlled Versatile Mul t icolumn System for HPLC. M. Pétrin and C. Reese, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. The Influence of the Physical Properties of the Solvent on Resolution and Analysis Time in Liquid Chromatography. K. L. Ogan and R. P. W. Scott, Perkin-Elmer Corp. Contemporary L C / M S . M. Methuin, Extranuclear Corp.

Molecular Spectroscopy in Interfacing Analytical Modes

Chairman: J. R. McDivitt, Ethicon, Inc. A New NMR Detector for Liquid Chromatography. H. Dorn, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U LC/FTIR—Applications in the Analytical Laboratory. W. Vidrine, Nicolet Instrument Corp. Some Industrial Applications of Thermal Analysis/FTIR. C. Cody, NL Industries, Inc. Applications of GC/FTIR. D. Kuehl, Digilab

Recent Developments in Electrochemistry

American Microanalytical Society Symposium

Chairman: J. Osteryoung, State U of New York at Buffalo

Chairman: P. Hicks, KBI, Inc.

Study of a Decay Pathway Using Rapid Cyclic Voltammetry. Κ. Κ. Kanazawa and A. F. Diaz, IBM In­ struments, Inc. Kinetic Studies Employing Con­ trolled Potential Electrolysis. L. Meites, Clarkson College of Tech­ nology Pulse Voltammetry: Variations on a Theme. J. Osteryoung, J. J. O'Dea, and R. A. Osteryoung, State U of New York at Buffalo Determination of Organic and Inorganic Sulfur Species by Pulse Polarography and the Development of a Total Sulfur Analyzer. R. E. Reim and J. C. McLean, Dow Chemi­ cal Corp. Applications of ac Methods to the Analysis of Organic Pharmaceuti­ cals in Aprotic Organic Solvents. D. E. Smith, J. Schaar, and P. Mooney, Northwestern U

Teaching Microanalysis in In­ dustry and in the University. A. Steyermark, Rutgers U Oxygen Combustion Flask Tech­ nique—Versatile and Quantitative for the Modern Analytical Chemist. R. L. Grob, Villanova U

Coping with Interferences in Microelemental Analysis. F. J. Scheidl, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc. Round-Table Discussion on Microelemental Analysis Problems Contributed Papers

Two Sessions. Papers and Times to Be Announced.

Summer Internship Program Seeking Applications The Division of Analytical Chemis­ try of the American Chemical Society will once again operate a program of Summer Internships aimed at intro­ ducing talented undergraduates to the area of modern analytical chemistry. Students chosen to participate in the program will be employed by indus­ trial, governmental, or academic ana­ lytical laboratories, where they will carry out various phases of research or applied programs in the analytical area. Laboratories participating agree to hire one or more students during the summer. Applicants are screened

Veterinary Drug Metabolism Studies: Precursor for Development of Residue Monitoring Methods

Chairman: A. MacDonald, HoffmannLaRoche, Inc. Metabolism of Sulfadiazine in the Calf. C. W. Siegel and J. L. Woolley, Burroughs-Wellcome Co. Metabolism of Sulfamethazine in the Swine. G. Paulson, U.S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture Metabolism of Ipronidazole. G. Weiss and P. D. Duke, HoffmannLaRoche, Inc. Metabolism of Albendazole in the Bovine. J. Miller, Smith-Kline Applebrook Research Center

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