May 24, 2012 - MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (12), pp 1020A–1022A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50020a740. Publication Date: ...
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Pedall of Motor Oils Refining Co., Illinois, to work at NBS. He has been associated with the testing of used and re-refined petroleum oil for almost 20 years. He is shown in the photo with equipment used to measure the viscosity of oil. First, N B S is concentrating on the development of a set of test procedures for used oil which can be recycled and furnished as fuel oil. T h e main reason t h a t the fuel oil end use is set as the priority is because about 50% of the recycled oil generated in the country is burned as fuel oil both with and without suitable environmental control. One of t h e specific

areas t h a t the N B S researchers are investigating is the fate of heavy metal contaminants from the gasoline and additives when recycled fuel oil is burned. T h e chemical forms of these metals both before and after combustion are sought. T h e N B S researchers are also looking at the fate of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons found in used oils. From the fuel oil area, the program will move on to the re-refined motor oil category. According to Donald Becker, manager of the N B S Recycled Oil Program, the most difficult program will come from the task of establishing the equivalency of recycled motor oils to virgin motor oils.

CA Selects

and other reports, books, and conference proceedings. T h e average number of abstracts typically covered in the issues is about 145. This, of course, varies according to the amount of work going on in a particular area. T h e sizes of the sample issues sent to

An inexpensive current awareness service from Chemical Abstracts called CA Selects deals with numerous topics related to analytical chemistry. Topics covered include Electrochemical Reactions, Electron & Auger Spectroscopy, Electron Spin Resonance, Gas Chromatography, Gel Permeation Chromatography, HighSpeed Liquid Chromatography, Ion Exchange, Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Paper & Thin-Layer Chromatography, and Solvent Extraction. Each topic is covered by a publication issued every two weeks which contains complete abstracts and bibliographic citations for reported research and technological developments to the specific chemistry-related area. T h e abstracts presented are those prepared for the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Information System which regularly monitors more than 1000 scientific and technical periodicals from over 150 nations, patents from 26 nations,

of toxicants, nutrients, and drugs or their metabolites in body tissues and fluids, feedstuffs, air, water, soil, and building materials. Although the principal aim of the program is to compile reliable standard analytical procedures for veterinary diagnostic laboratories, the manual will be useful to analysts in other branches of toxicology as well. T h e success of the program will depend, however, on the support and cooperation of the workers in the field. ACVT is inviting analytical chemists, biochemists, toxicologists, or specialists in related fields to send reliable qualitative and quantitative procedures for the determination of toxicants, nutrients, or drugs in any matrix related to animal or h u m a n health to: R. J. Everson, Chairman of the ACVT Manual Development Committee, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, P u r d u e University, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907. Anyone who wishes to serve on a subcommittee to assist in standardizing submitted methods in a particular area such as heavy metals, PCB's, and mycotoxins, or who would like to run some samples in an interlaboratory testing program is also encouraged to contact the chairman. A report outlining t h e program was published in the November 1976 issue of Veterinary Toxicology, now Veterinary and Human Toxicology. T h e manual will be published by the college in a looseleaf format.

Call for Papers

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y varied

from three pages for Gel Permeation Chromatography to 27 pages for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. All of these topics are available for $50/year (26 issues, except for N M R which costs $55). Discounts are available for multiple orders to one address. Complimentary issues are available for consideration. For more information write to Chemical Abstracts Service, Marketing Dept., P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, Ohio 43210.

Toxicology Methods Manual T h e American College of Veterinary Toxicologists (ACVT) is developing a manual of analytical methods for publication. T h e manual will contain analytical methods for the determination


Analytical Methods for Safeguard and Accountability Measurements of Special N u c l e a r Materials Williamsburg, Va. May 15-17,1978. Sponsored by the Fuel Cycle Division and Virginia Section of the American Nuclear Society, the National Bureau of Standards, and Institute of Basic S t a n d a r d s . Papers are invited on the following topics: standards, calibration procedures, and standardization of analysis methods; x-ray methods for analysis of fissile material; gamma-ray and neutron methods for analysis of fissile material; chemical methods for analysis of fissile material; and other nonchemical methods for analysis of fissile material. A special session (invited papers only) on requirements for safeguards and accountability of special nuclear material will also be held. Prospective authors should submit abstracts, not later than November 31, to W. L. Pickels, University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Box 808, L-313, Livermore, Calif. 94550.

News V l l l t h International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in B i o logical Systems Takayama, J a p a n . Sept. 11-14,1978. T h e program will deal with all aspects of N M R and E S R with relevance to biological systems. All attendees are invited to present research posters. T h e attendance will be limited to approximately 200. Applications together with tentative abstracts for contributed posters should be sent by December 31,1977, to S. Fujiwara, Chairman, V l l l t h International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan. A S T M Symposium on Some Impediments to Analysis Boston. J u n e 27-28,1978. This symposium sponsored by A S T M Committees E-2 on Emission Spectroscopy, E-3 on Chemical Analysis of Metal, and E-16 on Sampling and Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores and Related Materials will be held during the 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials. T h e purpose of the symposium is

to make available to committee members and others information concerning problems t h a t occur analytically in the qualification of metals, metal-bearing ores, and related materials to meet A S T M specifications and solutions to such problems. This is to be accomplished by exploring such negative factors as matrix effect, ins t r u m e n t limitation, poor instrument maintenance, incorrect use of techniques, low specifications relative to analytical methods available, and other factors which prevent the analyst from getting good results from an analytical technique. A 500-word abstract in triplicate along with an A S T M paper form should be sent by November 15,1977, to J o h n E. Foster, Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 567, Boyertown, Pa. 19512 (215367-2181). A S T M paper forms are available from Foster or from J a n e B. Wheeler, A S T M , 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (215-299-5413).

Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.

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The 1977 and 1978 meetings listed earlier appear in the September issue • Third Annual Symposium on D r u g Detection Methodology in Biological Fluids. Dec. 1-3. Atlanta. Sponsored by the Association of Drug Detection Laboratories. Contact: J. T. Stewart, School of Pharmacy, U. of Georgia, Athens, Ga. 30602 M ACS J o i n t 10th Central 12th Great Lakes Regional Meeting. May 24-26,1978. Butler U., Indianapolis. Contact: R. T. Blickenstaff, Veterans Administration Hospital, 1481 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. • 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Mass S p e c t r o m e t r y in Life Sciences. J u n e 13-16,1978. Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium. Contact: A. De Leenheer, Symposium Chairman, Laboratoria voor Medische Biochemie en Klinische Analyse, de Pintelaan 135, B-9000 Gent, Belgium m ACS 9th N o r t h e a s t Regional Meeting. J u n e 25-28,1978. Simmons College, Boston. Contact: E. I. Becker, U. of Massachusetts, Harbor Campus, Boston, Mass. 02125 • ACS 31st Annual S u m m e r S y m posium. J u n e 26-28,1978. Boulder, Colo. Sponsored by Analytical Chemistry Division. Contact: R. E. Sieuer, Dept. of Chemistry, U. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. 80302 • World Chromatography Confere n c e . J u n e 29-30,1978. Sheraton Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden. Contact: F. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall, Ont. K6H5V7, Canada M Micro-78. July 10-14,1978. Bloomsbury Centre Hotel, London. Contact: The Royal Microscopical Society, 37/38 St. Clements, Oxford, OX4 1AJ, England • 25th Annual International Conf e r e n c e on Microscopy I N T E R / MICRO-78. July 23-27,1978. McCormick Inn, Chicago. Contact: Robert I. Johnson, McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60616 • 4th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry. July 24-28, 1978. Zurich, Switzerland. Sponsored by the International Union of P u r e and Applied Chemistry. Includes sessions on pesticide residues. Contact: M. Spindler, Congress Secretariat, 4th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, P.O. Box 182, CH-4013 Basle, Switzerland • V l l l t h International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in B i o -