May 25, 2012 - MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (7), pp 650A–650A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50029a738. Publication Date: ...
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Reliable. Fast and Easy. MCI automatic analyzer. Incorporates coulometry principle applied to Karl Fischer titration. Operation is full-automatic. Measuring time is shortened. Accuracy is within 5/tg for—lmg H2O and within 0.5% for 1—30mg H 2 0. Wide-range applications include measurement of ultra-trace water content in liquids, solids and gases. Range: 10//g—30mg H2O. An optional water vaporizer for speedy and accurate measurement of water content in plastics, grain, etc.


News Chemical Co.) contains information on workshops covering the funda­ mentals of hazardous chemical safety. Principal areas of concentra­ tion will be flammable solvents, corro­ sive chemicals, toxic chemicals, insidi­ ous hazards related to chemicals, com­ pressed gases, and cryogenic chemi­ cals. The two-day workshops planned by Baker for next year will be held in 30 locations across the country. For more information on the workshops or for free copies of Chemical-Analyst, write to: J. T. Baker Chemical Co., 222 Red School Lane, Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865.


CA-02 Moisture Meter with Printer MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Instruments Dept., Mitsubishi Bldg., 5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100 Japan Telex: J 2 4 9 0 1 Cable Address: KASEICO TOKYO CIRCLE 142 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Liquid Chromatography Instruments from Tracor • Flow rates from .01 to 40 ml/min. • Pressures to 10,000 psi (to 10 ml/min) • Compressibility autocompensation • Overpressure control • Constant flow or constant speed • Easy priming • Pressure relief valve • Moderate price

Tracor Model 9 5 0 Pump

CIRCLE 201 ON READER SERVICE CARD Pesticides with Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Tracor M o d e l 9 6 5 Photo-conductivity Detector

1 UV Detector =254nm A = 0 3?

965 Detector 100 χ 100 λ =214nm

1 Benzene — ι 2 ug plus Dichlobenil — 200 ng. Naphthalene — 1.6 ug Ronnel — 200 ng Phenanthrene—0.8 ug Pyrene — 1.6 ug

2 3 4 5


Tracor Instruments Tracor, Inc.

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The FIRST halogen specific detector for Liquid Chromatography CIRCLE 202 ON READER SERVICE CARD Austin, Texas 7Θ721

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"Theoretical Aspects of Laser Ra­ diation and Its Interaction with Atomic and Molecular Systems" has just been published by the Univer­ sity of Rochester with funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Drafted by 40 participants at a univer­ sity workshop sponsored by NSF June 3-5,1977, this 148-page report focuses on the assessment of current theory, how it relates to practical laser situa­ tions and experiments, and a projec­ tion of future developments. Three general areas are covered: spectrosco­ py, collision dynamics, and laser oper­ ation. Copies are available from the NSF's Division of Chemistry, 1800 G St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20550. The Dosimeter Corp. of America (DCA) now manufactures all prod­ ucts formerly manufactured by EON Corp., which discontinued oper­ ation in December 1977. All orders for radiation and/or safety related prod­ ucts, including Geiger Muller tubes, should be sent to DCA corporate of­ fices in Cincinnati: 6106 Interstate Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 (513793-6051). Prompted by the enormous growth in applications of thermal analysis, par­ ticularly in the area of plastics and quality control, Perkin-Elmer will host 15 seminars in thermal analy­ sis across the country. Discussions will include applications of the Model DSC-2 differential scanning calorime­ ter, TGA thermogravimetric analyzer, and the TMA thermomechanical ana­ lyzer. The new System 4 microproces­ sor controller for thermal analysis will also be demonstrated. Anyone inter­ ested should contact a Perkin-Elmer representative in the appropriate re­ gion. Northeast: Doug Breakey, 203762-6381. Central: Rick Jarrett, 312495-3700. Southeast: Jesse Hall, 404633-8552. Western: Colin William, 714-544-6272.