May 29, 2012 - MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (1), pp 87A–87A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00279a770. Publication Date: ...
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ibles). 2D and 3D plots, bar and pie charts, contour plots, and cubic and bicubic spline or least-squares fitting are provided. It is compatible with a variety of standard Fortran compilers. Statpro (Wadsworth) provides regres­ sion analysis, analysis of variance, and factor and cluster analysis. Scatter, triangle, and regression plots, dendograms, and histograms are supported. DAES (R&L) is a similar package. One of the first to appreciate the need for merging real-time data acqui­ sition and the power of integrated software was the Electronic Notebook (Laboratory Technologies). This pro­ vided software to digitize data from experiments, and then linked the data files to Symphony or Lotus 1-2-3. Running on IBM PCs, the system uses A/D and D/A subsystem cards from Data Translation. Running on the DEC Rainbow, an Aero Systems data acquisition expansion box is used. This is an 8088-based unit that is con­ trolled by ASCII strings sent from the host micro. The collected data are re­ turned to the host over the intercon­ necting RS-232 lines. Isaac (Cyborg) is an IBM PC add-on that provides the hardware for data acquisition and control (A/D, D/A, and parallel I/O) as well as the software that links the captured data to Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony. The related IBM PC Engineering/Scientif­ ic Services package weds a data acqui­ sition and control adapter to an IBM PC/XT or AT coupled to an advanced graphics display supporting the GKS graphics standard. Asyst (McMillan) also provides for data acquisition, graphics, statistics, and mathematical transformation of data on the IBM PC. It is stand-alone. Typical func­ tions provided by such packages in­ clude eigenvalues, eigenvectors, poly­ nomials, curve fitting, convolution, smoothing, and fast Fourier transfor­ mation. Some instrument companies are of­ fering GC/LC-type packages running on IBM PCs that offer workstation services (e.g., Nelson and SpectraPhysics). DEC'S Pro-300 series of PDP-11/ 23-based computers have a real-time hardware option that services parallel I/O, serial I/O, and IEEE-488 devices. An analog I/O subsystem has been shown, but not delivered. Software support packages include CT*OS sci­ entific word processing, RS/1 elec­ tronic notebook, Pro/Datatrieve data base management, and SupercompTwenty spreadsheet/modeling (Access Technologies), all running under a subset of the R S X - l l / M OS. The Perkin-Elmer 7500 Profession­ al Computer is a 68000-based system running under Idris. Built to support a number of P-E's instruments, its spec-

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MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Instruments Dept., Mitsubishi Bldg., 5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chtyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Telex: J24901 Cable Address: MBISHICHEMICAL TOKYO Tel: (03)283-6715


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